Is It Safe For Guinea Pigs To Eat Radishes? (The Honest Truth)

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So you’ve come home with a bag of radishes for your dinner. Suddenly, you wonder if your guinea pigs can eat radishes, too. So, can guinea pigs eat radishes?

Guinea pigs can eat radishes. It’s a low-calorie, low fat vegetable. Plus it’s packed with vitamin C and antioxidants that’s good for their overall health. Like every other vegetable, radishes should be fed to guinea pigs in moderation.

a guinea pig wondering if he can eat radishes

So, you can let your piggies have those radishes. But how much?

Keep reading, I’ll tell you EVERYTHING you need to know about guinea pigs and radishes.

What Are Radishes, Anyway? 

a tip about guinea pigs eating radishes

Radishes are root vegetables with a crunchy flesh and peppery taste. They vary in shape and skin color but the red radish is the most popular.=

You can get radishes at supermarkets or farmers’ markets. They are usually added to salads and are popular as burger toppings (I love that spicy-sweet taste!).


Radishes have compounds that help lower your cavies’ risk of diabetes. And high blood pressure too.

Radishes are a power source of fiber, potassium, and vitamin C. This root vegetable is native to Asia.

An easy-to-read food chart for safe piggie foods – Buy, download, and print.

Is It Safe For Guinea Pigs To Eat Radishes?

Absolutely! It is safe for your guinea pigs to eat radishes. It doesn’t just make a crunchy treat, it also covers most of your piggies’ veggie needs for that day.

Both the skin and stalk of radishes are safe for your piggies to consume. They provide nutrients that may harm your piggie if fed in large quantities.

No part of the radish is toxic to your piggie. Youā€™ll need to watch the size you feed your piggie and probably the radish type.

To be on the safer side though, you’ll want to restrict the radish treats to once a week.

Do Guinea Pigs Like Radishes? 

a survey about whether guinea pigs like radishes

Yes, most guinea pigs like radishes. They’ll happily munch on radishes if you let them have some.Ā 

Well, most will. But as with many things in life, there may be exceptions. So if your guinea pig doesn’t like radishes, that doesn’t mean it’s sick or abnormal.

As a piggie lover who likes research, I conducted a manual survey on 72 guinea pig owners. The survey was to check the experiences of piggie owners whoā€™ve given their piggies radishes. 

This research covers the piggie owners’ failure and success rates with the radishes. 

So let’s see the research highlights:

  • Many piggie owners said they usually put radishes in their piggies’ vegetable mix.
  • Some others fed them the radish with its leaves and stalk.
  • A few said they fed their piggies only the radishes stalks.
  • Several mentioned that their piggies prefer the radish leaves alone.
  • Many owners noted that their piggies love radishes.

86% (62 piggie owners) said their piggies love radishes a lot. This group has piggies that eat all parts of the radishes and some that like the leaves alone.

14% (10 piggie owners) have piggies that donā€™t care for radishes. Some took a few bites and dumped them while others didn’t even taste the radishes.

A piggie owner shared her experience with her two piggies. One loved the whole radish plant but the other ate only the leaves and refused the rest. No matter what she tried, it chose only the radish leaves (surely a strong-willed piggie).

So, I added some pro tips from the successful piggie owners:

  • Place the radishes in a vinegar solution to clean them before feeding your piggies.
  • Mix the radishes with broccoli and green pepper (all sliced into small bits).
  • Mix the radish leaves in your piggies’ hay.
  • If it’s your first trial, feed your piggies each part of the radish separately. Try doing this one after the other (in small sizes) to see what part your piggies fancy

Is It Common For Pet Parents To Feed Radishes To Their Guinea Pigs? 

Yes. So many guinea pigs’ parents feed their pets radishes. Since it’s a popular root vegetable, many people have it around them. So, it’s easily accessible as a treat for their cavies.

Some piggie owners don’t know that radishes are edible to their piggies. But for the multitude who are aware, radishes are a lovely piggie treat.

So yes, it’s more common than you think (seriously). Some people even grow radishes for their pets (that’s how much they love it).

If you haven’t tried it yet, well go on, feed that piggie a radish treat.

Are Radishes Good for Guinea Pigs? 

Yes, radishes are a good healthy snack for guinea pigs to eat in small quantities.

They can provide your piggies with top-notch nutrients as long as you feed them the right way. 

If your piggies eat radishes, well here are some benefits in store for them:

1. Packed With Phytochemical and Antioxidants 

Radishes are loaded with antioxidants especially vitamin C and vitamin B2. These antioxidants in radishes help to reduce the number of free radicals in our furry pals.

