Is Zucchini Safe For Guinea Pigs To Eat? (Find Out Now)

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It’s time to decide what you’re going to feed your guinea pigs. So, what about zucchini? Is it safe for your guinea pig?

Yes, guinea pig can eat zucchini. Zucchini is high in nutrients like, vitamin C and minerals which are essential to the health of your guinea pigs. Also, zucchini is also low in calories and sugar. So, you can safely introduce zucchini into their diet.

And if you haven’t even heard of zucchini before, that’s all right. We’ll get to explaining what they are in a moment. Since zucchini are vital to guinea pigs’ health, we’ll also explain the health benefits in detail.

a guinea pig hoping that he can eat zucchini

Apart from all that, there are specific questions you might have that we’re going to answer. You’ll just have to read on.

That being said, let’s dive right in!

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What are Zucchini Anyway?

a tip about feeding guinea pigs zucchini

The zucchini is a summer squash. It is also known as courgette or baby marrow. People cultivate its fruit when the immature seeds are soft and edible.

The fruit are usually any shade of green. But, the golden zucchini is a deep yellow or orange.


Zucchini has a subtle flavor. When you want to cook it, you can prepare it with butter or olive oil and herbs.

But, let’s be clear that you shouldn’t serve butter or olive oil to your guinea pigs. It’ll make them sick.

Is Zucchini Good for Guinea Pigs?

Yes, zucchini is good for guinea pigs. Zucchini is one of the most nutritious veggies you can feed to your guinea pig. Let’s have a look into some of the benefits.


Zucchini has a high water content – about 90% water. This will help in keeping your guinea pigs hydrated, which is important for them and their health.

Good Amount of Vitamin C

Guinea pigs can’t produce vitamin C on their own, so obviously, they’d have to get it from elsewhere. Zucchini offers a good source of vitamin C. This helps to improve your guinea pigs’ eyesight.

Vitamin C also prevents scurvy. Some of the symptoms of scurvy are:

  • Internal bleeding
  • Scratchy fur
  • Loss of appetite
  • Loose stool
  • Low Calcium

Zucchini has low amounts of calcium. Since too much calcium is a bad idea for guinea pigs, there’s nothing to fear when it comes to zucchini. 

Low Sugar and Calories

Zucchini contains low sugar and calories. So, you don’t have to worry about your piggie gaining weight, or becoming obese.

Drawbacks of Feeding Zucchini to Guinea Pigs

Don’t freak out just yet. Zucchini is still a very good addition to your guinea pigs’ diet. There aren’t a lot of risks when it comes to them. Some of these risks include:


Some of the dangers of overfeeding zucchini to your guinea pigs are diarrhea and stomach problems. If they eat too much of it, phew, that’s not going to look great.

The digestive systems of guinea pigs are quite delicate and sensitive. They aren’t always sure when to quit eating. So, in guinea pigs, large amounts of zucchini can cause diarrhea, gas, and other digestive problems.


Pests and insects might ravage zucchini crops. To control them, people usually spray pesticides to take care of it. 

These chemicals and pesticides can cause dangerous side effects to your guinea pigs.

Too Much Potassium

Too much potassium can cause kidney issues. This happens because the guinea pigs’ kidneys will be unable to process and filter the body’s excess potassium. 

This can cause your cavy to become ill or perhaps die.

Low on Fiber

Fiber is important for aiding digestion. But, the amount of fiber in zucchini is not as high as other foods.

Are Zucchini Safe for Guinea Pigs to Eat?

a decision tree to help people figure out if they should give their guinea pigs zucchini

Yes, they are. The nutrients, minerals and vitamins they have are essential to your guinea pigs’ health. Just be careful not to overfeed your piggies to avoid some health risks.

Nutritional Facts of Zucchini

According to the data I pulled from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), one 100g of zucchini contains the following nutrients along with the amount:

