Can Guinea Pigs Eat Spring Mix? (Find Out Now)

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A proper diet makes all the difference between a healthy guinea pig and an unhealthy one. But, life gets pretty busy, and it can be hard prepping food for your guinea pigs. 

So, might be wondering if it’s okay to feed spring mix to your guinea pig.  After all, it’s easy-to-find and likely already in your fridge.

The answer is, yes, guinea pigs can eat spring mix – but with a catch. Some commercially available spring mixes contain ingredients and greens (like onion and spinach) that might be harmful to your guinea pigs depending on their age and health. So, it’s important to inspect the label before feeding it to your guinea pig and avoid those ingredients.

a picture of a guinea pig eating a leaf and wondering if he can eat spring mix

But, what ingredients should you keep an eye out for? What sort of spring mixes are best? And how do you go about preparing a guinea pig-approved spring mix?

No worries. I’ve got you covered. Keep reading and you’ll find out everything you need to know. Let’s start off with…

An easy-to-read food chart for safe piggie foods – Buy, download, and print.

What Is Spring Mix Made Of?

When you feed spring mixes, you need to make sure your little friends aren’t getting too much of certain types of veggies.

You don’t need to spend hours preparing your guinea pigs daily cup of salad when you can just pick up a ready made spring ! It usually contains a mixture of some (or all) of the following:

  • chard
  • arugula
  • red leaf lettuce
  • baby spinach
  • butter lettuce
  • radicchio
  • romaine lettuce (red or green)
  • endive

Generally, most spring mixes are perfectly safe to feed your guinea pigs.

Having a variety of fresh veggies is an important part of your furry friends’ diets. And spring mixes support that.

7 secret guinea pig hacks

(Feeding your piggies spring mixes is a no brainer when you think about saving you time and keeping your little friends in good health).

But, the spring mix might contain a few ingredients that piggies shouldn’t eat.

So, it’s important to think about the health and age of your piggies to check out the label before buying – just to be sure.

What To Watch Out For In Spring Mixes

The main things you need to watch out for in spring mixes are spinach, iceberg lettuce, and onions. They’re fairly common in most spring mixes. Unfortunately, these ingredients can potentially be harmful to guinea pigs in large amounts.


Let’s take a closer look.

  • Spinach is high in calcium, which can cause health problems like bladder stones and urinary tract blockages in cavies. It can be fed to piggies, but only in moderation.
  • Iceberg lettuce lacks nutritional value and can give your piggies diarrhea in large amounts, because of the water content. Now, it’s not toxic to guinea pigs, but it’s not something that you want to feed them.
  • Onions are toxic to guinea pigs. Any plant in the onion family like leeks and garlic shouldn’t be fed to cavies. It’ll make them really sick.

Take a look at the ingredients label before buying spring mixes – just to be safe.

Is It Okay To Feed Spring Mix Everyday?


Don’t feed spring mix to your guinea pigs everyday. Even though spring mixes include a variety of veggies, you still want to make sure that your guinea pigs are eating other produce, too. Depending on the spring mix that you use, it might contain ingredients that guinea pigs aren’t supposed to eat.

For example, if there’s spinach in the spring mix, you’d have to pick out the leaves every now and then to prevent overfeeding.

Ideally, you should be rotating between different types of produce (like zucchini, pumpkin, bean sprouts, blueberries) to make sure your furry burritos are getting all the nutrients they need.

That way, your piggies won’t get bored of their diet (and neither will you). And they’ll be exposed to all the different vitamins and nutrients that they need.

How Often Should You Feed Your Guinea Pig Spring Mix?

You shouldn’t feed the same spring mix to your guinea pigs everyday. But, there’s nothing wrong with mixing up different types of spring mixes over the course of a week (or month).

As long as you’re keeping track of all the ingredients in spring mixes, so that your furry, little friends don’t get too much of things they’re not supposed to eat, you can feed your piggies different varieties of spring mixes.

But, you’ll also want to include other produce for your piggies.  Give guinea pigs fresh fruit and different types of veggies.  The variety will do them good. 

Think about letting your little friends try:

There’s plenty of options to choose from, so get creative and adventurous.  A lot of them are made up of tons of Vitamin C, minerals, and other nutrients for your piggies.

But, make sure you’re providing a variety of different types of produce – not just spring mixes.

Your piggies will thank you for it.

Why Use Spring Mixes to Feed Guinea Pigs?

If you’re someone who’s really short on time and space or have really picky guinea pigs, then spring mixes are a good option to feed your furry potatoes

  • Easy: You can just open up the bag, dump it in their feeders, and you’re good to go.
  • Space saver: Also, a nice compact bag of spring mix is a lot easier to store in the fridge than multiple bags of different lettuces and other leafy greens. When you have to purchase multiple bags of different leafy greens (not to mention other veggies), you’re going to run out of room a lot more quickly.
  • Picky piggies: When you’re figuring out what sort of veggies your furry friends like, it’s a lot more cost effective to “sample” a smaller amount of various greens in a spring mix. That way you won’t blow your money on produce they might not end up liking.
  • Time saver: Finally, spring mixes are a great way to quickly and easily add more nutrients and variety to your guinea pigs’ diet.

So, as long as you’re mindful of the ingredients that might be harmful in large doses, guinea pigs can definitely benefit from eating spring mix.

On average, spring mixes can last around 2-4 days (depending on how many guinea pigs you own).

So, if you’re looking for an easy, convenient, and affordable way to feed your guinea pigs – look no further than the grocery store’s produce section for a ready made spring mix.

7 secret guinea pig hacks

Can Spring Mix Cause Any Problems To Your Guinea Pig’s Health?