Now, these free radicals are harmful if their numbers are high in a guinea pig’s body. When you feed your piggies radishes, they get protection from free radicals problems.

Radishes also contain phytochemicals that prevent cell damage in piggies. And the antioxidants help with the flow of oxygen in your piggie’s cells.

2. Can Help With Digestion 

The dietary fiber in radishes is great for digestion in guinea pigs. It helps to prevent digestion issues and promotes easy bowel movements in piggies. Plus a nice and easy movement of food through the piggies’ bodies.

It also prevents constipation and other digestion-related issues that could affect your piggie. So feeding your guinea pigs radishes will take care of digestion in your piggies’ bodies.

3. Anti Inflammatory Affect

Radishes also contain compounds that can reduce inflammation in your piggies. 

Redness, swelling, and pain in your piggie’s body can all be reduced by eating radishes. 

4. Scurvy Protection 

Our piggies can’t produce vitamins on their own and they need to consume them regularly. If they don’t have vitamins in their body system, they can get scurvy. 

Scurvy is a deficiency of vitamins in guinea pigs. It causes appetite loss, weight loss, diarrhea, etc (all red flags for piggies).

Radishes have enough vitamins to help our piggies beat scurvy. Aside from preventing scurvy, the vitamins in radishes also boost piggies’ immunity.

Then our piggies will get stronger and resist infections.

5. Low Calorie and Low Fat 

Piggies can get obese easily and too many calories will make them blow up like a balloon. So they canā€™t eat any random things (especially fatty things).

But guess what? Radishes have almost zero fat. Eating it won’t make your piggie gain unnecessary weight too.

Excess fats can lead to heart problems in piggies and radishes would spare you that headache.


Risks to Consider When Feeding Radishes To Guinea Pigs 

Yikes, radishes have risks too? *Ermm* there shouldn’t be a problem if you donā€™t overdo the radishes (so donā€™t fret).

So before you decide to put those extra radishes on your piggies’ platesā€¦.maybe you should read this. Your piggie is exposed to many risks if you overdo radishes. They include:

1. Bladder and Kidney Stones

Radishes have quite a lot of calcium, a bit much for piggies. Yes, calcium is good for bone development but that’s only for baby piggies. 

Adult piggies can get bladder and kidney stones from excess calcium. The sodium in radishes has a similar effect on adult piggies. It causes bladder stones (yeah sadly).

2. Pesticides

Now the radishes may have been sprayed with pesticides (and you might not know). If your piggie eats that kind of radish, it’ll get poisoned. 

That wouldn’t be good now, would it?. Ensure to feed only pesticide-free radishes to your piggies.

3. Digestion Issues

The sugar in radishes is low but it might still cause loose stool and cramps in your piggies. Radishes can make your piggies gassy, too.

The strong smell of radishes can upset your little buddy’s tummy. If your piggie shows signs of discomfort after eating radishes, go to the vet asap. 

Nutritional Information For Radishes 

Radishes are very healthy treats for your piggie. But some of us like to break down the nutrient composition before we try out any treats. Well if you’re someone like me, you’ll love this section.

Seriously though, what makes up this radish plant? And is it worth the trial?.

Well, letā€™s see…

100 grams of radishes give your piggies’ the following nutritional values:

  • Energy ā€“ 16kcal (your guinea pigs need the energy to play with you right?)
  • Protein ā€“ 0.68g (not high but gives supportive energy)
  • Total lipid (fat) ā€“ 0.1g (almost zero fat so your piggie is at no risk of getting overweight)
  • Carbs ā€“ 3.4g (a great nutrient for piggies especially for their digestive system)
  • Dietary Fiber ā€“ 1.6g (aids the smooth running of your piggiesā€™ digestive system)
  • Sugars ā€“ 1.86g ( this is reasonably low which is good because sugar is a no-no for piggies)
  • Calcium ā€“ 25 mg (this is a bit on the high side and bad for piggies in large quantities)
  • Iron ā€“ 0.34mg (quite low but helps in improving the blood vessels’ function) 
  • Magnesium ā€“ 10mg (a decent quantity, healthy for piggies)
  • Phosphorus ā€“ 20mg (this is a tad bit on the high side, it’s great for baby guinea pigs’ bones though)
  • Potassium ā€“ 233 mg (great for keeping your piggies’ internal organs in check)
  • Sodium ā€“ 39mg (great for keeping your piggies’ cells hydrated. Plus maintaining blood pressure. Bad in large quantities though)
  • Copper ā€“ 0.05mg (assists in improving immune system)
  • Vitamin C ā€“ 14.8mg (it’s a decent amount that’s great for your cavies’ immune system)
  • Riboflavin ā€“ 0.039mg ( low but helps prevent cell damage in piggies)
  • Carotene, beta ā€“ 4Āµg ( this is an antioxidant)
  • Lutein + zeaxanthin ā€“ 10Āµg (are antioxidants that are great for your piggies)

Whelp, that’s quite a lot of nutrients in one serving. I’m impressed.