  • Water: 92.7 g (gets rid of the wastes and toxins. Helps to regulate body temperature)
  • Energy: 2.72 g (warms up the body. Necessary for other bodily functions)
  • Protein: 2.71 g (needed for the growth and repair of cells. Aids bodily development)
  • Fat: 0.4 g (allows the body to absorb vitamin D, vitamin A, and vitamin E)
  • Carbohydrate: 3.11 g (supplies the body with energy. They assist in metabolizing lipids)
  • Fiber: 1.1 g (helps to maintain weight. Improves bowel movement)
  • Calcium: 21 mg (helps the heart, muscles and nerves to function properly. Necessary for healthy bones and teeth)
  • Iron: 0.79 mg (regulates body temperature. Preserves the immune system)
  • Phosphorus: 93 mg (filters out the waste in kidneys. Produces DNA and RNA)
  • Potassium: 459 mg (reduces blood pressure. Prevents kidney stones)
  • Sodium: 3 mg (regulates blood fluids. Prevents low blood pressure)
  • Zinc: 0.83 mg (boosts immune system. Speeds the healing of wounds)
  • Copper: 0.097 mg (helps in iron absorption. Maintains the blood vessels and nerves)
  • Manganese: 0.196 mg (forms connective tissues and bones. Essential for brain and nerve function)
  • Vitamin C: 34.1 mg (maintains bones, teeth, and cartilages. Repairs and develops body tissues)
  • Thiamin: 0.042 mg (prevents complications in the brain, heart, nervous system and muscles)
  • Riboflavin: 0.036 mg (breaks down carbs, proteins and fats. Develops the skin)
  • Niacin: 0.705 mg (lowers cholesterol. Boosts brain function)
  • Vitamin B6: 0.142 mg (promotes brain health. Aids hemoglobin production)

Are Guinea Pigs Allergic to Zucchini?

Yes, some guinea pigs can be allergic to zucchini. There are some kinds of fruits and vegetables that might cause allergic reactions in guinea pigs. Now, this is where you must exercise caution.

If you detect anything weird with your guinea pig after feeding it zucchini, you should stop. Immediately. Then, provide it with plenty of water.

The most common allergic symptoms are diarrhea and vomiting. If the symptoms worsen, seek medical care from a trusted and qualified vet.

Do Guinea Pigs Like Zucchini?

a pie chart about how many guinea pigs like zucchini

It’s hard to actually tell if your guinea pigs are going to like zucchini or not. It’s up to them to decide.

You know how all of us don’t have the same preference in food? Yeah, that’s how it is for guinea pigs, too.

To decide on a percentage, I carried out a manual survey on a 100 guinea pig owners.

Here are a few highlights from the survey:

  • 32% of guinea pigs liked zucchini, while 68% would rather something else. Like cilantro, celery, and cucumbers.
  • A few pet parents noticed their piggies preferred their zucchini in tiny pieces.
  • Some pet parents noticed that their guinea pigs liked their zucchini mixed with other vegetables.
  • One pet parent noticed that her guinea pig liked only the zucchini skin.

Overall, it seems like most guinea pigs would rather eat something else…or at least would prefer eating the zucchini combined with another veggie.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Courgette?

Yes, guinea pigs can eat courgette. Your see, courgette is just another name for zucchini. Because of the generous amount of vitamin C in it, it’s good for your fur babies’ health.


Can Guinea Pigs Eat Zucchini Stems?

Yes, guinea pigs can eat zucchini stems. It’s safe to give your guinea pigs a small piece of zucchini stem. But, only give them roughly a one-inch section at a time.

Too much of stems at once can cause diarrhea.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Zucchini Leaves?

Yes, they can. Zucchini leaves are completely fine for your guinea pigs to eat. 

Yet, some study suggests that the leaves contain a small quantity of cucurbitacins. This can be dangerous if your guinea pig eats it in large quantities.

And with that in mind, you should only feed your guinea pigs one or two zucchini leaves. If you go overboard with it, it can cause serious health problems for your cavies.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Zucchini Flowers?

Yes, guinea pigs can eat zucchini flowers. Zucchini flowers are high in vitamin C, vitamin A, and vitamin K. All these are beneficial to your guinea pigs.

But, you might want to double-check that the flower is completely safe for your guinea pigs. Why? There could be some pesticides on commercially sold zucchini that keep them pest-free.

These chemicals can harm your little pets. So, whenever you buy a zucchini flower for your guinea pig, make sure it’s organic.

Or, here’s an idea: you can grow some in your home garden. That way, you have control on how you grow them, and you’re sure if there are pesticides or not.

Afterwards, you can serve it to your guinea pigs from time to time.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Cooked Zucchini?

No, they can’t. Guinea pigs CAN’T eat cooked zucchini. Any type of cooked food is bad for a guinea pig’s digestion. There really is no benefit to cooked zucchini.

Guinea pigs can’t get the essential nutrients and elements they need in cooked zucchini. That’s why it’s important to give your little cavies only raw, fresh zucchinis.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Zucchini Seeds?

Yes, they can. Zucchini seeds are safe for guinea pigs to eat. Although zucchini seeds aren’t particularly healthy, serving them alongside the flesh isn’t harmful.

Now, I’m talking about the seeds that you see inside of the flesh. The zucchini seeds that are planted into the ground shouldn’t be given to guinea pigs, because they’re a chocking hazard.

