Is It Safe For Guinea Pigs To Eat Pineapple? (You Need To Know)

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Pineapple is a popular fruit that is sweet and tart. It has a lot of health benefits, like improving the immune system and fighting inflammation. But can guinea pigs eat pineapple safely?

Yes, guinea pigs can eat pineapple safely. It’s high in vitamin C and other essential nutrients that help our guinea pigs stay healthy. However, because pineapple also has a lot of natural sugar, you should only feed guinea pigs pineapple 1 to 2 times a week to prevent any potential health problems.

a guinea pig wondering if he can eat pineapple

Keep reading to learn more about the nutritional value of pineapple and how to safely feed it to your guinea pig.

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What Are Pineapples?

Pineapples are a sweet and tart tropical fruit that can be eaten fresh or used in smoothies, juices, or desserts.

Pineapple is high in Vitamin C and other essential nutrients like manganese, thiamin, and dietary fiber. It also has anti-inflammatory properties and can boost the immune system.


It has a unique shape and it tastes sweet. It is also called Ananas Comosus because that’s its botanical name. The pineapple is native to South America. People named it “pineapple” because it looks like a pine cone.

Are Pineapples Safe For Guinea Pigs To Eat?

a tip about how to feed pineapple to guinea pigs

Yes, guinea pigs can eat pineapples safely. But they should only have them as a special treat every once in a while. Too much pineapple can make them sick. Some benefits of giving your Guinea Pig a little bit of pineapple include:

1. Can Help With digestion

A protein-digesting enzyme by the name of Bromelain, which is obtained from the stem or fruit of a pineapple, can help improve digestion.


Bromelain can help break down proteins in the stomach, which can make it easier for your guinea pig to digest their food. (But, this doesn’t include meat or dairy products. Guinea pig digestive systems aren’t designed to digest these types of proteins).

Pineapples also contain dietary fiber, which can help with constipation and other digestive issues.

2. Helps with hydration 

It’s important to keep your cavies hydrated, especially during the hot summer months.

One way to do this is by offering them fruits and vegetables that contain a high water content, like pineapple. Pineapples are about 86% water, which can help keep your guinea pig hydrated and healthy.

Pineapples also contain electrolytes like potassium and sodium, which can help replenish electrolytes that may be lost during heat exposure.

3. Boosts Their Immune System

Pineapple is high in Vitamin C, antioxidants, and other essential nutrients that can help boost the immune system.

Pineapples are also quite high in manganese, which is a natural antioxidant that is known to strengthen the immune system by fighting off free radicals that are likely to cause major illnesses such as cancer. Free radicals are also known to cause premature aging, diseases, and other health problems.

In fact, just one cup of pineapple (not that you should EVER feed your piggies that much) can provide over 100% of their daily recommended intake of Vitamin C.

This can be helpful during cold and flu season, or if your guinea pig is exposed to other potential pathogens. Upper respiratory infections are the bane of every guinea pig owner’s existence, so boosting your cavies’ immune system is always a good idea.

4. Protects Against Scurvy

Since guinea pigs do not manufacture their own vitamin C they require an outside source, which if not found can result to a condition known as scurvy.

Scurvy is a disease that pops up when there’s a lack of vitamin C in your cavies’ diet and can cause symptoms like bleeding gums, easy bruising, and joint pain (which you definitely don’t want your furry friend to experience). Untreated, it can even kill your guinea pigs.

Luckily pineapples are rich in vitamin C. A small serving of pineapple can provide your guinea pig with their recommended daily intake of Vitamin C, and help protect them against scurvy.

5. Promotes Healthy Muscles

Pineapple has magnesium in it. And magnesium is essential for the proper function of lots of enzymes in the body, including those that are responsible for muscle contractions.

This means that pineapples can help promote healthy muscles and prevent cramping (which can happen when there’s a lack of magnesium).

Pineapples can also help with other muscular problems like inflammation and repair.

And it’s good to know that a little bit of pineapple can help keep your piggies doing zoomies and frolicking around in their enclosure for many years to come.

Are Pineapples Bad for Guinea Pigs?

a decision chart to help people figure out if they should feed pineapple to their guinea pig

There are two answers to this question. No and Yes! There’s pros and cons to most things in life and the same can be said for giving pineapples to your guinea pig.

When you feed a pineapple to your Guinea pig, make sure you do it in moderation and only as a part of their regular diet. If you don’t, your Guinea pig could experience some dangerous side effects like:

1. Mouth Sores

Pineapple can cause mouth sores in Guinea pigs – just like with humans.

