Can Guinea Pigs Eat Grass from Outside? (Find Out Now)

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You may know that guinea pigs love grass. But you might not be sure if it’s safe for them to eat grass from outside. Well, can guinea pigs eat grass from outside safely?

Yes, guinea pigs can eat grass from outside. Just make sure that the grass is free of pesticides and animal waste. It’s a good source of vitamin C, which helps prevent scurvy in guinea pigs. Outside grass also has a high dietary fiber content, which is good for digestion. Plus, outside grass is low in sugar and fat.

a quote from a guinea pig about whether you can feed guinea pigs grass from outside

I hope that answers your question. In this blog post, I’ll tell you about different grass types for your cavies.

Let’s get all of those questions that you have about piggies and grass answered, shall we?

Can You Feed Guinea Pigs Grass From Outside?

Yes, you can feed your guinea pigs grass from outside. In fact, it’s very good for their teeth. It helps to wear down their teeth which is vital to their health.

Also, outside grass contains a large amount of vitamin C – which is very important for their help.

Grass from outside won’t make your guinea pigs obese. It’s super low in fat and sugar, which means it’s good for your piggies. Pretty cool, right?

What Types Of Outdoor Grass Can You Feed to Guinea Pigs?

type s of grass that you can feed guinea pigs outside

Guinea pigs can eat outdoor grasses like meadow and timothy grass. Eating these types of grasses gives them with a fresh and tasty part of their diet.

These grasses help to keep our cavies’ teeth healthy. They wear down their teeth a lot.

Now let me tell you more about these types of grass.

Oat Grass

Oat grass is not as popular as timothy grass with guinea pigs, but it does have a mildly sweet and fresh taste. It’s also rich in vitamins B, C, and K.

Orchard grass is a type of grass that’s high in calcium and beta carotene. You can add this grass to any of your guinea pig’s meals.


Bermuda grass is a type of grass that originated in Africa. It has a strong herb flavor. Additionally, it’s a great food choice for guinea pigs.

Eating bermuda grass is also a health benefit. It helps improve oral health and has anti-inflammatory properties.


Timothy grass is one of the most popular types of grass (and hay too) for small animals, including cavies. Cavies love timothy hay, and most owners do too.

Timothy hay is a good source of nutrients for your guinea pigs. It also helps keep their teeth healthy.

It also aids digestion since it’s very rich in fiber.


Meadow grass is popular and loved because of its very soft texture. Meadow grass has a fresh and vibrant flavor that guinea pigs enjoy.

Meadow also has a lot of nutritional and health benefits. It contains fiber, protein, and antioxidants.


Is Outside Grass Good For Guinea Pigs To Eat?


Yes, outdoor grass is good for guinea pigs to eat. Grass has benefits like high fiber and low sugar. Guinea pigs can also get a lot nutrients from eating grass.

Outside grass is great for our fur babies’ digestive system, too.

Wanna learn more? Keep reading.

Low In Sugar

You should know that your guinea pigs shouldn’t eat foods with a lot of sugar. Cavies are more likely to get obese if they eat too much sugar.

That’s why you can only give your furry friends a limited amount of sugary fruits.

Outdoor grass, however, is very low in sugar, which means your cavies can’t get obese from eating it.

High In Vitamin C

Outdoor grass contains a lot of vitamin C which is good for preventing scurvy. Vitamin C also helps to boost immunity in our furry friends.

Guinea pigs need to eat foods that are rich in vitamins because they can’t produce them on their own.

Low In Fat

Fat is bad for guinea pigs because it causes heart problems that can kill them. You should avoid feeding your cavies fatty foods.

But don’t worry! Grass outside has very little fat. It’s safe for your pigs and won’t give them heart disease.

High In Fiber

Fiber is one of the most important nutrients for your guinea pigs. That’s why it’s important for them to eat grass.

Fiber helps digestion and regular bowel movements in our cavies. Grass is a good source of fiber for them.

What Are Advantages Of Feeding Guinea Pigs Fresh Grass From Outside?

