How to Travel with Guinea Pigs (Without Losing Your Mind OR Your Guinea Pigs)

How to Travel with Guinea Pigs (Without Losing Your Mind OR Your Guinea Pigs)

Picture this: you’re about to embark on an exciting adventure with your furry friend by your side. Whether you’re planning a road trip or hopping on a plane, traveling with your beloved guinea pig requires careful planning and a splash of adventure. Let’s explore all the tips and tricks you need to ensure a safe…

Is It Okay for Guinea Pigs to Have Bald Spots on Their Ears? (Find Out Now)

Is It Okay for Guinea Pigs to Have Bald Spots on Their Ears? (Find Out Now)

If you’re anything like me (which I’m assuming you are since you’re reading this article), you probably spend a lot of time obsessing over your little fur baby, making sure they’re happy and healthy. And if you’ve noticed that your guinea pig has some bald spots behind their ears, you might be low-key freaking out….

Can an Ear Infection Kill a Guinea Pig? (The Shocking Truth)

Can an Ear Infection Kill a Guinea Pig? (The Shocking Truth)

You’ve landed yourself in the right place. I’m here to help you navigate the treacherous waters of guinea pig ear infections. So buckle up, buttercup, and let’s dive into the perplexing world of guinea pig health – specifically their ear health. Can Ear Infections Kill Guinea Pigs? The short answer? Yes, ear infections can kill…

How to Save Money Taking Care Your Guinea Pigs (Budget-Friendly Tips)

How to Save Money Taking Care Your Guinea Pigs (Budget-Friendly Tips)

Okay, I’m gonna cut to the chase.  If you’re like me, inflation has been kicking your tail…big time and your money is probably flying out the window .  I mean, the price of EVERYTHING has gone up everywhere.  This, my friend, is not sustainable. So, what’s to be done? I’m gonna give you the nitty…