The Alarming Truth About Cedar Bedding and Guinea Pigs

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Before you adopt a new guinea pig have everything ready. That includes their home, toys, hay rack, and bedding. And for the bedding, you might be tempted to use cedar bedding. But is cedar safe to use for guinea pigs?

Cedar shavings aren’t a safe option for bedding for guinea pigs. The oils in the wood can be dangerous to their respiratory system. When inhaled, the oils can irritate and inflame their lungs, which can attract respiratory infections. Consider other healthier options for your guinea pig’s bedding.

a guinea pig wondering if he can use cedar bedding

The bedding you choose for your furry friend should be safe, comfortable, and absorbent. Unfortunately, cedar shavings don’t meet these requirements. Read on to find out why and to discover healthy piggie bedding options.

Are Cedar Shavings Safe To Use For Guinea Pigs Bedding?

a tip about whether guinea pigs can use cedar bedding

No, cedar shavings aren’t a safe bedding option for guinea pigs. Cedar shavings have aromatic oils, which are harmful to a guinea pig’s health. They can cause respiratory illnesses. Instead, choose a better bedding option.

Cedar shavings make an attractive bedding option for many reasons. They’re comfortable, easy to clean, have insecticide properties, and smell nice. And it doesn’t end there. Actually, there’s a lot to love about cedar shavings, which could be why you want them for your guinea pig’s bedding.


Although cedar shavings have some good things going for them, such as being a safe bedding material for guinea pigs, they also have a dark side.

Actually, cedar shavings can be dangerous for guineas. If you’re thinking about getting a new piggie, stay away from cedar shavings, and opt for a safer bedding solution.

What Are The Disadvantages Of Using Cedar Shavings?

The disadvantages of cedar shavings are the aromatic oils in them. They can cause respiratory issues for cavies. Sometimes the effects can be fatal. So, it’s essential to be aware of these risks before deciding on your guinea pig’s bedding.

So, what are aromatic oils? 

The smell of cider shavings is really nice. People might be drawn to them because of the smell. But the smell isn’t safe for cavies.

You see, cider gets its pleasant smell from aromatic oils. These oils are the same compound that gives plants their distinct smells. And for the most part, the aromatic oils are safe for humans and other animals. But thatā€™s not the case for guinea pigs and other small pets. 

Aromatic oils can cause your piggie to have respiratory problems if they are inhaled. The oils can cause inflammation and damage to the lungs. In some cases, the oils can even cause respiratory infections. Iā€™m sure thatā€™s not what you want for your fur baby, right?

Well, thatā€™s why if youā€™re considering using cedar shavings as your guinea pig’s bedding, think again. The aromatic oils in the wood are harmful to your piggie’s health and cause health issues.

Can Guinea Pigs Have Wood Shavings For Bedding?

a silly meme about guinea pigs using dust-extracted bedding or cedar bedding

Yes, guinea pigs can have wood shavings for bedding, but only if they are dust-extracted. Otherwise, dust from wood shavings can irritate your piggie and cause lung infection.

There is a difference between wood shavings and sawdust. Sawdust is made up of small pieces of wood that are left over after something is cut. Sawdust can contain a lot of dust, which isn’t safe for guineas. Dust can cause health problems for them, which is why you should never use sawdust as bedding for your pet guinea pig.

But as for the wood shavings, they are okay for the most part. Thatā€™s because, unlike sawdust which contains a lot of dust, wood shavings are more significant pieces of wood. So, as long as they are dust-extracted, wood shavings make good guinea bedding.

But again, that doesnā€™t mean you donā€™t need to be picky. To be safe, choose wood shavings specifically for small animals like guinea pigs. This way, you can ensure that the wood shavings are dust-free and safe for your piggie.

What Kind Of Wood Shavings Are Safe For Guinea Pigs?

Aspen shavings and dried dried-kiln pine shavings are safe wood shavings to use a guinea pig bedding. They don’t have aromatic oils or other compounds that may cause health issues in guineas. 

For any material to be safe for pigs’ bedding, it should be free from anything harmful to the little friends. That includes dust, aromatic oils, and any other potential health hazard. And yes, aspen shavings and kiln-dried pine shavings meet that criteria. 

