Will Eating Swiss Chard Hurt Your Guinea Pig? (Find Out Now)

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Whether you are a first time guinea pig owner or have had them for years, you may be wondering can guinea pigs eat swiss chard? 

Yes, guinea pigs can eat Swiss chard without any problems. Chard is a leafy green vegetable that is full of essential vitamins and minerals for our guinea pigs. However, it’s important to feed chard in moderation, as overfeeding can lead to diarrhea, bladder stones and other health issues.

a guinea pig wondering if he can eat swiss chard

But, let’s slow down a little. You can’t just shove a bowl of Swiss chard in front of your piggies and expect them to eat it – unless you want some serious issues on your hands.

Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about feeding Swiss chard to your little friends as well as some other chard varieties that are suitable for guinea pigs.

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What Is A Swiss Chard? 

Swiss chard is a green vegetable that is often considered a variety of spinach. It is well known for its deep green color, thick and fleshy leaves, crisp stalks, and strong taste. Swiss chard can come in white, red, ruby, or rainbow colors.

Chard has been known for a while. But because it’s similar to other vegetables like spinach, beetroot, and cardoon, it wasn’t always uniquely recognized. The vegetable is also called beet spinach, lead beet, silverbeet, seakale beet, or perpetual spinach.


Swiss chard is a vegetable that is rich in lots of nutrients. It has a lot of water, calcium, and other minerals. Guinea pigs can get a lot of nutrients from eating Swiss chard.

Is Swiss Chard Safe For Guinea Pigs?

Swiss chard is safe for guinea pigs when you feed them the right amount of it. The nutrients in Swiss chard helps keep your guinea pigs healthy and grow properly.

However, too much Swiss chard can have negative consequences, so make sure to give your guinea pigs the right amount.

If you’re just careful about that, your little friends can enjoy all of the benefits of eating Swiss chart and avoid the drawbacks.

Health Benefits Of Swiss Chard

a tip that explains that guinea pigs eat swiss chard

Swiss chard is a nutrient powerhouse that can have numerous health benefits for your guinea pigs. Some of them include:

1. Keeps Guinea Pigs Hydrated

Swiss chard is made up of a lot of water. This can help keep your guinea pigs hydrated and healthy, especially during the hot summer months.

Swiss chard is a great vegetable to give your cavies because it is 92.7% water. This means that it will help keep them hydrated and healthy.

You can also serve your cavies chards as a hydrating supplement (an extra water source) with their pellets and grass hay.

2. Improves Immunity

The high levels of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in Swiss chard can help improve your guinea pigs’ immunity. These nutrients can also help protect them from diseases and infections.

Vitamin C is one of the most important nutrients for cavies. It is an essential vitamin that helps boost their immune system. Swiss chard is a great source of vitamin C.

Other antioxidants present in Swiss chard include beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin. These can help protect your guinea pigs from oxidative damage and improve their overall health.

Studies have shown that Swiss chard can help protect against cancer. This is because it contains a high amount of antioxidants and other nutrients that can help fight off free radicals.

(Free radicals are unstable molecules that can damage cells and lead to cancer and other diseases.)

Including Swiss chard in your fur babies’ diet is a great way to give them an extra boost of nutrients that can help keep them healthy and cancer-free.

3. Protects Against Scurvy

One of the biggest benefits of Swiss chard is that it can help protect your guinea pigs from scurvy. Scurvy is a disease that can be caused by a lack of vitamin C in the diet.

Swiss chard is a great source of vitamin C.

Now, it shouldn’t be fed as the only source of vitamin C as guinea pigs need other nutrients as well. However, it can help prevent scurvy when fed in moderation along with a healthy diet of grass hay, other healthy veggies, and guinea pig pellets.

Scurvy can cause a number of problems in guinea pigs including bleeding gums, joint pain, and hair loss. It can also lead to death if left untreated.

4. Helps Improve Eyesight 

Cavies usually have a poor vision (they’re notoriously nearsighted), which gets worse as they grow older. This is why they need a Vitamin A provider to help prevent their eyes from getting worse.

Another great benefit of Swiss chard is that it can help improve your guinea pigs’ eyesight. This is because it contains a high amount of lutein and zeaxanthin.

Lutein and zeaxanthin are two important antioxidants that can help protect the eyes from damage. They can also help improve vision and prevent age-related eye diseases.

Feeding your fur babies Swiss chard can help keep their eyes healthy and functioning well for years to come.

