Can Guinea Pigs Eat Clementines? (Find Out Now)

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Ahhhh, clementines. They’re sweet, juicy, and tasty. But, can guinea pigs eat them?

Guinea pigs definitely can eat clementines. They’re filled with Vitamin C and other essential nutrients that guinea pigs need. But, only serve them as an occasional treat, because the high sugar and water content can cause health problems like obesity and diarrhea.

a picture of a brown and white guinea pigs saying that he likes clementine oranges

Some pet parents sort of drag their feet about feeding clementines to their guinea pigs. But, there’s no reason to feel reluctant.

When fed appropriately, clementines can be a delicious and nutritious treat that guinea pigs enjoy.

Let’s dive into the details.

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What Are Clementines? Are They Called Anything Else?

a picture of clementines that includes a message that clementines are safe for guinea pigs to eat
Feed clementines in moderation and you’re good-to-go.

Clementines are small, sweet citrus fruits. They’re often called by other names llike “Cuties” and “Sweeties” because they are popular in many places.

Clementines are small, seedless oranges that are easy to peel. They taste great when they are ripe. Clementines come from a tree that is a hybrid of two kinds of oranges: the Mandarin and the Citrus Unshiu.


Many clementines are grown in China, but they are also grown in other places like Spain, Morocco, and California. Clementines are not only easy to munch on, but they’re also cheerful little fruits.

Are Clementines Good for Guinea Pigs?

a picture of clementine oranges with a quote from guinea pigs about vitamin c
If you want a scurvy-free guinea pig (and trust me you do), you need to make sure they’re getting enough Vitamin C.

Yes, Clementines are good for guinea pigs to eat. Clementine oranges are full of essential vitamins and nutrients that guinea pigs need to stay healthy.

In spite of the sugar content, there’s plenty that clementines have to offer cavies besides calories. Let’s take a closer look at the nutrients clementines have to offer.

1. Scurvy Protection

Like other citrus fruits, clementines are filled with vitamin C. Guinea pigs need this nutrient to form collagen that is necessary for healthy skin and bones. If a guinea pig does not get enough vitamin C, they can develop scurvy.

When cavies get scurvy, they:

  • don’t move around very well (a lot less active)
  • suffer from bleeding gums and bruising
  • lose weight from lack of appetite

Scurvy can be fatal, so it’s important to prevent the condition in your furry potatoes by making sure they get enough vitamin C in their diets.

2. Healthy Teeth and Bones

Clementines aren’t known for their calcium content. But, there’s about 30mg of calcium in 100grams of Clementines. That’s not very much calcium, but it’s still enough to keep guinea pigs healthy.

Some calcium is necessary to keep your piggies’ teeth and bones strong.

Strong teeth are needed for cavies to be able to chew their food well, which is important for proper digestion and to keep their ever-growing teeth from exploding through their jaw.

(I promise I’m not exaggerating. Your guinea pigs’ teeth will grow through their jaw if they don’t constantly eat things – like hay – to keep their teeth worn down).

Plus, strong bones are important for protecting cavies from arthritis and other bone problems, like fractures.

3. Helps Give Immune Systems A Boost

The massive amount of Vitamin C in Clementines isn’t just good at protecting your guinea pigs from scurvy.

It’s also great for supporting the immune system.

When your guinea pigs are healthy, their immune systems can protect them from common illnesses like colds and flues.

To make sure your furry potatoes have their best chance of staying healthy, make sure to give them plenty of Vitamin C rich foods – like clementines!

What Are The Risks Of Guinea Pigs Eating Clementines?

There’s always some element of risk when serving most fruits or vegetables to guinea pigs. It’s the same with Clementine oranges. The good thing is that making sure that you serve your little friends the proper portion size is the best way to keep them healthy and safe. That, and weighing them weekly, are the main ways to look after your guinea pig’s health.