Like I mentioned earlier, pineapples contain an enzyme called Bromelain. This enzyme helps to chop food proteins into small pieces so they can be digested.

Good right? …uhhh, not so much.

Just like humans, cavies have a tongue and cheeks that contain proteins to protect their mouths.

When guinea pigs eat (too many or too much of) pineapples, the Bromelain enzyme starts to break down these proteins, leaving their mouths exposed to the pineapple’s high acid levels. This can cause their mouths to burn or feel irritated.

2. Bladder and Kidney Stones

Too much pineapple can cause calcium to build up and form crystals in the kidneys or urinary tract, which can lead to kidney stones.

This can be quite uncomfortable and painful, and can also prevent a guinea pig from urinating properly. If left untreated, it could even lead to death.

But, as long as you feed your guinea pig pineapple in moderation, they should be fine.

3. Digestive system problems

Like humans, guinea pigs can also experience problems with their digestive system when they eat too much pineapple.

The high levels of sugar and water in pineapples can cause a spike in blood sugar levels, diarrhea and other stomach issues.

Plus, if you introduce pineapple into your fur babies diet too quickly, it can also cause gas and bloating in guinea pigs. If you notice your guinea pig acting uncomfortable or restless after feeding them a ton of pineapple, it might be because they’re bloated or gassy.

Nutrition Facts for Pineapples. 

Pineapples are a delicious and healthy fruit that is full of nutrients, antioxidants, and helpful compounds. Enzymes in the fruit can help fight diseases and inflammations.

Pineapples are quite high in minerals and vitamins but quite low in calories. This is what you’re likely to find in a cup of pineapple chunks:

  • Fat: 1.7 grams (nice and low, which is good food maintenance)
  • Protein: 1 gram (helps with tissue repair)
  • Fiber: 1.4 grams (gotta love ANYTHING that helps keep your piggies regular; a poopin’ piggie is a healthy piggie)
  • Carbohydrate: 13.1 grams
  • Calories: 82.5 grams (calories are a bit high, but not too bad as long as you don’t go overboard)
  • Sugars: 9.85 grams (definitely on the high side, so watch those portion sizes)
  • Calcium: 13 milligrams (gotta keep those piggie bones and teeth in good shape)
  • Vitamin C: 47.7 milligrams ( It fastens the wound healing process, plays a major role in the absorption of iron, and is also known to prevent scurvy)
  • Vitamin B6: 0.112 milligrams (helps your piggie’s metabolism work the magic of processing carbohydrates, proteins, and fats)
  • Manganese: 0.927 milligrams (a strong antioxidant to help keep your little friends free of disease)
  • Potassium: 109 milligrams (helps to regulate fluid levels in your piggie’s body)
  • Magnesium: 12 milligrams (plays a role in keeping your fur babies energetic enough to do all those zoomies)
  • Vitamin A: 3 milligrams (awesome for maintaining good vision and a healthy coat)

Phew! That’s a lot of information on one little fruit.

How Do Pineapples Compare To Other Fruits?

Let’s take a closer look to the nutrition data comparison between pineapples and other citrus fruits.

FiberSugarVitamin CCalcium
Tangerines (Mandarins)1.8 g10.6g26.7mg37 mg
Oranges2 g8.57g59.1mg43 mg
Lemon2.8 g2.5 g53 mg 26 mg
Grapefruit1.1 g8g33.3mg15mg
Clementines1.7 g9.18 g48.8mg30mg
Pineapple1.4 g9.85 g47.8 mg13mg
Values taken from the U.S. Department of Agricultures

If you look at the table closely, you’ll notice that pineapple has the lowest amount of calcium (good to avoid those bladder and kidney stones).

And even though the Vitamin C content is the lowest in the table, it’s still an impressive amount.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Pineapples Everyday?

No, guinea pigs can’t eat pineapples everyday. If they do, they’d end up with lots of health problems like obesity, digestive issues, and high blood sugar levels.

Pineapples are safe for guinea pigs to eat but only in moderation and as a treat. Too much pineapple can cause lots of health problems for your furry friend.

How Much Pineapple Can Guinea Pigs Eat?

Guinea pigs can eat about a 1 inch cube (or a very small slice) of pineapple for each serving. This can be fed in one sitting. If you keep the servings small, the you won’t have to worry about your guinea pigs getting sick from eating too much pineapple.

Do Guinea Pigs Like Pineapples?

Most guinea pigs like pineapples. But, keep in mind that every guinea pig is different and some might not be as fond of the fruit as others.