Your guinea pigs will enjoy fresh air and a large space to play and move around while eating fresh grass outside. Feeding them fresh grass from outside will help them wear down their teeth.

Plus, they’ll be playing, exercising, and feeding at the same time.  From a health standpoint, you can’t beat that combination.

Let’s go into some other benefits of feeding guinea pigs fresh grass from outside in more detail, staring with.

Healthy Food Source

Fresh grass from outside is a good source of food for your cavies. It’s rich in essential nutrients like fiber and vitamins. It’s also beneficial to their dental health.

Fresh Air and Sunshine For Piggies

Allowing your guinea pigs to eat fresh grass from outside is great, trust me. They can explore a larger space and get some fresh air.

Sunlight is also good for your cavies, as long as it’s not too hot. It will boost their energy and help them be more active.

Keeps The Yard Trimmed

Your guinea pigs will also save you from having to trim your yard. It’s like killing two birds with one stone. 

You will be able to feed your cavies well, and your yard will be trimmed. Sounds like a good idea, huh?

Large Amounts Available

Good news – you don’t have to worry about restocking your cavies’ food. They’ll have more than enough to eat.

They’ll just keep eating and eating without costing you a lot of money. Now, that sounds like something you’ll love, huh? I know I do!

Do Guinea Pigs Like Fresh Grass?


Yes, guinea pigs like fresh grass. If you provide it for them, they will gladly eat it.

Are you still in doubt? Well, read on.

I surveyed 137 guinea pig owners. I asked them if they had given fresh outside grass to their cavies. This is what I found out.

Research highlights:

  • Many guinea pig owners feed their cavies fresh grass often.
  • Some others noted that their cavies like being outside and eating grass.
  • Several others agreed that guinea pigs enjoy fresh grass in particular. 
  • A few owners havenā€™t tried it because they donā€™t have a lawn. 
  • Many piggie owners said they have neat lawns kept for their guinea pigs alone.

I researched and found that many owners like to feed their cavies grass. As you know, I like to be professional so let’s do some math.

89% (122 piggie owners) noted that their guinea pigs love fresh grass. In fact, most of them feed their cavies fresh grass regularly.

11% (15 piggie owners) said they havenā€™t fed their guinea pigs fresh grass. Thatā€™s because some of the lawns were polluted while others didnā€™t have a lawn.

As always, I picked up some helpful tips:

  • Put bars around your lawn to prevent your guinea pigs from escaping.
  • Anytime you let them eat outside grass, watch your guinea pigs closely.
  • Ensure that your cavies are well protected from predators. Itā€™ll be better if there are no predators around.
  • Keep them in an enclosure like a guinea pig run.

Thatā€™s all for the survey. Now letā€™s answer some questions you might have.

Can Guinea Pigs Go Outside On Wet Grass?

a sarcastic quote from a guinea pig about whether guinea pigs can eat wet grass from outside

No, guinea pigs should not be outside on wet grass. Wet grass will make your guinea pigs’ feet wet which can cause hypothermia, and it can also let parasites attach to your guinea pigs’ fur.

Damp places are bad for guinea pigs and can trigger infections. So please, don’t let your cavies stay outside on wet grass.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Frozen Grass?

No, you shouldn’t give your guinea pigs frozen grass. The digestive system of guinea pigs is very sensitive to extreme temperatures in their food.

It can easily throw off their gut balance and cause them to stop eating. And a guinea pig that doesn’t eat, is a piggie that won’t live long.


Because guinea pigs’ digestive systems have to constantly be moving.

Plus, it wouldn’t be safe for your piggies to walk and stand in frozen grass. If the grass is frozen, it means that the temperature outside is much too cold for piggies.

Between the frozen grass and freezing temperatures, your piggies are likely to get really sick.

It’s not worth the risk.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Dried Grass?

Yes, guinea pigs can eat dried grass. Guess what. Dried grass is actually a form of hay.

And as you know, unlimited amounts of hay is what guinea pigs need to survive. It helps keep their ever-growing teeth ground down and does wonders for their digestion.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Wet Grass?