1. Weight Gain

Clementines are a high sugar food. And the reality is that weight gain in guinea pigs comes with a lot of health problems.

You might be thinking: I thought there was no such thing as a guinea pig that’s too fat.

Umm, sorry, but if you feed your little friends the wrong thing, then they’re gonna blow up like a blimp. And the extra weight your furries carry comes at a cost over time.

  • arthritis and other bones problems
  • diabetes
  • lack of energy
  • heart problems
  • more at risk for bumblefoot ( a condition that causes the bottom of a guinea pig’s foot to get swollen and rot)

If you want to avoid having a huge guinea pig that lives very little, then it’s important to be mindful of how much sugar you’re giving your fur babies.

2. Dental Problems

Much like cavies with weight problems, piggies who eat too much sugar are more likely to develop dental problems over time.

Sugar helps bacteria grow on teeth. And you guessed it – those bacteria can lead to cavities, infections, and even tooth loss.

Another way of preventing dental problems from popping up, make sure to give your piggies plenty of hay.

That way they can wear down their teeth naturally when they chew!

3. Digestive Issues

Overfeeding clementines to your cavies can give them a whole slew of digestive problems. We’re talking stomach pain, diarrhea, and nausea. Yikes!

Of course, these problems can be avoided by following the guidelines below:

  • introduce clementines slowly into their diet
  • only feed them in small amounts
  • make sure the fruit is ripe

Remember, there’s always the chance that your guinea pigs will be allergic to Clementine oranges (or any other fruit, for that matter).

So it’s important for you to be on the lookout for any negative changes in their behavior or appetite after eating these tasty little treats.

Nutritional Facts for Clementines

So, you’ve heard about the main benefits of feeding your cavies clementine oranges. But, what exactly is in them?

Let’s take a closer look at some of the fantastic nutrients that you can find in Clementines:

  • 86.6g of water (always a plus, cuz we need our piggies to stay hydrated)
  • 0.15g of fat (low fat foods are awesome for cavies to maintain their weight)
  • 1.7g of fiber (a little more would be helpful, but… it’s something)
  • 9.18g of sugar (totally fine in small doses, but you should let your cavy eat hay and low sugar veg, too!)
  • 12g of carbs (great for energy boosts)
  • 30mg of calcium (good for health bones, but too much can be a problem – a bladder stone-sized problem)
  • 21mg of phosphorus (again, not too much that it could cause urinary problems)
  • 48.8mg of Vitamin C (this Vitamin C content is amazing; immune booster and scurvy repellant for the win)
  • 0.2mg of Vitamin E (a great way to support heart health!)
  • 1.0mg of sodium (very low, so perfect for piggies with water retention)

For the most part, Clementines are a healthy treat that can be given to your cavies occasionally or as a delicious side dish with their meals.

Just one thing to keep in mind: it’s always best to introduce a new food slowly into your cavy’s diet.

That way, you can test their bodies and make sure they’re not allergic and that they won’t have a bad reaction to them before giving them a large amount (more on this later).

How Do Clementines Compare To Other Citrus Fruits?

When it comes down to it, Clementines are very similar to other citrus fruits. In fact, clementine oranges have a number of nutrients found in oranges and even more from tangerines.

FiberSugarVitamin CCalcium
Tangerines (Mandarins)1.8 g10.6g26.7mg37 mg
Oranges2 g8.57g59.1mg43 mg
Lemon2.8 g2.5 g53 mg 26 mg
Grapefruit1.1 g8g33.3mg15mg
Clementines1.7 g9.18 g48.8mg30mg
Pineapple1.4 g9.85 g47.8 mg13mg

As you can see from the table, clementines have average amounts of calcium and Vitamin C compared to other citrus fruits.

How Do The Acid Levels Of Clementines Compare To Other Citrus Fruits?

If you peek at the table below, you’ll see that clementines and tangerines are two of the least acidic citrus fruits.

Basically, the higher the level on the Ph scale, the less acidic the item is.