If your guinea pigs don’t seem to like pineapple, try mixing it with their favorite food. And don’t quit if your fur babies seem to hate pineapple the first time you give them some. Usually it takes a little while for guinea pigs to get used to new foods.


Can Guinea Pigs Eat The Peel And Skin Of A Pineapple?

No, guinea pigs can’t eat the skin of a pineapple because it has small, hairy thorns that can leave your guinea pig with a bleeding mouth and potentially cause them to go into shock.

Not only that. The actual skin of a pineapple is hard for a guinea pig to eat. It’s very tough and hard to chew (even for cavies). Plus, it might have residual pesticides from when it was grown or stored (and pesticides aren’t good for cavies, either).

Are Pineapple Leaves Toxic To Guinea Pigs?

Don’t feed your guinea pigs the leaves of a pineapple tree, because they’re dangerous to eat. The leaves are toxic to them and can make them very sick. The sharp, bitter leaves aren’t good for their tummies and can cause digestive problems like diarrhea and stomach pain – and they’re also a choking hazard.

Can Guinea Pigs Drink Pineapple Juice?

It’s not safe for guinea pigs to drink pineapple juice. Even though it’s delicious to humans, there’s tons of sugar and is so acidic that it could make your furry friends very sick. Remember that overfeeding any fruit with a lot of water can make your small pet sick.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Pineapple Core?

The core of a pineapple can be eaten by guinea pigs safely. It’s just as nutritious as other fleshy parts of the pineapple. And as long as it’s fed in moderation (about a 1 inch cube per serving) there’s no problem.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Frozen Pineapple?

Frozen pineapple isn’t a good treat for guinea pigs to eat. Actually, frozen pineapple (or other frozen food) really shouldn’t be given to guinea pigs.

Since frozen food isn’t part of their natural diet , it can cause digestive upset and other health problems.

Plus, cavy digestive systems are very sensitive, so they can get sick if they eat anything that’s too cold or that they’re not used to eating.

And if you want to keep your piggies teeth in good shape, you’d want to avoid giving them anything that’s tough chew – like a chunk of pineapple that’s hard as ice.

Now you might be thinking: “What if we let the pineapple melt a little before giving it to the piggies?”

Ummm, I still wouldn’t do if if I were you.

The freezing process that fruits go through can sometimes strip some (or in some cases most) of the nutrients from the fruit. You want to make sure that your cavies are getting all of the nutrients they can from their food, so it’s best to just give them fresh fruits and veggies.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Canned Pineapple?

Don’t feed your guinea pig canned pineapple. It’s not healthy for them and most of the best nutrients are stripped from pineapple during the canning process.

Plus, canned pineapple has too many preservatives. It’s important that we avoid giving our guinea pigs foods with preservatives because they can be harmful to their health.

Canned pineapple also has a lot of sugar. We already know that too much sugar can make guinea pigs sick, so it’s best to just steer clear of canned fruits altogether.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Pineapple Upside Down Cake?

No, guinea pigs can’t eat pineapple upside down cake. It’s not a part of their natural diet and it has way too much sugar.

Plus, the flour, eggs and other ingredients in the pineapple upside down cake are dangerous for guinea pigs to eat. They can cause digestive problems and other health issues.

So please don’t give your furry friends any desserts that have pineapple in them – they’ll be just fine without it.

Stick with good quality hay, Vitamin C – enriched guinea pigs pellets, appropriate amounts of fresh vegetables and a small amount of fresh fruit as a treat to keep your guinea pigs healthy and happy.

Can Baby Guinea Pigs Eat Pineapple?

Technically baby guinea pigs can eat pineapple, but it’s not the best food for them. Pineapple is too acidic and sugary for their delicate stomachs. It can cause digestive problems and other health issues.

If you really want to let a baby guinea pig (a piggie 6 months old or less) to try pineapple, then you should wait until they’re at least 3 to 4 weeks old. That’s when they’re weaned from their mother and are more receptive to solid foods.

Just make sure you only give them a small amount and only give them a very, very small amount.

Can Pregnant Guinea Pigs Eat Pineapple?

Pregnant guinea pigs can eat pineapple, but again, it’s not the best food for them. Pineapple is a little too acidic and sugary for their delicate stomachs. It can cause digestive problems and other health issues.

If you want to give your pregnant guinea pig pineapple, then you should only give her a small amount and only give it to her as a treat once or twice.

How To Introduce Pineapple To Your Guinea Pig

If you’re thinking about adding pineapple to your guinea pig’s diet, there are a few things you need to keep in mind.

