Can Guinea Pigs Eat Wheatgrass? (Find Out Now)

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Other than hay, there’s other grasses and plants guinea pigs can eat. After all, they’re herbivores, right? Wheatgrass is a popular grass. What about guinea pigs? Can they eat wheatgrass?

Yes, guinea pigs can eat wheatgrass. Wheatgrass is a very delicious and healthy food for guinea pigs. It is also very nutritious and contains vitamins, minerals, and enzymes. It contains Vitamin C which helps prevent scurvy.

a guinea pig who wonders if he can eat wheatgrass

Keep reading to find out more about wheatgrass and its nutritional benefits. 

What Is Wheatgrass?

Wheatgrass is the new grass of wheat. It grows like any other grass before it matures and is harvested. The sprouts are called wheatgrass. They’re very nutritious. Wheatgrass is full of fiber which is good for the gut health of guinea pigs.


Is Wheatgrass Good For Guinea Pigs?


Yes, wheatgrass is very good for guinea pigs. It improves their eyesight, supports their immune system, and boosts healthy muscle growth.

Improves Eyesight 

Wheatgrass contains Vitamin E, which is good for your eyes. Guinea pigs sometimes get eye infections that can make them blind. Wheatgrass can help prevent this by making their eyesight stronger.

This is especially important as they get older and their eyesight starts to weaken. Feeding them food that helps their eyes is ALWAYS good idea.

Remember that guinea pigs are prey animals. They need all their senses to be working well so they can feel safe. So feed them foods that’ll keep them healthy and active.

An easy-to-read food chart for safe piggie foods – Buy, download, and print.

Supports Immune System 

Wheatgrass is full of nutrients that boost the immune system such as Vitamin A, Zinc, and Copper. Vitamin A boosts the body’s overall immune system. It makes all the internal organs healthier.

Zinc can help reduce the risk of chronic diseases and make your immunity stronger. Copper helps create red blood cells and also makes your overall body healthier by improving your fur babies’ immune system.

Encourages Health Muscles Growth 

Wheatgrass has enzymes, essential vitamins, minerals, and a range of protein-producing amino acids. 

Amino acids help the body to grow new cells and to fix old ones. They also help to make muscles stronger. Wheatgrass helps the heart muscle to grow.

Risks of Feeding Wheatgrass To Guinea Pigs

a tip about the risks of feeding wheatgrass to guinea pigs
Make sure you do your research before feeding your guinea pigs any and every thing. You’ll be glad you did.

Just like anything you feed your piggies, overfeeding wheatgrass can be risky. Too much of anything can be bad for your guinea pigs.

Wheatgrass can make guinea pigs sick. They can have a stomachache, diarrhea, and feel bloated. Pesticides on the wheatgrass can also poison them because they’re more sensitive to it than other animals.

Stomach Upset and Diarrhea 

Wheatgrass is very fibrous which can make the stomach upset. Foods that are fibrous can cause stomach cramps or even diarrhea if people don’t eat them moderately.

Since wheatgrass is delicious, your piggies will overeat wheatgrass…if you let them. Monitor them as they feed so you know how much they’re eating.


Any food that is hard to digest can cause guinea pigs to get bloated. Wheatgrass is especially hard for them to digest if they eat too much of it. Make sure you give them plenty of water when introducing wheatgrass to their diet.

Pesticide Poisoning 

Plants and grass can be dangerous for guinea pigs because they might have pesticides on them. Pesticides are chemicals that kill bugs. Depending on the pet (and the type and amount of pesticide), pesticides can be deadly.

And since guinea pigs are so small, even a little pesticide can make them very sick. So give them wheatgrass in moderation and please wash the grass well before serving them.

Nutritional Facts for Wheatgrass

nutritional tips for wheatgrass for guinea pigs

There’s no doubt that wheatgrass is good for guinea pigs. About 100grams of wheatgrass, is full of essential vitamins and minerals like:

  • 57.1 g of carbs and 28.6 g of proteins. Wheatgrass is a food that has a lot of carbs and proteins. Foods with lots of carbs and proteins are important because they help your piggie have energy. They also help keep your piggie warm.
  • 28.6 g of fiber.Wheatgrass has a lot of fiber. This is good because guinea pigs have a herbivore digestive system. This means that they need fiber to help them move their food through their body. Fiber is also essential for helping the guinea pig’s body absorb nutrients from their food.
  • 286 mg of Vitamin A. Now Vitamin A can help your small cavy stay healthy. It will improve the health of the heart, skin, brain, lungs, and kidneys. It also makes it easier for your piggies to see.
  • 3.65 mg of Vitamin C. One of the most important roles of vitamin C in guinea pigs is preventing scurvy. Piggies can’t live without vitamin C and need it in their diet every day.
  • 9143mg of vitamin E. This vitamin works to improve eye health. It reduces the risk of some cancers, reduces inflammation, and prevents heart diseases.
  • 0.0086mg of Vitamin K. It produces a blood protein called prothrombin. This protein makes blood healthier.
  • 314 mg of Thiamin. It’s a B1 vitamin that prevents problems in the brain, muscles, stomach, intestines, and heart. It also helps in the flow of electrolytes into the nerves and muscles.
  • 7429 mg of Riboflavin. This vital vitamin is responsible for helping the body use oxygen well.
  • 7200 mg of Niacin. Niacin lowers cholesterol which prevents heart disease.
  • 1114 mg of Vitamin B6. This will improve a guinea pig’s sleep. Better sleep means your little fuzz spud will be less likely to get stressed. This vitamin also helps increase serotonin (happiness hormone) production.
  • 1029mg of Pantothenic acid. This B5 vitamin is important to create new blood cells and also converts foods to energy.
  • 429 mg of Calcium. Calcium is important to the formation of strong bones and tissues. But be careful since excess can cause urinary tract problems.
  • 229 mg of Iron. Iron is an essential mineral since it aids in the formation of red blood cells. It also helps to ease fatigue and weakness in your furry potato thus preventing anemia.
  • 111 mg of Magnesium. Magnesium is responsible for keeping bones healthy. It also prevents heart problems and reduces stress.

Do Guinea Pigs Like Wheatgrass?

a graph about analyzing whether guinea pigs like wheatgrass

Yes, guinea pigs absolutely love wheatgrass. Wheatgrass is quite delicious and has a sweet flavor. Many guinea pig owners even had to limit their pet’s consumption of wheatgrass.

As usual, I had to find out straight from the piggy’s parents how their piggies felt about wheatgrass.

So I manually surveyed 93 guinea pig owners to find out if their pets like wheatgrass and here are the results;

An overwhelming majority of owners said their little furries absolutely loved wheatgrass. 88 of the respondents (95%) said their cavies enjoyed wheatgrass very much. Some parents had introduced it bit by bit. Others were introduced when their piggies were sick and didn’t want to eat hay.

Only 5 piggie parents said their parents didn’t care for wheatgrass. In one case, there was a boar (male guinea pig) who didn’t like it while his other companions loved it.

Here are some highlights of the survey;

  • Many piggie parents considered growing their own wheatgrass. This was after finding out just how much their little pets loved it.
  • Some parents fed their piggies wheatgrass when they were sick and didn’t respond to syringe feeding. Although the piggies didn’t like hay or pellets, they seemed to eat wheatgrass.

How Do You Give Wheatgrass To Guinea Pigs? 

Wash the grass thoroughly to remove traces of pesticides. Serve it to them as clippings or even as long strands. Either way, guinea pigs will enjoy it. Remember to serve them small portions if it’s their first time eating wheatgrass.

How Much Wheatgrass Can Guinea Pigs Eat? 

Guinea pigs can actually eat wheatgrass daily. You just need to make sure that you introduce it SLOWLY to their diet to avoid digestive problems

You can serve them a handful each or a little bit more than that. It shouldn’t be too much that they don’t eat their hay.

If they eat excess wheatgrass they might also develop digestive problems. You can serve it as a treat since it’s much healthier than other treats with less sugar.

Can Guinea Pigs Drink Wheatgrass Juice? 

Oh, no! No juice for you, little guy.

No, don’t feed your guinea pig wheatgrass juice. It’s better to have guinea pigs chew their food as it helps wear down their teeth.

Many guinea pigs get most of their hydration from the vegetables they eat, so they might not drink the juice well. Serve the wheatgrass as clippings and let them chew it.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Wheatgrass Seeds? 

No, guinea pigs can’t eat wheatgrass seeds. Seeds are dangerous for guinea pigs because they might choke on them. They also contain high concentrations of fat and sugars that aren’t healthy for guinea pigs. The best way to feed wheatgrass to guinea pigs is as strands.

Can Baby Guinea Pigs Eat Wheatgrass? 

Yes, baby guinea pigs can eat wheatgrass. There’s tons nutrients in wheatgrass that are essential for the growth and development of baby guinea pigs, including vitamins and minerals. Just introduce it into their diet slowly.