FruitPh Level
Tangerines (Mandarins)8 to 9 
Oranges3 – 4
Lemon2 to 3
Grapefruit3 to 3.75
Clementines8 – 9
Pineapple3 – 4
Limes2 to 2.8
This shows the acidity of different fruits for guinea pigs.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Clementines Everyday?

Guinea pigs shouldn’t eat clementine oranges everyday. The high amounts of sugar and water in the fruit can do some serious damage on your piggies. For example, too much sugar can cause: obesity, diarrhea, and other digestive issues.

And even though the acidity of clementines is less than other citrus fruits, you don’t want to risk mouth sores or ulcers.

(Spoiler: Any issue that prevents your piggies from eating healthily is a BIG problem. Piggies have to eat constantly to keep their digestive moving. All. The. Time. When they can and it doesn’t, then it’s time to see a vet.)

So, the answer to the question is, clementine oranges should only be given as a treat from time to time! This goes for any fruit you’re planning on giving your fur babies.


How Many Clementines Can Guinea Pigs Eat?(Feeding Guidelines)

A small slice of clementine once or twice a week is more than enough for the average adult guinea pigs to eat.

That slice can be anywhere from 1/16 to 1/8 of the whole fruit. As long as it’s an amount that will not cause any digestive problems, then you’re good to go!

Remember that the bulk of the produce that your cavies eat should mostly be leafy greens.

Fruit should be the side dish – an tasty treat. It should never be the main dish.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat the Peel and Skin of Clementines?

two brownish guinea pigs

Yes, guinea pigs can definitely eat the peel of clementines. It’s just as healthy as the actual flesh of the fruit. However, you need to make sure that you wash the fruit really well.

Always clean off your produce before giving it to your cavies, especially if you’re feeding them the peel. Pesticides are often used in non-organic farming. So, you don’t want to feed your cavies trace amounts of those chemicals.

If you’re able to get organic clementines or if you wash them well, then there’s no need to worry about the peels.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Clementine Seeds?

Clementines don’t have seeds. They’re a hybrid fruit, and bred to have no seeds. In the rare cases, when you stumble across a clementine that has a lone seed or two, just toss them out. They can be a choking hazard for your little friends.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Clementine Flesh?

The flesh of clementines is safe and health for guinea pigs to eat. It’s filled with vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that piggies need.

Remember to feed your guinea pigs Clementine sparingly as a treat though. Some fruits are just too high in sugar for them to eat every day.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Leaves from a Clementine Tree?

Guinea pigs can eat the leaves from a clementine tree as long as they’re grown organically or don’t have any pesticide residue on them. Make sure to get rid of any dirt or chemicals that might have gotten mixed up in the leaves when they were growing.

Just like with any plant you feed your cavies, eat only a small amount at first and watch for signs of an allergic (or bad) reaction before giving them more.

Is Clementine Orange Juice Good For Guinea Pigs?

No, guinea pigs shouldn’t drink clementine orange juice. The juice from clementines is filled with sugar and not much else. It’s basically a flavored sugar water that’s not good for your guinea pig.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Frozen Clementines?

Typically, guinea pigs shouldn’t eat frozen clementines. Their digestive systems can be very sensitive to extreme temperatures. Frozen fruits can sometimes cause mouth or digestive issues if they eat them too quickly.

To play it safe, just offer you cavy friends room temperature clementines instead of freezing them.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Canned Clementines?

Guinea pigs shouldn’t eat canned clementines. Most canned fruits are filled with sugar, salt, and other preservatives that guinea pigs shouldn’t eat. Too much natural sugar from fruit can cause health issues for your cavies. Artificial sugars aren’t healthy for them either. In fact, they’re much worse for your cavy friends.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Clementine Cookies?

a message that says guinea pigs shouldn't eat human foods like cookies and cakes
Just don’t do it. No human sweets, treats, or candies.