Aspen Shavings

Aspen shavings are from aspen trees. And unlike pine and cedar, these shavings don’t have aromatic oils or other toxins. Even so, be careful with the aspen shavings you buy. Some cheaper options out there contain a lot of dust, making them harmful for your piggie.

Dried-Kiln Pine Shavings

Perhaps you’ve heard that pine shavings aren’t safe for guinea pigs. Well, that’s true. Pine has aromatic oils and other dangerous compounds for guinea pigs. As such, they should neither make part of your pig’s bedding.

But that’s not the case with kiln-dried pine shavings. The kiln-dried variety goes through a thermal process. That helps remove aromatic oils, scents, dust, and anything that could harm your piggie. 

So, dried-kiln shavings don’t contain anything toxic. This means it is safe to use for your little furry friend. In fact, it makes for excellent guinea pig bedding.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Cedar Wood?

Unfortunately, cedar is harmful to guinea pigs and other small animals. Thus, you shouldn’t give it to your piggie even if they love chewing on it. Other dangerous options include apricot, cypress, black wood, bogwood, and ebony.

Chewing branches keeps your pig’s teeth healthy. But if you’re going to give them something to chew on, make sure it’s not harmful.

Unfortunately, cedar doesn’t feature on the list of safe wood for guinea pigs. This option has phenols that are toxic to your piggie. So, don’t offer your piggie cedarwood to chew for the same reason you shouldn’t use it for bedding.

Best Safe Bedding Alternatives To Cedar

For your pig’s health, avoid using cedar shavings – and other toxic options – for bedding. But what other options do you have? Well, I have cherry-picked some of the best cedar alternatives on Amazon.  Here there are:

GuineaDad Liner With Burrowing Pocket Sleeve

This GuineaDad fleece liner has all your piggie needs to remain healthy and happy in their cage. It’s dust-free and very absorbent. Itā€™s also easy to clean (as long as you have a washer and dryer) and I highly recommend it if your schedule calls for an easy-maintenance option. 

Small Pet Select Aspen Bedding

Small Pet Select Aspen is for what the name says – small pets, including piggies. I prefer it because it’s not only dust-extracted but also kiln-dried. That means it’s safe, even when used for piggies with high dust allergies.

Carefresh 99% Dust-Free Natural Paper Small Pet Bedding

Carefresh is a paper fiber bedding is soft, comfortable, and gentle on your piggie’s feet. It’s also absorbent, dust-free, and surprisingly affordable. So, if you are operating at the lower end of the budget but wouldnā€™t wish to compromise on quality, this is an excellent choice

Living World Pine Shavings

These pine shavings are kiln-dried and dust extracted to remove all potential threats. It will expand to about four cubic feet, and you can use it for various small pets. Even more, it’s also hypoallergenic, so it’s ideal if your pet has health sensitivities. 

Rent-A-Coop Premium Natural Hemp Bedding 

This particular type of hemp bedding uses pesticide and insecticide-free materials. It’s also soft and sure to make your piggie’s cage moments more fun. It arrives in a 300-l bag, more than you get in most bags. But don’t worry. You’ll find the bag to offer better value for money, especially if you have several pigs. You can even use it for other small pets!

Chenille Bath Mat Set

Chenille bath mats are ideal if you need a cheap, durable, and piggie-friendly cage liner. It comes in various colors, so pick the one that matches your style. But before you settle for one, be sure that you can meet the weekly washing needs.

RIOUSSI Guinea Pig Fleece Cage Liners

Easy to wash, comfortable, piggie-friendly, and affordable. This fleece cage liner packs a lot for you and your furry friend. Even more, it’s machine washable. So, if you want to stay away from the mess of disposable bedding, think about this option.

What Is The Best Type Of Bedding For Guinea Pigs?

We don’t have a specific type of bedding that we can recommend as the best for guinea pigs. It depends on your needs and preferences and those of your pig. Even so, there are a few general tips that you can follow to ensure you get the best bedding for your furry friend. 

