10 Simple Signs Your Guinea Pig Is Happy (#7 is my favorite)

10 Simple Signs Your Guinea Pig Is Happy (#7 is my favorite)

Guinea pigs bring smiles and joy to pet parents everywhere.  And of course,  pet parents want their guinea pigs to be happy.  But, guinea pigs can’t talk.  So, how do you really know how they feel? Last week, I was watching a bunch of hilarious guinea pig compilations videos.  In between chuckles, I started wondering…

Armor All Shop Vac Review: Does it pick up poop and hay? (Find Out Here)

Armor All Shop Vac Review: Does it pick up poop and hay? (Find Out Here)

Aren’t you sick and tired of picking up guinea pig poop and hay?  Stressed because it seems to take forever and a day?  Flabbergasted because you still find poop pellets smushed into your socks and picking hay out of the carpet-even after you’ve spent an hour cleaning? The Armor All Utility Vac is good solution…

The Ultimate Guinea Pig Bathing Guide [Wheeky Clean Tips]

The Ultimate Guinea Pig Bathing Guide [Wheeky Clean Tips]

No one wants their guinea pig to smell awful; we want clean cavy friends. But, do guinea pigs need baths? Although they’re self-cleaning, guinea pigs need baths sometimes.  On average, short-haired breeds need a bath once or twice a year; whereas long-haired breeds often require a bath every three months.  Illnesses, dirty fur, and other…