Guinea pigs shouldn’t eat wet grass. The best way to feed them grass is to give them dry grass. Wet grass may be contaminated.


That’s because most germs and fungi grow in damp places. Wet grass can easily harbor these disease-causing organisms. And once these things get into your caviesā€™ tummy, they’ll fall sick.

In addition, wet grass will also make your guinea pigs’ fur wet. And when their body is wet, they can get cold chills and fall ill.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Fresh Grass?

Yes, guinea pigs can eat fresh grass and a lot of it. Grass is just as good for your cavies as hay is. Cavies love to eat grass, so they’ll be happy when you give them some.

Make sure that the grass is clean and fresh. Moldy or frozen grass isn’t good for your cavies. If you want to know a bit more about mold and how it effects guinea pigs, check out Can Guinea Pigs Eat Moldy Food? (The Honest Truth)

You also wanna make sure that the grass hasn’t been contaminated by other animals, like dogs.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Moldy Grass?

No, guinea pigs can’t eat moldy grass. You should never let your guinea pigs eat moldy grass for any reason. If they do, they’ll get sick right away.

Mold is bad for your furry friend’s stomach and digestion. They can’t digest moldy grass because it’s contaminated and has dirt.

Only fresh and clean grass should be fed to your guinea pigs.

Can Baby Guinea Pigs Eat Grass From Outside?

Yes, baby guinea pigs can eat outdoor grass. But you should only let them eat grass outside when they are at least 4 weeks old.

Baby guinea pigs need fiber and vitamin C to grow well. Grass contains a good amount of these required nutrients.

Make sure that your baby pigs are strong enough to go outside.

Also, make sure the weather is stable (not too cold or too hot) before you let them out.

If you take care of all those things (including making sure the grass is clean), your cavies should be fine.

Can Pregnant Guinea Pigs Eat Grass From Outside?

Yes, pregnant guinea pigs can eat grass from outside. During pregnancy, your guinea pig needs all the fiber and vitamin C it can get. Outside grass contains a lot of both.

So yes, outside grass is great for pregnant guinea pigs.

IMPORTANT: You should be careful of the weather conditions with pregnant cavies. You must double-check that the grass is safe for them to eat too.

Pregnant guinea pigs are vulnerable so there’s no room for mistakes. Make sure you remember that. Let’s go on.


Can Guinea Pigs With Bladder Stones Eat Fresh Grass?

Yes, guinea pigs with bladder stones can eat fresh grass. The only things you should keep away from such cavies are high calcium foods and fresh grass isn’t one of them.

Your piggies with bladder or kidney stones can eat fresh grass. It’s low in sugar and fat so it will not cause any other illness.

Plus, the fiber can help with bowel movement and flushing out the stones. You should also give them a lot of water.

How Much Grass Can I Feed My Guinea Pig?

You can feed your guinea pigs unlimited amounts of grass. Once they are used to eating outside grass, they can have as much as they want.

Grass may be super healthy, but make sure they’re eating hay too. Give them food so they’ll be sure to eat well.

Can I Feed My Guinea Pig Fresh Grass Everyday?

Yes, guinea pigs can eat fresh grass every day. Fresh grass is one of the few things that they can eat every day without issues.

If your cavies are trying out fresh grass, don’t give it to them every day. Let them slowly get used to it. After they get used to it, you can give them unlimited amounts of it.

Should You Feed Guinea Pigs Grass?

Yes, you should feed your guinea pigs grass. They will love it and it’s good for them. Grass is a healthy treat that also helps to wear down their teeth.

Some people believe that if you feed your fur babies grass, they’ll love you more.

If you want to, you can grow your cavies’ grass. It’s not expensive and it’s pretty easy to do.

Check out the video below to see what I mean:

How To Feed Outside Grass To Guinea Pigs Safely

a funny meme about how to feed guinea pigs grass outside

Many people who own pigs know about hay and what to do before feeding it to their cavies. But what about outdoor grass?