Can Pregnant Guinea Pigs Eat Wheatgrass? 

Yes, pregnant guinea pigs can safely eat wheatgrass. It is a rich source of minerals and vitamins that are essential for the growth and development of the fetuses. J

ust remember to feed pregnant guinea pigs small servings as a treat to avoid bloating.

Here’s how you can grow wheatgrass and feed your guinea pigs:

Can Wheatgrass Replace Hay For Guinea Pigs? 

No, wheatgrass should not replace hay for guinea pigs. Unlike hay, wheatgrass can cause stomach pains, diarrhea, and bloat. Guinea pigs can eat hay all day without any problems.

Should I Grow My Own Wheatgrass For My Guinea Pigs? 

Growing your own snacks for your piggies, can be a GREAT money saver.

Yes, you can actually grow wheatgrass on your own for your piggie. Wheatgrass is very easy to grow and is very good for your guinea pig.


How To Grow Wheatgrass Indoors For Guinea Pigs 

  • Soak the seeds overnight: Put the wheatgrass seeds to soak in a half a glass of water. Make sure the water covers all the seeds. Leave the seeds to soak at room temperature. This will soften the seed coating to help with sprouting.
  • Prepare a container to use for growing: Add ½” to 1” layer of organic potting mix. Level the potting mix by patting the container several times.
  • Strain the seeds and plant: Strain the water after soaking the seeds overnight. Sprinkle them evenly over the surface of the potting mix. Then lightly press them onto the surface of the soil.
  • Keep the seeds moist: you can use a spray bottle or a mister to water the seeds and the potting mix. Remember to keep them moist, not saturated.
  • Cover with a newspaper: Use a single sheet of newspaper and water the paper until it soaks through. The newspaper will give the seeds a dark and moist environment to sprout. Water this way 2-3 times a day to prevent drying out.
  • Move the sprouts to a sunny area: By the fourth day, remove the newspaper. Your container should be full of sprouts about an inch tall. Keep the container in a sunny area and spray misty water on them twice a day.
  • Harvest your wheatgrass: In a week, your container will have lush green wheatgrass ready for harvest. Use scissors to cut the top two-thirds of the grass in small portions. Wash thoroughly as you check for mold. Then feed your piggies as it is.

How To Introduce Wheatgrass To Guinea Pigs 

It’s pretty simple to introduce wheatgrass into a guinea pig’s diet. Start them off with a few blades of wheatgrass. Get fresh wheatgrass and wash them well. Little by little, you can increase the amounts you feed them.

What Other Grasses Can Guinea Pigs Eat? 

Guinea pigs can eat lots of grasses, including Timothy, Barley, and Oaten grass. Clover grass and Alfalfa (Lucerne) aren’t recommended for guinea pigs. They contain too much protein and calcium and that can cause health problems for your little friends.


Things To Remember About Guinea Pigs and Wheatgrass 

  • Guinea pigs can eat wheatgrass. It’s very nutritious with many essential minerals that are good for them.
  • When introducing wheatgrass to guinea pigs, start with small amounts. This will prevent any stomach problems.
  • Wheatgrass is very fibrous and can cause stomach pains, diarrhea, and bloat. Moderation is key.
  • Wheatgrass should be fed as a supplement but never replace hay.
  • You can grow your own wheatgrass at home. It will be fresher and is very easy to manage.
  • You can feed your guinea pig wheatgrass daily.

So, that’s it! Now you know how to grow wheatgrass and feed it to your guinea pigs. Don’t forget the importance of moderation when feeding wheatgrass to avoid any bloating or stomach issues.

Sure, it’s a tasty treat for them, but remember that hay should make up most of their diet. Enjoy watching your piggies chow down on their wheatgrass and happy snacking.

Moolbrock, C. (2019, June 3). Can Guinea pigs eat Wheatgrass? (Benefits, risks, serving size & more). Guinea Pig Tube.

Zawn Villines. (2019, October 17). What are the benefits of wheatgrass? Medical News Today.

Brown C. (2010). Organic wheatgrass as environmental enrichment. Lab animal, 39(3), 74–75.

Chua, A. (n.d.). Can Guinea pigs eat Wheatgrass? Clever Pet Owners.

Wheatgrass: A delicious snack for your Guinea pig | The Guinea pig blog – Happy cavy. (2012, July 22). Live Guinea Pig Webcams and Blog | 3 guinea pigs, 3 live web cams.

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