If you want to make it easy for your guinea pigs to eat the zucchini, chop it into little pieces.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Zucchini Skin?

Yes, they can. Guinea pigs can eat zucchini skin, but it varies from one guinea pig to the next.

For example, some guinea pigs like to eat the skin of zucchini together with the flesh. Others prefer to eat the flesh only.

Simply serve a small part of zucchini to your guinea pigs and see their reaction. If your guinea pigs enjoy eating zucchini with the skin on, that’s fantastic news for you. This is because zucchini skin includes the appropriate amount of fiber. This is necessary for your little pet’s digestive tract.

Now, hold on. Before you offer zucchini to your guinea pig, make sure the surface is clean by thoroughly washing it. There are usually pesticides sprayed on zucchini to keep pests from eating the crop. You have to thoroughly clean off these substances before feeding your guinea pigs.

There’s a trick you can try out: wash off the skin with apple cider vinegar first. This guarantees that you eliminate all the chemicals. After, you can clean the skin with water, and any vinegar or chemical residue will be left behind.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Raw Zucchini?

Yes, they can. Guinea pigs can eat raw zucchini. This is really the only method for them to eat it.

They can’t digest processed foods, so raw zucchini is the way to go.

Like we said, you shouldn’t give your pets cooked zucchini – or cooked food in general. This is because their bodies can only process raw and fresh food.

That’s why it’s important to stick to raw, fresh zucchini.

Also, be sure to get rid of the pesticides and contaminants that could be on the zucchini.

Can Baby Guinea Pigs Eat Zucchini?

Yes, they can. Zucchini is safe for baby guinea pigs to eat. But, you shouldn’t give it to them until they are at least three weeks old. At that time, the baby guinea pig will stop nursing and begin to eat solid foods.

When baby guinea pigs are three days old, though, they can eat solid food like zucchini. Their mother will usually teach them how to eat it. 

Place a small slice of zucchini next to them and watch to see whether their mother will educate their children to eat it. DO NOT force the baby guinea pigs to eat the zucchini if they don’t want to.

When they’ve stopped nursing at three weeks old, you might begin by giving them a small slice of zucchini to start with. This will allow you to check if the veggie has any bad effects on them.

If they do, they will experience digestive issues such as diarrhea and stomach distress. After that, it’s probably better if you don’t feed them any more zucchini.

But, you can offer them a small piece of zucchini once a week if they don’t have any bad reactions to it.

Can Pregnant Guinea Pigs Eat Zucchini?

Yes, they can. Since calcium is important in pregnancy, you can feed it to your pregnant guinea pig. Calcium improves and develops the body.

Get in touch with a trusted vet to be sure on the right portions for your pregnant cavy. That way, you get to avoid any harmful side effects.

Can Guinea Pigs with Bladder Stones Eat Zucchini?

Guinea pigs with bladder stones can eat zucchini in moderation. But, if you feed too much to your little friend, then it might cause issues like bladder and kidney stones.

So, if your guinea pig already has a case of bladder stones, you really should be seeking medical help. Stop wondering if they can eat zucchini.

An easy-to-read food chart for safe piggie foods – Buy, download, and print.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Zucchini every day?

No, guinea pigs shouldn’t eat zucchini every day. Even though, it’s excellent for your guinea pig’s diet, it’s better for your guinea pigs to have a wide range of foods..

Here’s an idea: you can prepare a salad for your guinea pigs by mixing things up with different vegetables. Zucchini, cucumber, bell peppers, and lettuce in the appropriate proportions would be a terrific addition to your guinea pig’s diet.

Instead of serving a single vegetable at a time, why don’t you mix things up to provide your guinea pigs a well-balanced supply of nutrients?

How Much Zucchini Can You Give Your Guinea Pig?

When it comes to the serving size of zucchini for your guinea pigs, what is usually recommended is about a 1 inch chunk. You’ve got to closely track the serving size, so you don’t go overboard.

This way, you’re adding the proper amount of vitamin C to their diet without putting them at risk of absorbing too much calcium.  Too much calcium each day can be harmful to your little pets. So, limiting their serving size is important.

How do you Prepare Zucchini for Guinea Pigs?

Guinea pigs tend to adore zucchini, but you must prepare it properly before serving it to them. 

Many pet parents do this thing where they toss the zucchini into their piggies’ cages – just like that. Then, they claim that their guinea pigs didn’t eat it or that it was harmful to their guinea pigs’ health.