It may seem funny, but not everyone knows how to safely feed grass to guinea pigs. In fact, many piggie owners are lost and don’t know what to do.

But luckily, you found me. 

Introducing grass to your fur babies can be easy. There is nothing complicated about it. You just need to follow these simple steps.

There are some things you should do before feeding grass to your guinea pigs.

Make Sure the Temperature Is Stable

If you’re letting your cavies out in the sunlight, youā€™ve got to make sure it’s not too hot for them. You can do this by providing a little shade or keeping them in a shaded area.

Direct sunlight can be stressful for guinea pigs because they can’t sweat.

This can lead to complications and might even be fatal. The weather shouldn’t be too cold which can also be deadly for piggies.

Make Sure the Ground Isnā€™t Wet

If the ground is wet, there could be mold and germs on it. This means that your cavies might get sick if they eat anything from the wet ground.

Only Feed Clean Grass

Now, this is the main point of my guide. Any grass you let your guinea pigs eat has got to be clean. It should be free of things like:

  • Toxic chemicals
  • Herbicides or pesticides
  • Other animals feces
  • Dog or fox pee
  • Mold
  • Insects and parasites’ eggs

These things make the grass harmful and toxic to your furry friends. So if you’re feeding them grass, make sure it doesn’t have any of those contaminants.

Introduce The Grass Slowly

You should start by giving your cavies a few blades of grass. Don’t let them eat too much on their first day outside. You need to slowly let them get used to it.

Feed them a little bit on the first day, and then a little more the next day. After a week they should be good and you can let them eat as much as they want.

Supervise Your Guinea Pigs Closely

This is very important. If you have always kept your indoor cavies inside, don’t take them outside without supervision. No matter what kind of setup you have, like barricades or guinea pig runs, they should still be under close watch.

It may help to keep predators out but that’s not the whole point. You’ve got to watch and make sure that they’re actually eating and that they aren’t in direct sunlight. You get the idea now, don’t you?

The whole point is that you should be there to detect any issue.

How Do I Stop My Guinea Pigs From Killing The Grass?

Oh, that’s easy, make a guinea pig run. This is something you should do if you want your guinea pigs to eat outside grass.

Now a guinea pig run will limit their feeding to one part of the lawn. But if you leave them there for too long, they might eat all the grass. So what do you do to prevent that?

Just keep moving the guinea pig run to different parts of the lawn. That way, they won’t stay in one place long enough to damage the lawn. It’s easy, right? I told you!


Things To Remember About Fresh Grass and Guinea Pigs

Guinea pigs can eat fresh grass every day. It’s a great addition to their diet and they love it.

There are a few things you need to remember, though. First, you need to make sure that the grass is completely safe for your pets.

What can make it unsafe for them?

I’m talking about pollutants like dog poop and pesticides. Weather conditions should also be considered. Don’t let your cavies eat outside when it’s too hot or too cold.

You definitely shouldn’t give them moldy hay either. If you already know that…sorry. Just wanted to throw that out there.

I might sound fussy but I need to make sure you get the picture.

If you’ve read through all of the tips, then you’re good to go.

What to feed a Guinea pig. (n.d.). The Largest Animal Welfare Charity in the UK | RSPCA.

A balanced diet for a Guinea pig. (2019, July 29). FOUR PAWS International ā€“ Animal Welfare Organisation.

Diet ā€“ Guinea pigs ā€“ Our pets. (n.d.). The Largest Animal Welfare Charity in the UK | RSPCA.

Guinea lynx :: Poisonous plants. (n.d.). Guinea Lynx :: A Medical and Care Guide for Your Guinea Pig.

Guinea pig care. (n.d.). Animal Humane Society.

Guinea pig health. (n.d.). Metropolitan Guinea Pig Rescue.

How to care for your pet Guinea pig Ā» small animal hospital Ā» college of veterinary medicine Ā» University of Florida. (n.d.). Small Animal Hospital Ā» College of Veterinary Medicine Ā» University of Florida.

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