Can Guinea Pigs Eat Cranberries? (Risks & Rewards)

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If you got a new guinea pig, congratulations! Guinea pigs make great pets and are very social animals. But, taking care of them can be challenging, especially when it comes to their diet.

So you went on a grocery trip and saw some cranberries. You’re wondering if guinea pigs can eat cranberries.

Yes, you can give cranberries to your guinea pig as long as you only feed them 1 to 2 times a week. Cranberries have essential nutrients for your guinea pig’s health, such as vitamin C and vitamin E. But, the sugar content means that you should only give them a small amount at a time to avoid health problems for your cavies in the future.

a guinea pig wondering if he can eat cranberries

Cranberries are a type of berry. There are different types and forms of cranberries. This article tells you about all of them ā€“ the good and the bad. It also talks about other berries that are similar to cranberries.

Shall we?

An easy-to-read food chart for safe piggie foods – Buy, download, and print.

What Are Cranberries? Are They Called Anything Else?

Cranberries are related to blueberries, bilberries, and huckleberries. The fruits are round, oblong, or pear-shaped and can be pink, dark red, or mottled red and white.

One of the most commercially important and commonly grown species is called the Vaccinium macrocarpon. It can be found in the northeastern United States.


Cranberries have many beneficial vitamins and plant components. Some of these help with urinary tract infections – or UTIs – in humans AND in cavies.

There are many different things you can do with cranberries, like using them for pie fillings or juices and jams (which piggies shouldn’t eat…more on that later) that are sold in stores.

You can find cranberries in sauces and relishes during American and Canadian Thanksgiving and Christmas meals. Cranberries are not usually eaten raw because they have a very sharp and sour taste.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Cranberries?

tips for how guinea pigs can eat cranberries safely

Guinea pigs can safely eat cranberries in moderation. This means 1 or 2 cranberries, per guinea pig every week or so.

But, some people think that guinea pigs are allergic to cranberries. However, this isn’t true. Cranberries are high in vitamins that are safe for your guinea pig’s urinary tract and blood.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Raw Cranberries?

Raw cranberries are good for your guinea pigs, and they can eat the cranberries safely (as long as they’re served in small amounts). But processed cranberries, like jams and sauces, aren’t good for them.

Cranberries are a great addition to your guinea pig’s diet. But you need to be careful about how much you feed them, which I’ll cover in more detail later on in the article (yeah, I know , I’m a tease).

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Cranberry Stems?

Guinea pigs shouldn’t eat cranberry stems. Cranberry stems offer little to zero nutrition to your guinea pig as a snack, but they make a great chew toy for your piggies.

Since cavy teeth never stop growing, they need something to chew on to help file them down.

Cranberry stems are a nice, crunchy way for your guinea pig to do this, but make sure you give them a variety of other safe chew toys to play with, too.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Cranberry Skin?

Yes, it’s all right for guinea pigs to eat cranberry skin. So, if you feed your little friends cranberries, feel free to include the skin, too.

Cranberry skin has the right amount of dietary fiber, vitamin C, and manganese. These nutrients are important for your guinea pig’s health (and we all want healthy piggies, right?).

But, you do need to make sure you wash the cranberries thoroughly before you give them to your fur babies. This’ll remove any pesticides or chemicals that might be on the fruit’s surface.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Craisins?

No, guinea pigs shouldn’t eat craisins. Craisins are dried cranberries. This is because the word “craisin” is similar to the word “raisin.”

Craisins are made by partially dehydrating cranberries (the same process raisins are created by partially dehydrating grapes).

And since part of the process of making Craisins involves shoving huge amounts of sugar into the cranberries, it’s better that your guinea pig doesn’t eat them.

Oh, and regular raisins shouldn’t be eaten either.

Can I Give My Guinea Pig Cranberry Juice?

a sarcastic message about UTIs and guinea pigs drinking cranberry juice

Yes, you can give your little furry cranberry juice but it needs to be diluted with water and (preferably) an organic brand that doesn’t have a bunch of added sugar.

