How to Save Money Taking Care Your Guinea Pigs (Budget-Friendly Tips)

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Okay, I’m gonna cut to the chase.  If you’re like me, inflation has been kicking your tail…big time and your money is probably flying out the window .  I mean, the price of EVERYTHING has gone up everywhere. 

This, my friend, is not sustainable.

So, what’s to be done?

how to save money on guinea pig care

I’m gonna give you the nitty gritty on how to cut costs without  skimping on your fur babies’ care. Cuz no one’s trying to short change their piggies, am I right?

Let’s go over some budget-friendly ways to keep your guinea pigs happy and healthy that won’t involve you going broke. We’ll start off with…

How to Save Money on Guinea Pig Food

a tip on how to save money on guinea pig on vegetables for your guinea pig

Here’s a few tips to help you save money on guinea pig food without  compromising their health or nutrition:

1. Go shopping for “ugly” veggies

No, I don’t mean moldy, gross veggies.  I mean the veggies that are fine to eat, but that look so ugly that humans like you and me refuse to buy them.  

These are perfectly fine for your guinea pig, and they’ll cost you a lot less than the prettier ones.

You can find these at farmer’s markets and some regular grocery stores (just as the manager to point you in the right direction).

2. Go easy on the fruit.

Typically, it’s more expensive than veggies and doesn’t keep in the fridge as long.  Most piggies prefer eating veggies anyway. (Crazy, right?… but true)

You can supplement your guinea pig’s diet with the odd piece of fruit, but don’t feel the need to go overboard. Or to empty your pockets trying to get your fur faces to eat them.


3. Keep an eye out for sales on piggie safe veggies and herbs

This is a great way to get a variety of veggies and nutrient-filled herbs for your guinea pig without breaking the bank.

And don’t be afraid to introduce a few herbs into your piggies diet. Now don’t over do it. Most herbs are high in calcium, which can lead to bladder stones. But, a small portion of once or twice a week typically makes for a healthy snack.

Check out an article I wrote called, What Herbs Can Guinea Pigs Eat? (The Good, the Bad, the Tasty) to get a bit more information on what sort of herbs are safest for your little friends.

An easy-to-read food chart for safe piggie foods – Buy, download, and print.

4. Regrow piggie-safe vegetables from kitchen scraps.

Yep, you heard me.  From. Kitchen. Scraps. It’s surprisingly easy to do, and it’s a great way to get free food for your guinea pig. 

Just make sure you’re using piggie-safe veggies (no onions, garlic, or other things that are bad for them). 

The video below can get you started:

5. Feed your piggies what you eat. 

If  you’re eating a salad, give them the lettuce (no dressing, of course).  If you’re making stir fry, give them the broccoli.  You get the idea. 

Just make sure that what you’re giving them is safe for them to eat and that it’s not going to make them sick

Not sure what’s good to feed your piggies?  

I have a nifty, little guinea pigs food chart that’ll help you out.  It’s called the Piggie’s Plate Food Chart and you can get it here.  Psst!  you can get a 10% discount on it if you use the code: PIGGIESRULE

How to Save Money on Hay for Your Guinea Pigs

how to save money on guinea pig care

Hay, Hay….HAY!!!!

If you’re like most people, you probably don’t want to spend a lot of money on hay, but you also don’t want your furry friends to go without.

Piggies that don’t get enough hay have all kinds of nasty things happen to them. Check out Why Do Guinea Pigs Need Hay? (Explained Here) to see what I mean.

So, how can you save money on hay while still making sure your guinea pigs have enough?

Here’s a few tips:

1. Buy as much of it as you can store safely.

If you have the space to store it, buying hay in bulk is a great way to save money on hay.

Hay should make up the majority of your guinea pig’s diet, so it’s important to have a lot on hand. No skimping there. 

If you’re buying in bulk, you might want to invest in some hay bale storage bags or some wicker laundry baskets.

2. Two words.  Buy local. 

Search Facebook marketplace or craigslist for farmers or hay growers in your area. 

They tend to be much cheaper than other  sources, and the quality is often just as good, if not better.

Not to mention, it’s always nice to support local businesses.

Just make sure that they hay is sun-dried and hasn’t been treated with pesticide sprays.

3. Use litter trays…or boxes or  anything else that will catch hay. 

If your guinea pigs are like most and love to throw their hay around, consider using a litter tray or box to help contain the mess. But, they can still forage. 

Just line the bottom with something to absorb the pee like pine pellets. Take out the soiled hay daily, add some fresh, and fluff daily.

I wrote about more ways to cut down on hay waste, so your piggies aren’t wasting so much hay (and your money) in 5 Top Tips To Stop Guinea Pig Hay Waste

4. Buy 2nd or 3rd cut hay. 

Now, I know what you’re thinking. 2nd and 3rd cut hay is more expensive, Aquita. I thought you were trying to save me money.

Yes, my friend.

But, there’s a method to my madness.

Sure it’s a bit more pricey.  But, it’s better than buying hay that your piggies refuse to eat. 

First cut hay tends to be coarse, which some piggies don’t like (I know, picky  little things, aren’t they?).  Second and third cut are softer and tastier for most piggies, and if your piggies will actually eat it, you’re not wasting money.

Depending on where you live, Timothy hay can bit a bit more expensive than other types (like Orchard and Meadow). 

So, consider mixing in some of the less expensive kinds of hay to help save money.  

Just make sure it’s still high quality hay, as lower quality hays can cause health problems for your piggies.


How to Save Money on Basic Guinea Pig Supplies

It’s always best to budget out what you’re going to spend on your little friends. Never get more guinea pigs than you can comfortably care for.

Now, I’m going for miscellaneous guinea pig supplies here – think anything from cages and bedding to toys and accessories. Here’s my top 3 tips:

Look for discounts in deals in unlikely places.

Facebook Marketplace, and Craigslist are actually good places to look for good deals for bigger ticket items like cages.

Sometimes people sell them used. And sometimes you can snag a really good deal this way.

Make your own pee pads and fleece liners.

Those items can be pretty pricey. Look, I know what you’re thinking, “Uh, not a big crafter here.” But trust me, you actually don’t.

Here’s a video on how to make no-sew guinea pig liners (and pee pads).

You can even try to save a bit money on the supplies that you need by doing a little scrounging in thrift stores and yard sales.

Buy off brand items when you can.

Midwest cages are pretty popular. Oxbow hay and pellets are pretty popular. But…don’t be reluctant to try other brands. Some piggies like some off brands of food or just as much – if not more in some cases.

Here’s some options on Amazon.

My advice? Check out the reviews, make sure it has 4 stars or higher, and keep an eye on the negative reviews, too. Sometimes they’re more helpful than the positives.


Let’s Wrap Up

Those are just a few ideas. You see, there’s no need for you to freak out and feel like you can’t properly take care of your piggies because you’re on a budget.

I hope this gives you some inspiration on how to save money of guinea pig supplies.

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