First of all, don’t give them too much at first. Start with a small amount and see how they react. If they seem to like it and their digestion is good then you can gradually give them more.

Also, make sure that the pineapple is fresh – not frozen. And avoid canned pineapple because most of the best nutrients are stripped from the fruit during canning process.

Finally, remember to only give your guinea pigs a small amount once or twice a week. Too much sugar can make them sick.

How To Prepare Pineapples For Your Guinea Pig

If you’re going to give your guinea pig pineapples, make sure that you prepare them the right way.

  • First of all, cut off the top and bottom of the pineapple so that it can stand on its own. Then, use a sharp knife to peel away the skin. Make sure to remove all of the brown bits – they can be bitter and hard for your guinea pig to digest.
  • Once the pineapple is peeled, cut it into small pieces. A one inch chunk is a perfect serving for an adult guinea pig.

And that’s it!

Your guinea pig can now enjoy a delicious and healthy treat. Just make sure to only give them a small amount once or twice a week.

As long as you follow these guidelines, giving your guinea pig pineapple is perfectly safe.

Just remember to start with a small amount and only give it to them as a treat. Too much sugar can make them sick.

But if you’re looking for a healthy and delicious snack for your furry friend, pineapple is a great option.

What Other Kinds Of Fruit Can Guinea Pigs Eat?

a message the explains that guinea pigs can eat pineapple and lots of other fruits

As nutritious as pineapple are , they can’t be a guinea pig’s only source of fruit. Guinea pigs need a variety of fruits in their diet to get all the nutrients they need.

Some other great options for guinea pigs include:


Grapefruits are a good snack for guinea pigs because they have a lot of Vitamin C. But grapefruits also have high levels of acid and sugar, which can be harmful to guinea pigs if they eat too many. You should only give grapefruits to your guinea pig once or twice every week or so.


Clementines are a great alternative to grapefruit for your guinea pigs. They’re about as sweet as pineapple and are seedless. Some benefits of eating clementines are that they’re good for your piggie’s immune system.

They’re just as easy to feed as pineapples, because you don’t have to worry about plucking out seeds (they’re choking hazards, you know) strengthening your cavies’ immune system and cells. 


Tangerines are a great source of vitamin C for guinea pigs. They also have a lot of fiber, which can help with digestion. You can give your guinea pig a couple of slices of tangerine once or twice a week.


Strawberries are a great source of Vitamin C, antioxidants and other nutrients. They’re also low in sugar, making them a healthy snack for guinea pigs. You can give your guinea pig a strawberry once or twice a week. And not a lot of people realize this, but guinea pigs often prefer strawberry tops (you know the green part?) to the actually fruit itself.


Lemons should not be fed to guinea pigs due to their extremely high acidic levels which are likely to cause numerous health problems such as mouth sores or digestive issues. 


Cavies like oranges as an alternative to pineapple. Guinea pigs can consume the fruit, flesh, peel, and skin of this citrus. They are high in antioxidants, fiber, water, and calcium, which are all essential to guinea pig nutrition. Oranges may be a healthy snack for your canine companions if you want to feed them something other than pineapple.


Kiwis are packed with nutrients like fiber, Vitamin C and potassium. They’re also relatively low in sugar, making them a healthy option for guinea pigs. You can give your guinea pig a slice or two of kiwi each week. By the way, the seeds are edible. They’re not a choking hazard for piggies.


Wrapping Up

Well, there you have it. Pineapples are safe for guinea pigs to eat, but only as a treat and in moderation.

Be sure to also feed them other kinds of fruit to ensure they’re getting all the nutrients they need.

What other fruits do your guinea pigs enjoy?

Let me know in the comments below.


Hypovitaminosis C (Scurvy). (n.d.). Diseases of Research Animals – DORA — University of Missouri – Comparative Medicine Program and IDEXX-BioAnalytics.

An investigation into the relationship between owner knowledge, diet, and dental disease in Guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus). (n.d.). PubMed Central (PMC).

Nutrient requirements of the Guinea pig – Nutrient requirements of laboratory animals – NCBI bookshelf. (n.d.). National Center for Biotechnology Information.

Pineapple (Raw): FoodData central. (n.d.). FoodData Central.

Pineapple. (2002, June 14). Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved March 6, 2022, from

Properties and therapeutic application of bromelain: A review. (n.d.). PubMed Central (PMC).

What should I feed my Guinea pigs? (n.d.). RSPCA Knowledgebase – Let Australia’s most trusted animal welfare charity help you answer the big questions.

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