Clementine cookies are not good for guinea pigs. They’re typically made with all the same ingredients as other types of cookies, which can be bad for their health. Sugar, white flour – these are all foods that your cavy shouldn’t eat in excess. And let’s be honest…sweet treats like this don’t have any beneficial nutrients in it for your little friends.

As a matter a fact, when it comes to your guinea pigs, steer clear of all human foods like cookies, cakes, and other similar treats. Even if you try to make them with healthy ingredients, it’s just not good for your cavy friend.

Treats are fine – in moderation – but feeding your guinea pig human food can lead to obesity or malnutrition.

Stick to fresh fruits that are healthy for cavies and only feed the ones they can eat without a problem.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Clementine Cake?

You should never feed guinea pigs cake or any other foods that are baked with sugar or flour. Both of these are bad for their health in excess, and they’re not healthy treats.

Can Baby Guinea Pigs Eat Clementine Oranges?

Clementines oranges make a nutritious treat for baby guinea pigs. The Vitamin C helps boost their little immune systems and the calcium helps their bones grow.

But, remember to only feed them in moderation. A small slice once or twice a week (or less) is fine for young guinea pigs – especially since they have a sensitive digestive system.

Also, make sure the clementine is fresh and rinsed clean with water before feeding it to them. You can even leave the peel on – it’s just as healthy for your baby little piggies.

Can Pregnant Guinea Pigs Eat Clementines?

Pregnant guinea pigs can eat Clementines oranges. They’re full of Vitamin C and other nutrients that your guinea pig needs while she’s pregnant and nursing.

As long as you remember to only give them in moderation, they’re a healthy addition to their diet.

Do Guinea Pigs Like Clementines? 

Guinea pigs are famously picky eaters, but many do like eating Clementines.

You, as a piggie parent, just have to get past the hard part, which is likely to be introducing it to your little friends several times before they realize how yummy it is.

It’s important to never give them too much of it, but they can enjoy it in small amounts.

How To Prepare A Clementine Orange For Your Guinea Pig

Itā€™s pretty simple to prepare clementines for your guinea pigs. Hereā€™s a few easy steps to take:

  1. Make sure you only feed your little friends ripe fruit. Rotten fruit will make them sick and unripe fruit will taste gross, and they won’t eat it. So, ripe, fresh foods only. Okay?
  2. Thoroughly wash your fruit before feeding it to your guinea pig. You donā€™t want any residual dirt or pesticides in your food, especially when this is an exotics animal youā€™re dealing with. In fact, you can ditch the peel if you’re concerned about pesticides.
  3. Cut the orange into small slices or quarters. Remove seeds if you need to. Clementines are typically seedless, but if there are seeds present – remove them before feeding it to your guinea pig.
  4. Donā€™t feed your cavy too much fruit at a time, as it may upset their stomachs and give them diarrhea or gas. Make sure you dole out servings in moderation so they donā€™t eat too many treats at once.
  5. Start out with small amounts. Less than an inch of fruit each day to start, and then gradually increase the serving size if your guinea pig is doing well with it.

What Other Kinds Of Citrus Fruits Can Guinea Pigs Eat ?

picture of lemons with a word of caution about eating too many
Basically, lemon is just a little too sour and acidic to even bother giving to your piggies. Stick to safer options.

Citrus fruits are healthy treats for guinea pigs. And there’s more out there that your piggies can enjoy…as long as you monitor their intake.

Clementines oranges are nutritious fruits for guinea pigs to eat, but they aren’t the only ones out there. Other citrus fruit options you can give your cavies include:

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Grapefruit?

Yes, guinea pigs can eat grapefruit. It’s another healthy option for piggies to munch on as a snack. It offers your piggies all of the Vitamins C (like oranges), B-complex vitamins, Vitamin A, and more essential minerals they need to be happy and healthy.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Pineapple?