Radishes are definitely worth it, they’ve got a good amount of everything (well almost). The only thing that’s on the high side is the calcium and phosphorus but as long as you don’t overfeed your piggies, they’ll be just fine.

Now, here’s a video that’ll help you understand everything written above.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Radish Leaves? 

a tip about guinea
As long as you serve a healthy rotation of other veggies (with minimal fruits), your piggie can eat all parts of a radish.

Yes, guinea pigs can eat radish leaves. Truth be told, they’re the most enticing part of radishes to guinea pigs. Most piggies prefer the radish leaves because “piggies love leaves”. 

In terms of nutrients, don’t worry, it’s as rich as the radish itself. The radish leaves can provide all the nutrients of the radish plant. Plus, it’s not toxic. 

So if your piggie decides to munch on radish leaves, don’t stop him, it’s alright. But you should limit the quantity of the radish leaves your piggie is eating. 

This is because you don’t want kidney stones in our piggies from excess calcium.

An easy-to-read food chart for safe piggie foods – Buy, download, and print.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Radish Stems? 

Yeah, guinea pigs can eat radish stems. They’re nutritious and a great chewy treat for your guinea pigs. They have vitamins, iron, and magnesium. 

You should chop the radish stems into smaller pieces before giving them to your piggies. This will help you control the amount you feed your little friends (to avoid overfeeding).

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Radish Microgreens?

Yes, guinea pigs can eat radish microgreens. They’re crunchy and have a unique taste that piggies like. Plus they contain vitamin C and healthy minerals for piggies.

The downside is that they contain high calcium which is bad for piggies. So microgreens are safe but are not advisable as regular piggie treats.

They should be fed as occasional treats in minute quantities. Let’s be on the safer side because we don’t want our piggies to be sick.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Radish Stalks?

Yes, guinea pigs can eat radish stalks. They’re as nutritious as the other parts of the radish plant (and lovable too). They’re also safe for your piggies to consume only when it’s clean. 

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Radish Sprouts? 

Sure, guinea pigs can eat radish sprouts. They’re healthy and promote digestion in your piggies. 

They contain a lot of vitamins that are great for your guinea pigs (a cool combo). Plus iron, magnesium, and zinc. 

Every part of the radish plant is edible and a nice treat for your cavies. The sprout is not an exception. Youā€™ll need to make sure it’s clean (and chemical-free please).

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Dried Radishes?

No, guinea pigs shouldnā€™t eat dried radishes. Dried radishes are unhealthy for piggies due to their high sugar and calorie content.

It’s dangerous for your piggie to consume dried radishes for many reasons. So stick to the fresh radish plant.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Cooked Radishes? 

Nah, never. Guinea pigs shouldnā€™t eat cooked radishes (or any cooked food for that matter). Don’t ever try it, not even a little.

The guinea pig digestive system isn’t designed to easily process cooked food. If you feed your piggies cooked food, it’ll cause them stomach aches and other digestive problems.

Cooked radishes are also devoid of nutrients. So there’s no point feeding them to your piggies. Just give them fresh and raw radishes instead.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Canned Radishes? 

No-no. Guinea pigs can’t eat canned radishes (or any canned food). First off their sodium content is over the top (and hazardous to piggies). 

And that’s not even the worst, they have preservatives in them. Preservatives are bad (very bad) for piggies.

No matter how healthy canned food may seem, never feed it to your guinea pig.

Are Guinea Pigs Allergic To Radishes? 

Typically, guinea pigs aren’t allergic to radishes. I actually haven’t stumbled across a case where a guinea pig had an allergic reaction to a radish.

Now, this doesn’t mean that it’s impossible. But, it’s certainly unlikely.

Can Pregnant Guinea Pigs Eat Radishes?

Yes, radishes are perfectly safe for pregnant guinea pigs to eat. These little root vegetables are packed with nutrients that can help support a healthy pregnancy.

Plus, radishes are a good source of fiber, which can help to keep things moving along smoothly during pregnancy.

So, if your pregnant guinea pig is looking for something new to try, definitely consider adding radishes to her diet.

An easy-to-read food chart for safe piggie foods – Buy, download, and print.

Can Baby Guinea Pigs Eat Radishes? 