Risks Of Feeding Swiss Chard To Guinea Pigs

a decision tree that helps people figure out if their guinea pigs should eat swiss chard

As much as swiss chard has high nutritional value, it can also pose various risks to your guinea pigs. Excessively feeding swiss chards to your piggies can cause a lot of health problems. Some of them include:

1. Diarrhea

If you give your fur babies too much swiss chards, they might get diarrhea. This can be dangerous because it can make them sick and even die. You should only give your guinea pigs as much as they need, so that they don’t get diarrhea.

In addition, diarrhea can also be caused by unhygienic feeding. If you give your guinea pigs unwashed Swiss chard, they might get diarrhea.

So, in addition to giving them the right amount of them, you must make sure their food is clean to prevent diarrhea.

2. Renal System Failure

Swiss chards can also cause renal system failure in guinea pigs. Let’s start with answering the basic question: What’s a renal system?

It’s the system that helps remove waste products from the blood and produce urine (think kidneys and bladders, okay?).

If you give your guinea pigs too much Swiss chard, it can damage their renal system. This can lead to a number of problems including kidney stones and urinary tract infections.

This is because Swiss chard contain oxalates, which can bind with calcium and other minerals to form crystals.

If your fur babies end up with too much calcium in their bodies, they can form white sludges in their bladders. These can turn into stones that block the bladder and urinary system.

This can cause a lot of problems, like bladder irritation or big difficulties when urinating. If it’s not treated, it can lead to death.

To prevent this, you should only give your guinea pigs a moderate amount of Swiss chards. You should also make sure to give them other veggies that can help offset the oxalates. These include radicchio, celery, winter squash, endive, and green peppers.

So, while Swiss chards are a great vegetable to give your guinea pigs, you’ve got to be careful not to overfeed them.

Nutritional Facts for Swiss Chard 

Swiss chards have a very rich nutritional content. It contains a good amount of water, fiber, sugar, energy, fat, protein, amongst other nutrients, to suit your guinea pigs. Here is a detailed low down of swiss chard nutritional value per 100 gram (3.5 oz)

  • Water: 92.7 g (great to keep your little friends hydrated)
  • Vitamin A: 6124 IU (good eyesight for the win!)
  • Carbohydrates: 3.74 g (helps keep your little friends high energy)
  • Sugars: 1.1 g (too much of this is bad; very bad – so watch their sugar intake)
  • Dietary fiber: 1.6 g (keep their digestion regular and functioning well)
  • Fat: 0.2 g (low fat for the win)
  • Protein: 1.8 g (help build muscles, bones, cartilage and more)
  • Vitamin C: 30 mg (scurvy suppressor! yay!)
  • Calcium: 51 mg (too much of this can cause bladder stones, like I talked about earlier)
  • Iron: 1.8 mg (important for hemoglobin production in red blood cells)
  • Magnesium: 81 mg (helps with muscle contraction and relaxation, as well as a whole host of other things)
  • Manganese: 0.366 mg (acts as an antioxidant and can help with bone formation)
  • Phosphorus: 46 mg (this helps with energy production and many other bodily functions)
  • Potassium: 379 mg (a bit of this can help with blood pressure and keeping the heart functioning well)
  • Sodium: 213 mg (a little goes a long way with this one – too much can lead to health problems)
  • Zinc: 0.36 mg (good for skin, hair, nails, and more)

So as you can see, Swiss chards are a great vegetable to give your guinea pigs. They’re packed with nutrients that can help keep them healthy and functioning well.

However, you’ve got to careful not to overfeed them as this can lead to health problems like diarrhea and renal system failure.

How Does Swiss Chard Compare To Other Leafy Greens?

The table below compares swiss chard with other vegetables related to it. The vegetables examined include Radicchio, turnip greens, chicory, collard greens, mustard greens, and spinach. lists the fiber, vitamin C, and calcium contents of each of these alternative vegetables. Here are the fiber, vitamin c, and calcium content

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Swiss Chard Every Day?

Guinea pigs can’t eat swiss chard every day without eventually suffering from negative health issues. Swiss chard should only be fed 2 to 3 times a week (or less). Anything more could prove detrimental to your cavies’ health. Feeding your cavies with swiss chards every day could result in lots of health complications such

  • Bloating
  • Diarrhea
  • Bladder sludges and stones
  • Renal damage

How Much Swiss Chard Can Guinea Pigs Eat?