1. Controls The Smell Of Urine

One of the things you have to deal with when you have a guinea pig is the urine smell. While the scent might not be as strong as that of other animals, it can still be a nuisance. That’s especially true if you don’t clean the cage more frequently. 

The good news is that there are beddings that can help control the smell. Aspen shavings, for instance, have little to no odor. So, if you’re looking for bedding that won’t make your house smell like a barnyard, this is a good option.

2. Absorbency / Dryness

Another essential factor to consider is the absorbency of the bedding. Guinea pigs are clean animals, and they hate sleeping or sitting in their own urine. As such, you want bedding that can absorb all the urine and keep your pig dry.

Some of the best options include; aspen shavings, Carefresh, and GuineaDad liner. These beddings are not only absorbent but also fast-drying. That means your pig will always have a dry and comfortable place to sleep.

3. Easy For You To Replace

No bedding is permanent. Occasionally, you need to remove your pig’s beddings for either washing or disposal. And as usual, you don’t want bedding that you have to struggle to remove when it gets dirty.

So, think about that as you buy your little friend’s bedding. Some of the best options in this case are fleece and bath mats. They’re easy to remove, and you can even throw them in the washing machine for cleaning.

4. Low/No Aromatic Oils

As we mentioned earlier, guinea pigs have sensitive lungs. So, you want to avoid bedding with aromatic oils as they can cause respiratory problems. That includes cedar, pine shavings, and other beddings that smell like perfumes.

5. Comfortable and Soft

Last but not least, you want to ensure your pig is comfortable. After all, they spend most of their time in their cage. So, the bedding should be soft enough to provide the needed comfort.

For comfort, fleece, paper, and aspen are some of the options that won’t disappoint. They feel great, and some, like aspen, allow your pet to burrow.


What Other Beddings Aren’t Good For Guinea Pigs?

Newspaper, corncob, straw, and regular pine shavings are also not good for pigs. So, as you look for the best bedding for your furry friend, stay away from these options.

Let’s look at each of these beddings to see why they aren’t healthy options;


Newspaper is safe for guinea pigs to chew on. That’s because newspapers no longer use toxic inks. But that doesn’t mean it’s safe for bedding.

Newspapers won’t absorb your pig’s pee, and they’ll get wet quickly. That’s uncomfortable for your pig and increases the chances of developing respiratory problems. But for the bottom layer of the cage, newspapers work fine. But don’t use them as the only bedding for your furry friend.


Although marketed as safe for rodent pets, that’s not the case with corncobs. This bedding molds, and that makes it risky for your pig. It can attract respiratory and digestive issues for piggies.

Corncob also doesn’t absorb odors and isn’t soft enough for your piggie’s feet. In other words, corncob just doesn’t meet the qualities of good piggie bedding.


Every piggie expert will tell you that straw is one of the worst bedding options for piggies. It doesn’t absorb urine, meaning that it doesn’t do enough to absorb the urine smell.

Besides, straw contains some sharp stalks that can hurt your piggie’s feet. And as you all know, piggies are sensitive. They’ll develop serious health issues from minor issues.

Regular Pine Shavings

As we mentioned earlier, regular pine shavings aren’t good for piggies. They release aromatic oils that can harm your pig’s lungs. So, if you’re looking for good guinea pig bedding, stay away from regular pine shavings. Your pig will be better off in the long run.

Fortunately, the market is full of healthy bedding options for your furry friend. If you must use pine, go for the kiln-dried variety. It’s safe and doesn’t contain dust or aromatic oils. Or, you can go for other bedding options.


Things To Remember About Guinea Pigs and Cedar

  • Ideal guinea pig bedding should be comfortable, easy to replace, absorbent, and toxin-free.
  • Cedar shavings aren’t healthy for guinea pigs.
  • Never use regular pine shavings for your adorable pet. It’s for the same reason you shouldn’t use cedar shavings.
  • Aspen is good for piggies but only when it’s dust-extracted.
  • If you want pine bedding, go for kiln-dried pine shavings.
  • Avoid newspaper, corncob, and straw.

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Is Aspen bedding good for Guinea pigs? A complete owners guide! (2022, February 18). Guinea Pig 101. 

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