Pineapples are a safe food for guinea pigs to eat. They have a high sugar content, but it’s not a terrible amount. It’s also a great source of vitamin C which is good for their health.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Lemons?

Lemons are bad for guinea pigs to eat. Even though they have high amounts of Vitamin C, the high acidity is just a bit much for your little friends. Guinea pigs can easily get mouth sores and ulcers, so it is better for them to eat fruits with a lower acid content.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Tangerines (or Mandarin Oranges)?

Yes, tangerines can be eaten by guinea pigs. Tangerines are a type of orange. So, if you can feed them oranges, you may also give tangerines to them. Tangerine peels are good for them to eat as well. Just feed them in small pieces , okay?

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Limes?

Limes are safe for guinea pigs to eat. Limes aren’t as acidic as lemons, but they are still filled with Vitamin C and antioxidants. Guinea pigs can eat lime slices if the limes are fresh and were not preserved with sugar or salt. So, limes make a good snack for piggies.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Oranges?

Yes. You can feed your pet guinea pig oranges. If you do, your cavies get perks like fiber, Vitamin C, antioxidants, and a bunch of other nutrients. It’s another tasty fruit choice for your guinea pig to enjoy. Orange skin is fine for them to eat and so are orange leaves (if they’re pesticide-free). And makes a great treat. Just watch out for those orange seeds. Make sure you remove them.

Final Thoughts About Guinea Pigs and Clementines (Also Know As Cuties)

Overall, clementines make a healthy snack for guinea pigs. The health benefits are clear. They can eat clementines without any problems, but make sure to monitor their intake of the fruit.

Clementine oranges are excellent choices for treats in moderation. You can feed them in small chunks or slices about once per week or every two weeks, depending on how many they get in one sitting.

Some people prefer to feed a tiny amount at a time, and others give it all in one sitting. You can decide what’s best for your cavy. They’re very good for them when given in moderation!

But, make sure that you keep leafy greens, fresh, clean water, high quality pellets and hay in your guinea pig’s diet too.

Do you have any more questions about your guinea pig’s eating habits?


Clementines (Raw): FoodData central. (n.d.). FoodData Central.

DVM, S. L. (2015). The Guinea pig handbook. Barron’s Educational Series.

Food and foodstuff – pH values. (n.d.). The Engineering ToolBox.

Gastrointestinal disease in Guinea pigs and rabbits. (n.d.). PubMed Central (PMC).

Guinea lynx :: Diet. (n.d.). Guinea Lynx :: A Medical and Care Guide for Your Guinea Pig.

Guinea lynx :: Nutrition. (n.d.). Guinea Lynx :: A Medical and Care Guide for Your Guinea Pig.

Guinea lynx :: Scurvy — Vitamin C deficiency. (n.d.). Guinea Lynx :: A Medical and Care Guide for Your Guinea Pig.

Guinea lynx :: Vitamin C chart. (n.d.). Guinea Lynx :: A Medical and Care Guide for Your Guinea Pig.

Kubala, J. (n.d.). 6 acidic foods ā€” Should you avoid them? Healthline.

Lemon (Raw): FoodData central. (n.d.). FoodData Central.

Limes (Raw): FoodData central. (n.d.). FoodData Central.

Master list of typical pH and acid content of fruits and vegetables for home Canning and preserving. (n.d.). Pick your own Farms in the U.S, Canada, Britain and other countries – Find a farm near you!.

Nutrient requirements of the Guinea pig – Nutrient requirements of laboratory animals – NCBI bookshelf. (n.d.). National Center for Biotechnology Information.

Oranges, raw, navel: FoodData central. (n.d.). FoodData Central.

Pineapple (raw; all varieties): FoodData central. (n.d.). FoodData Central.

Quesenberry, K., Mans, C., & Orcutt, C. (2020). Ferrets, rabbits and rodents – E-book: Clinical medicine and surgery. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Tangerines (Mandarin Oranges), Raw: FoodData central. (n.d.). FoodData Central.

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