Cranberry juice offers benefits like lowering blood pressure, circulating proteins, and fighting against urinary tract infections. Just be careful not to overdo it as it may cause harmful consequences.

How Do I Give My Guinea Pig Cranberry Juice?

To give your guinea pig cranberry juice, mix organic, sugar-free cranberry juice with water. You want a half and half mixture. You can put the diluted cranberry juice into a bowl (if your little friend will drink it like that) or carefully syringe a little into your piggie mouth.

Here’s a video on how to syringe feed a guinea pig.

If you’re trying to head off a bladder infection (or other health issue) with your piggies, you might consider using a syringe to give them the cranberry juice mixture.

Make sure you give your guinea pig fresh water daily, in addition to the cranberry juice.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Cranberry Sauce?

can guinea pigs eat cranberries

Generally, almost all kinds of cooked food are harmful to guinea pigs, and so, it’s not safe to feed your guinea pig cranberry sauce. Cranberry sauce isn’t good for guinea pigs.

(Too bad your guinea pigs canā€™t enjoy Thanksgiving meals with you, huh?)

Cranberries have to go through different cooking processes before it becomes a sauce, and those processes suck most of the nutrients out of the fruit.

Cranberry sauce can also be high in sugar, which can lead to obesity and diabetes in your furry friend.

So, as you can see, it’s usually not a good idea to give your guinea pig cranberry sauce.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Cranberry Jam?

No, your guinea pig can’t eat cranberry jam (bye-bye, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches).Cranberry jam is quite similar to cranberry sauce and goes through a similar cooking process.

A guinea pig’s digestive system isn’t designed to properly digest cooked foods, so feeding them cranberry jam can cause all sorts of problems, like diarrhea, bloat, and stomach pain. Plus cranberry jam has tons of sugar in it, which can lead to unhealthy weight gain.

(I know. Yikes!)

So, it’s best to just steer clear of cranberry jam altogether.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Canned Cranberries?

No, guinea pigs can’t eat canned cranberries.

In general, canned fruits are a terrible idea for your guinea pigs because of all the added preservatives and sugar, which are incredibly harmful to your pet.

You can eat it if you want, but just don’t share it with your furry friends. Okay?

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Dried Cranberries?

Guinea pigs shouldn’t eat dried cranberries because, they’re so high in calories and sugar.

Because fresh cranberries are sour and sharp, dried cranberries go through a cooking process that make them incredibly sugary and much sweeter. This can be dangerous to your cavies’ digestive systems.

What dangers?

You’re looking at bloat, stomach pain, and diarrhea. Not to mention, weight gain and diabetes can also develop from feeding your piggies too many dried cranberries.

(Piggies can’t digest cooked food well. Remember?)

So, steer clear of dried cranberries and choose fresh cranberries if you’re going to give your guinea pigs cranberries in some shape or form.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Frozen Cranberries?

Absolutely not. Guinea pigs shouldn’t eat frozen cranberries. And there’s a few reasons why:

  • your fur babies’ stomachs are sensitive to changes, so feed them frozen cranberries might upset their stomach
  • depending on the size of the cranberry, a frozen one might pose a choking hazard
  • some piggies have gotten their lips or tongue stuck to ice-cold fruit when it was served to them (poor things!)

As a rule of them room temperature fruits and veggies are always best for guinea pigs, so stick to fresh cranberries if you’re looking to give your furry friends this nutritious fruit.

Is Cranberry Toxic to Guinea Pigs?

No, cranberries aren’t toxic to guinea pigs. Cranberries are actually safe for piggies to eat. Just remember to always give it to your cavies in moderation, so it doesn’t create serious health problems for them.

How Often Can Guinea Pigs Eat Cranberries?

You can feed your guinea pigs cranberries once or twice a week (just like any other fruit). 

Sure, cranberries are a great source of nutrients, but they also have a bit more sugar than you want your piggies having daily.