If you want to make the most out of zucchini, you should prepare it the right way. Here’s how you can do it:

  • To begin, you must select the appropriate zucchini for your guinea pigs. Select the zucchini that is fresh and not bitter. Bitter zucchini is usually a symptom of elevated cucurbitacin levels. These are bad for your guinea pig’s health.
  • The second step is to thoroughly wash the zucchini. Like we said earlier, you can use some apple cider vinegar to get rid of all the pesticides on the zucchini that can jeopardize your piggies’ health.
  • This step is going to be optional. If your guinea pigs don’t like zucchini skin, you can either peel it or serve it whole.
  • In this step, you can slice the zucchini into little pieces. Guinea pigs like little because they are easier to eat and lessen the risk of choking. Pet parents frequently become lazy and chuck in a large piece of zucchini. This can be harmful most of the time.
  • Lastly, get rid of all the uneaten zucchini from the cage. Do this as soon as possible after serving to avoid bacteria formation. This guarantees that your guinea pig always has access to fresh zucchini. Stale food can be really harmful to their digestive system.

How to Grow Zucchini at Home For Your Guinea Pig

So, you wanna grow some zucchini at home for your guinea pig, huh? Here’s how you can do that:

  • Once you have your zucchini seeds, plant them 3 to 4 inches apart. When necessary, thin them.
  • Provide regular moisture to the plants.
  • You’d want to protect the young plants from pets. So, use row covers.
  • You can harvest the zucchini when the fruits are between 3 and 8 inches long.

You should note that warm weather is what your zucchini needs.

What are Some Alternatives to Feeding Zucchini to your Guinea Pig?

Sure, zucchini is great, but there are also some alternatives for you to choose from. You can still get vital nutrients and all that good stuff. Here are some of them:


Radishes have vitamin C which is great, because it prevents your guinea pig from having scurvy. It also aids good digestion.


Parsnips help to regulate your piggie’s blood level. They are also packed with antioxidants that’ll help keep your fur babies healthy.


Celery helps to improve your pet’s eyesight. It also reduces inflammation. Just make sure you don’t overfeed celery. It can give cavies diarrhea – which isn’t good.


Squash contains vitamin C which helps in preventing scurvy. It also aids healthy digestion. It’s a great additional to your little friend’s diet.


Carrots help keep piggies hydrated. They are also packed with antioxidants. Plus, they’re good for your little friend’s eyesight.

What Vegetables Can Guinea Pigs eat every day?

Some vegetables your guinea pigs can eat every day are:

  • Asparagus
  • Broccoli
  • Bell peppers
  • Dandelions
  • Romaine lettuce
  • Spinach

Things to Remember about Zucchini and Guinea Pigs

So, what have we learned?

Zucchini is a vegetable that is packed with vitamins and minerals – all of which your guinea pigs need.

If you give the proper amount of zucchini, your guinea pig will eat it regularly. Although, it’s all entirely up to your little pet to decide if he or she likes zucchini or not. Some of them might like it, some of them might not.

Normally, it should be 100 grams of zucchini you should feed to your guinea pigs. Anything more than that is going to be dangerous to their health.

Introduce zucchini gradually into your piggy’s diet. If you make any sudden or drastic changes to their diet, it can throw their digestive system off.

17 best vegetables for Guinea pigs. (2022, January 12). Pet Keen.,to%20live%20long%2C%20healthy%20lives

Can Guinea pigs eat bananas? (2021, September 23). GuineaDad.

Can Guinea pigs eat carrots? What you need to know! (2022, January 5). Pet Keen.

Can Guinea pigs eat radishes? (Benefits, risks, serving size & more). (2022, January 1). Guinea Pig Tube.

Can Guinea pigs eat squash? (Serving size, hazards & more). (2022, April 25). My Pet Guinea Pig.

Can Guinea pigs eat zucchini? (Benefits, risks, serving size & more). (2022, January 6). Guinea Pig Tube.

Can Guinea pigs eat zucchini? (Serving size, hazards & more). (2022, April 19). My Pet Guinea Pig.

Can Guinea pigs eat zucchini? Can you feed them daily? – Small pet hub. (n.d.). Small Pet Hub – Keep Your Small Pet Happy.

Can Guinea pigs eat zucchini? (2021, June 24). We’re All About Pets.,give%20your%20guinea%20pig%20diarrhea

How to plant & grow zucchini. (2022, May 6). Home Garden Care | Miracle-Gro Canada.,protect%20young%20plants%20from%20pests

Saurav. (2019, March 17). Can Guinea pigs eat zucchini? (Serving size, benefits, risks & more). Guinea Pig 101.

Saurav. (2020, January 28). Can Guinea pigs eat celery? (Hazards, serving size & more). Guinea Pig 101. (2004, January 15). Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved May 6, 2022, from

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