While spring mix salad is usually safe for guinea pigs, if your pet already has health problems, you should talk to a vet before giving it spinach. This type of food has a lot of calcium and may make the problem worse. 

If your guinea pig has a urinary issue, avoid feeding it spinach. Contact the vet if you know your pet has any health problems and ask about food restrictions in that case.

How To Introduce Spring Mix Salad For The First Time?

When you first buy a bag of spring mix for your piggies, then you should do one of two things:

  • Do a dump and go. If you’re feeding your little friends a spring mix that has leafy greens that you’ve already fed them before, then you can just open that spring mix package, and do a dump and go. That is, just open up the bag, dump it in their feeders, and you’re good to go.
  • Pick and choose. If you’re just introducing your piggies to veggies, then you’ll need to pick ONE leafy vegetable out of the bag for them to try. And only give them a small piece.

Follow the additional steps below to increase your odds of a successful experience getting your piggies to try mustard greens:

  • If your piggie has never had a particular leafy green below, slowly start with feeding a quarter of a leaf to your piggies. Introducing a full bag of spring mix salad to your fur babies all at once can cause stomach problems, so it’s best to add new veggies slowly.
  • Just like with any other food, watch to see if your piggie has a bad reaction. If they have diarrhea or stomach pain, then stop feeding the veggie and contact your vet. 24 hours is the standard amount of time to wait for a bad reaction after introducing a new kind of food.
  • If your guinea pig seems to tolerate the leafy green, then give them a half a leaf the next day.
  • After another day has passed, offer them a full leaf of the new vegetable.
  • Once your fur baby is fully adjusted to the new spring mix leaf, then you can follow the same steps to introduce another kind of leafy green.

It’s really that simple!

Are Spring Greens Good For Guinea Pigs?

Most spring greens are good for the average guinea pig. Most are filled with essential vitamins and nutrients that’ll keep your little, fuzz spuds happy and healthy. And you can’t beat the variety.

But, you can’t just feed them all willy nilly. Make sure that you do the following things:

  • Make sure that you introduce the spring greens one at a time AND slowly (and in small amounts)
  • Only feed the greens in the correct amount and frequency.
  • Give your piggies access to plenty of hay (which helps with digestion and helps with gas and bloat).
  • Always consider your little friends health and age. For example, baby guinea pigs can handle more calcium than adults and piggies with urinary health issues shouldn’t have a lot of calcium, because it leads to bladder stones.

Do these things and you should be able to feel good about feeding your little friends a spring mix salad.

What Kind of Salad Greens Can Guinea Pigs Eat?

Guinea pigs can eat a wide variety of salad and spring greens. Lots of people think that they can only eat romaine lettuce or other fresh lettuce greens.

Or at least, that seems to be the standard go-to salad green.

(No hate. I’m just sayin’ that they can eat more than that.)

Piggies can enjoy a variety of greens, including:

  • Arugula
  • Bok choy
  • Boston lettuce
  • Turnip greens
  • Red leaf lettuce
  • Mustard Greens
  • Dandelion greens
  • Escarole
  • Fennel
  • Frisee
  • Radicchio

And many more leafy greens that are filled with Vitamin C and tons of other essential vitamins and goodies that all guinea pig owners want their fur babies to have. Don’t be shy.  You’ll keep your guinea pig healthy by keeping their diet varied.

You’re really only limited by what your grocery store carries and your own knowledge of feeding amounts of feeding frequency of the different greens.

As long as you watches to make sure that the greens are given in safe amounts (and you consider the health of your piggies) then they can eat a variety of leafy greens. Just like with humans, variety is essential for good health!

What Sort of Leafy Greens Should Guinea Pigs Avoid?

There are two common leafy greens that guinea pigs should avoid. Iceberg lettuce is a type of lettuce that cavies shouldn’t eat. It’s not toxic, but it doesn’t have a lot of vitamins in it. Better options exist for them to enjoy.

Leek greens are a type of green that’s good for your guinea pig because they come from the onion family. They can be toxic to guinea pigs in large amounts.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Organic Spring Mix?

Guinea pigs can eat organic spring mix. As long as the organic spring mix doesn’t have any unsafe additional ingredients (like onion, which is toxic to them ), then it’s perfectly safe for your critters to eat. Spinach is common ingredient in a lot of spring mixes. It’s safe to eat in moderation, but you need to make sure that your guinea pigs aren’t eating too much of it.

7 secret guinea pig hacks

Final Thoughts

When it comes down to it, guinea pigs can eat a variety of spring mix greens as long as the pet parent is careful about the type of greens that are being introduced.

Cavies love to explore new things, so mix up their salad routine by adding a new leafy green every few days.

And as long as you’re keeping an eye on your guinea pig’s health and you’re aware of the different types of greens they can eat, then piggies and spring mix is a combination that you’ve got to try!

Hope this answers your questions on guinea pigs and spring mix. Please feel free to ask questions in the comments section down below!

CDC: Salmonella outbreak linked to BrightFarms packaged salad Greens. (2021, July 16). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Nutrient requirements of the Guinea pig – Nutrient requirements of laboratory animals – NCBI bookshelf. (n.d.). National Center for Biotechnology Information.

Oxbow Animal Health. (2019, March 15). What Are the Best Vegetables and Leafy Greens for Guinea Pigs?: Oxbow animal health

Renal failure in a Guinea pig (Cavia porcellus) following ingestion of oxalate containing plants. (n.d.). PubMed Central (PMC).

Spring mix. (2021, August 23).

Your Guinea pig’s diet. (n.d.). Saving pets, Changing lives – PDSA.

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