(You CAN’T make cranberries a part of your guinea pigā€™s diet.)

Over time, high amounts of sugar intake can cause weight gain and other health issues.

And you wouldn’t want that for your pet, would you?

How Many Cranberries Can Guinea Pigs Eat At a Time?

It’s best to only feed your guinea pigs 1-2 small cranberries per serving. And then only serve it once or twice a week.

Because of your guinea pig’s sensitive digestive system, overfeeding cranberries is a hard “NO”. The only food that cavies should have in huge amounts is hay (and grasses).

So make sure to stick with smaller quantities.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Cranberries Everyday?

Guinea pigs shouldn’t eat cranberries everyday. Stick to once or twice a week (this makes a beautiful addition to your guinea pig’s diet as a treat).


Can Baby Guinea Pigs Eat Cranberries?

Yes, baby guinea pigs can eat cranberries. However, you should give it to them far less often than older guinea pigs. Reduce feeding your baby guinea pigs cranberries to once or twice a month (not a week!)

When feeding, stick with one cranberry.

Baby guinea pigs have growing bodies, so you want to make sure that they have the best chance to grow up healthy and strong.

This means not bombard their tiny bodies with too much sugar (even if it is from a fruit). Too much sugar can lead to weight gain, which can then cause other health problems down the road.

So, you typically want to stick with good quality hay and veggies as the mainstay of your baby guinea pig’s diet, with a few treats here and there.

Cranberries can be one of those treats! Just make sure not to overdo it.

Do Guinea Pigs Like Cranberries?

Some guinea pigs like cranberries, but others don’t. You won’t know if YOUR cavy likes cranberries until you try.

But if your guinea pig does like cranberries, then it’s a good idea to give them to her once a week (max).

It all comes down to personal preference – if your furry friend likes the tart taste of cranberries, they’ll probably gobble them right up.

But if they’re not too sure about it, don’t force them to eat it. You can always try again later.

Can Pregnant Guinea Pigs Eat Cranberries?

Yes, pregnant guinea pigs can safely eat cranberries. But, remember that your pregnant guinea pigā€™s diet should mainly consist of:

  • Grass and/or grass hay
  • Small amounts of vitamin C rich foods
  • A small amount of high-quality commercial pellet
  • Green leafy vegetables (remember that some plants are poisonous to your guinea pig)

Bottom line?

Don’t get crazy with the cranberries, but you an safely include them in their diet every once in a while.

Are Cranberries Good For Guinea Pigs?

a decision tree to help people understand if they can feed their guinea pigs cranberries

Yes, cranberries are good for guinea pigs as long as you feed them in the appropriate amounts. For your fur babies, cranberry has several advantages. Let’s take a closer look at some of the benefits of cranberries for guinea pigs:

1. Prevent Urinary Tract Infections

One of the most important benefits of cranberries for guinea pigs is that they can help to prevent urinary tract infections. And you’re probably wondering how cranberries help prevent urinary tract infections (or UTIs).

Actually, it prevents bacteria and infection from latching onto the urinary walls, which nips the infection in the bud.

2. Helps with Heart Disease

Your fur babies can also have heart attacks. (Scary, I know.)

Cranberries have Vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant that helps fix damaged cells. This helps in preventing heart disease.

Cranberries also help in maintaining blood pressure, which can also help keep the heart healthy.

3. Improved Blood Circulation

Fresh cranberries contain nearly 90% water required by your guinea pig’s body. This helps to improve blood circulation. The more hydrated they are, the easier their blood will be able to move their little bodies.

4. Prevents Scurvy

Cranberries are also high in Vitamin C, which can help prevent scurvy.

Scurvy is a disease that can occur when there’s a lack of Vitamin C in the body. Symptoms of scurvy include:

  • loss of appetite
  • soft, loose stools
  • loss of weight (due to loss of appetite)
  • stiff joints that become sore and inflamed (which is painful to your guinea pig when you try to pick them up)
  • sluggish and loss of energy
  • worn and shaggy coats

P.S. Cavies can die from scurvy if left untreated.