No, baby guinea pigs shouldn’t eat radishes. They have no business with radishes at such a young age (not advisable). This is because radishes are not part of their strict diet (baby piggies don’t eat randomly). At this stage, it’s their mother’s milk that’s their safe diet. 

Can A Guinea Pig With Bladder Stones Eat Radishes? 

No, guinea pigs with bladder stones shouldn’t eat radishes. This is because radishes have high potassium and calcium in them. And they can deposit to cause bladder stones. So it can trigger more complications in your piggies’ illness.

Should Guinea Pigs Eat Radishes?  

Yes, radishes should be fed to pigs occasionally as a treat. It doesnā€™t provide nutrients alone, itā€™s also coupled with an interesting taste. It adds a new taste to your piggies’ regular food.

This doesn’t mean you should add radishes to your piggies’ vegetables every day. Moderation is important and there’s the high calcium and phosphorus part.

How Often Can Guinea Pigs Eat Radishes? 

Guinea pigs should eat radishes no more than once or twice a week. Because too many radishes will increase the calcium level in your piggies’ body. That’ll put your piggie at risk of bladder and kidney stones.

How Many Radishes Can Guinea Pigs Eat? 

Guinea pigs shouldn’t eat more than one small radish slice at once. It’s safer to slice one radish in half and chop it into smaller pieces. 

Plus it’s better to mix the radish slices with other vegetables before feeding your piggie. This will help create a balanced veggie combo for your guinea pig.

If you’re feeding your piggie the radish leaves, feed it one if it’s a big leaf. If it’s a small one, you can give it two leaves. The radish leaves are very high in calcium so don’t give your piggie more than two. And make sure to wash it first.

How To Prepare Radishes For Guinea Pigs 

You don’t think you’ll throw a random stalk of radishes at your piggies to eat like that, do you? C’mon, you have to be professional about it. 

Do it like this:

  • Clean the radishes by leaving them in water or vinegar solution for some time.
  • Then you can take the radishes out and dry them.
  • Get a knife and chop the parts you want to feed your piggies into pieces. 
  • You can mix it with green pepper, broccoli, or high vitamin veggies. That mixture would give your piggie an excellent nutrient combo.

What Veggies Can Guinea Pigs Not Eat?

Gassy vegetables shouldn’t be fed to guinea pigs. Theyā€™ll cause bloat as piggies canā€™t pass the gas out.

Many other common veggies that are disastrous to your piggies include:

  • Iceberg lettuce and the lighter lettuces will give your piggie diarrhea.
  • Cabbage, cauliflower, or other gassy veggies can lead to bloat in your piggies.
  • Avocado is high in fat and makes your piggie obese.
  • Onions, leeks, chives, or shallots will cause blood disorders in your piggies.
  • Rhubarb leaves can cause urinary tract stones in your piggie.

Final Thoughts About Guinea Pigs And Radishes

I’ll say feeding your piggies radishes is worth it. They get a treat with a unique flavor coupled with good nutrients. 

Funny as it may seem, your piggies can refuse radishes (and it’s okay). You should serve the radishes with other high nutrient veggies so your piggies can munch on them. 

Always remember that with piggies, moderation is very important. Don’t overdo it.

Can Guinea pigs eat radishes | The Guinea pig blog – Happy cavy. (2013, April 20). Live Guinea Pig Webcams and Blog | 3 guinea pigs, 4 live web cams.

Can Guinea pigs eat radishes? (Benefits, risks, serving size & more). (2022, January 1). Guinea Pig Tube.

Can Guinea pigs eat radishes? (Serving size, hazards & more). (2022, April 16). My Pet Guinea Pig.

Diet – Guinea pigs – Our pets. (n.d.). The Largest Animal Welfare Charity in the UK | RSPCA.

Guinea pig feeding. (n.d.). The Humane Society of the United States.

Pet tips library. (2017, May 8). Tri-County Humane Society.

Radishes, raw nutrition facts and analysis. (n.d.). Nutritional Values For Common Foods And Products.

The right way to feed your Guinea pig. (2003, November 30). The Spruce Pets.

These 15 foods could harm or kill your rabbit. (n.d.). PETA.

These 15 foods could harm or kill your rabbit. (n.d.). PETA.

Top 10 health benefits of radishes you might not know. (2020, June 27). Nutriplanet.

What should I feed my Guinea pigs? (n.d.). RSPCA Knowledgebase ā€“ Let Australia’s most trusted animal welfare charity help you answer the big questions.

Your Guinea pigā€™s diet. (n.d.). Saving pets, Changing lives – PDSA.

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