5. Improves Immune System Function

Cranberries can also help improve your guinea pig’s immune system function. It’s chock full of Vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant.

Vitamin C can help to repair damaged cells and tissues. It can also help to fight off infection and disease.

The manganese in cranberries can also help to improve the immune system function, and cranberries are a good source of manganese (here’s to a happy, healthy guinea pig, no?)

6. Can Slow Cancer Progression

Some research suggests that cranberries can slow the progression of cancer. Cranberries contain Vitamin E, which can help to slow cancer progression in your pet. So, this ensures the safety and longevity of your pet.

Risks of Eating Cranberries

There’s always an element of risk when feeding cavies any type of food (it kinda goes with the territory). So, it’s important to be aware of the potential risks involved in feeding cranberries to your guinea pig.

So, it’s important to feed your guinea pig cranberries in moderation. Some of them include:

1. Upset Stomach

As earlier stated, guinea pigs have a sensitive digestive system. So, they have a hard time digesting some carbohydrates and sugars.

Cranberries contain many carbs and sugar (not for us, but for our piggies), so too much cranberries can upset the stomach.

2. Diarrhea

Cranberries are relatively high in calorie content, so feeding your guinea pig too many can result in diarrhea.

Feeding your guinea pig too many cranberries can cause them to have diarrhea. So, stick with moderate feeding.

3. Kidney Issues

Excess feeding on cranberries can lead to kidney stones. Cranberries could form a higher concentration of oxalate in the urine which can cause the formation of kidney stones.

4. Constipation

Some guinea pigs have trouble digesting a lot of sugar and carbohydrates, which are found in cranberries. It can cause constipation in your piggies, which isn’t a good thing. Piggies who can’t poop can get very sick.

Nutritional Information about Cranberries

Using the data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, one 100g of cranberries contains the following nutrients and the amount:

  • Water: 87.3 g (aids blood circulation)
  • Protein: 0.46 g (helps for keeping your little pet going throughout the day)
  • Carbohydrates: 12 g (your piggies’ main source of energy; boosts activity…gotta have it for those zoomies, right?)
  • Fiber: 3.6 g (a healthy piggie is a pooping piggie)
  • Sugars: 4.27 g (too much of this is B.A.D.)
  • Calcium: 8 g(builds and maintains strong and healthy bones)
  • Iron: 0.23 g (great for the growth, development, and blood health of your little friends)
  • Magnesium: 6 g (keeps your guinea pigā€™s muscles working)
  • Potassium: 80 g (regulates heartbeat and ensures proper function of muscles and nerves, also vital for synthesizing protein and metabolizing carbohydrates)
  • Phosphorus: 11g (builds healthy bones and teeth and aids muscle recovery, because piggies can get a little sore after those 20 hour play sessions)
  • Manganese: .267mg (a strong antioxidant)
  • Vitamin C: 14g (prevents scurvy and improves immunity)
  • Vitamin E: 1.32g (prevents dry skin and helps keep your fur babies’ eyes nice and healthy )
  • Fat: 0.13 g/ (not too much, which is a plus!)

How To Prepare Cranberries for Guinea Pigs

Preparing cranberries to feed to your guinea pig is actually relatively straightforward. Just remember to only feed 1 or 2 cranberries at a time. And only do so once or twice a week.

The steps are as follows:

  • Select a fresh cranberry, and don’t buy any cranberries that look discolored (cuz you only want the best for your fur babies, right?)
  • Wash the cranberries to get rid of any pesticides they may have been exposed to.
  • Cut them in half if you want. But, most cranberries are small enough to be eaten whole.
  • You can give your guinea pig food in a bowl or from your hand (by the way, handfeeding helps with bonding).
  • When your guinea pig is done, get rid of all the uneaten parts, which can attract flies and rats.

How to Introduce Cranberries to Your Guinea Pigs

If you introduce a new food or diet to your fur babies too quickly, you’ll open up the door for them to get sick. And no one wants that.

So, if you want to introduce your guinea pigs to cranberries, you’ll have to do it slowly.

Give them tiny portions, and remember to monitor their reaction for at least a day after the first feeding.

If they experience any digestive problems (like stomach pain or gassiness), stop feeding them cranberries and consult your veterinarian.

What Some Alternatives To Cranberries?

message that says that guinea pigs can eat plenty of other berries other than cranberries

If you’d rather not try feeding cranberries to your guinea pigs, there’s other berries you can give them instead.


Strawberries are a good source of Vitamin C and manganese. They also contain antioxidants, which help to prevent heart disease and other health issues in your piggies.


Blueberries aren’t terribly in sugar (at least not compared to some other fruits). Plus, they help to regulate blood sugar and improve eye health. An added perk is that there’s lots of antioxidants in this fruit as well.


Blackberries are heavily rich in Vitamin C (which can help heal wounds and regenerate skin). And they’re high in fiber which can reduce cholesterol. It helps with boosting brain health, too.


Raspberries are a good source of potassium, which is essential for heart function and lowering blood pressure. They also contain manganese, which helps build healthy bones and skin. Raspberries also help maintain blood sugar levels.

What is the Ideal Diet for Guinea Pigs?

It is very important to feed your guinea pigs the correct food. This will keep them healthy and happy. The following is a list of the types of food that your guinea pigs need for a healthy diet.

Hay and Grass

Your guinea pig is expected to have fresh grass or hay as often as possible ā€“ every day ideally. 

Guinea pigs are natural herbivores, meaning they eat mostly plants. They need hay and/or grass to help their digestive systems work correctly.

Guinea pigs’ teeth grow all the time. Eating hay helps to keep their teeth at the right length and shape, and it also helps protect them from dental disease.

That’s a fantastic benefit, don’t you think?


Guinea pigs can be offered one cup of a variety of vegetables every day. Vegetables are an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

Some of the best vegetables for guinea pigs include: 

As long as these veggies are fed in the appropriate amounts, there’s nothing to worry about.


Vitamin C is a crucial aspect of your guinea pig’s dietary needs, and grass-based guinea pig pellets are a great source of this.

If your guinea pig is growing, nursing, underweight or pregnant, it may need a more significant portion of these pellets (gotta give your little friends what they need).

Donā€™t forget fresh cleaning drinking water and also check it daily. It is critical to make your guinea pigā€™s health your top priority.

The amount of food a guinea pig needs depends on their age, lifestyle, and general health. Be sure to take these into account when deciding how much to feed them.


Things to Remember About Guinea Pigs and Cranberries

Cranberries are an excellent addition to your guinea pig’s diet as treats. 

Cranberries are a great source of nutrients and antioxidants that improve your guinea pig’s health and bodily functions.

Remember to stick with moderation when feeding your guinea pigs to avoid health complications, and you and your guinea pig will be just fine.

I hope this article helps in answering any questions you may have. Also, consider sharing this article with your friends and family who might need this ā€“ I’m sure they would appreciate the gesture.

Can guinea Pigs Eat Cranberries? (Hazards, Serving Size & More). (n.d.). Saurav. Guinea Pig 101.

Cranberry.Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation. (1 March 2022).

Cranberry. (n.d.). The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. Britannica.

Cranberries 101: Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits. (15 February 2019). Atli Arnarson, BSc, PhD. Healthline.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Cranberries? (28 August 2021). Kevin Glockner. Pawbility.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Craisins? (4 November 2017). Chris Perkins. Online Guinea Pig Care.

Blackberries: Health Benefits and Nutrition Information. (4 June 2021). Annette McDermott. Healthline.

Strawberries 101: Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits. (27 March 2019). Adda Bjarnadottir, MS, RDN (Ice). Healthline.

Health Benefits of Raspberries. (18 September 2020). Dan Brennan, MD. WebMD.

I know I would.

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