A small leaf or two of Swiss chard is the perfect serving size for guinea pigs. Anything more than that can lead to serious health issues.

Plus, you shouldn’t feed Swiss chard with other high calcium veggies like mustard greens or turnip greens. And you should avoid feeding Swiss chard on two consecutive days.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Chard Stalks?

Guinea pigs can safely eat the stalks of Swiss chard without any health problems. Swiss chard’s crispy stalks could provide a good alternative to eating the leaves for your guinea pigs. Plus, they contain several nutrients that are found in the leaves.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Swiss Chard Leaves?

Yes, guinea pigs can eat Swiss chard leaves. The main part of the veggies that cavies can chew is its leaves. Even though the leaves are relatively thick, they can chew and enjoy them safely.

But, you need to prepare the leaves correctly before feeding them to your cavies. The leaves must be dirt-free and free of pesticides that could hurt your guinea pigs (more on Swiss chard preparation later).

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Frozen Swiss Chard? 

Guinea pigs shouldn’t eat frozen Swiss chard. Most frozen foods are bad for guinea pigs because they can’t chew the food properly and might choke on it.

Cavy digestive systems are sensitive, so feeding them frozen Swiss chard can cause stomach problems and other health issues – especially if that all you feed to them.

Stick to fresh Swiss chard if you can, and only offer frozen food as a special treat every once in a while.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Cooked Swiss Chard? 

Guinea pigs shouldn’t eat cooked Swiss chard. Cooked chard is not the best meal for your guinea pigs and can actually cause issues with their digestive systems.

Cavies can’t properly digest cooked food, so feeding them cooked Swiss chard can cause stomach problems and other health issues.

Cooked Swiss chard is also lacking in nutrients that are essential to guinea pigs. So, it’s not worth the risk of feeding them this vegetable – even if it’s only a little bit.

Raw vegetables are always the best option for guinea pigs.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat  Mixed Chard?

Guinea pigs can safely eat mixed chard. Mixed chard is a mix of different types of chard – typically rainbow, red, and green chard.

Mixed chard is just as healthy for guinea pigs as regular Swiss chard. So, feel free to feed your cavies this leafy green veggie without any worries.

Just like with other types of chard, mixed chard should only be fed in moderation. Too much mixed chard can lead to health problems like diarrhea and other digestive issues.

And when feeding your guinea pigs mixed chard, make sure to wash the leaves thoroughly to remove any dirt or chemicals.

Can Other Types of Chard Be Fed to Guinea Pigs?

Yes, there are a few other types of chard that can be fed to guinea pigs without any problems. For example, rainbow chard, green chard, and red chard can be safely fed to guinea pigs.

These varieties have slightly different nutrient profiles, but all are good choices for your guinea pigs. You just need to make sure that you feed your fur babies the appropriate amounts of each veggie.

Can Guinea Pigs With Bladder Stones Eat Swiss Chard?

Guinea pigs with bladder stones shouldn’t eat Swiss chard. Swiss chards have a decent calcium to phosphorus ratio, which means they are less likely to cause bladder stones in cavies, but..

Swiss chard still has a higher-than-average calcium content. For this reason, it is not recommended to feed Swiss chard to cavies who have already been diagnosed with bladder stones.

Guinea pigs with bladder stones are suffering from too much calcium in their diet. So, it just makes sense to reduce their calcium intake. Swiss chard is not a low-calcium vegetable, so it’s probably not a good idea for your bladder stone-affected guinea pigs. Chards could make the health problem worse for them.

You should feed your cavies food that has very low or no calcium content. Too much calcium could be bad for them.

Can Baby Guinea Pigs Eat Swiss Chard?

Baby guinea pigs can eat Swiss chard. It’s full of nutrients that are good for their development. It’s just like the chard that guinea pig grown-ups eat.

Since they’re still growing, baby guinea pigs (about 6 months old or younger) can enjoy a bit more calcium-heavy veggies than adults. But you still have to be careful not to give them too much, or they might get sick.

Make sure you wash the leaves of Swiss chard before feeding them to your little ones – just like with any other vegetables. You don’t want them to eat any dirt or chemicals.

Can Pregnant Guinea Pigs Eat Swiss Chard?

Pregnant guinea pigs can eat Swiss chard. It’s a great source of nutrients for both the mother and her baby.

Swiss chard is packed with vitamins, minerals, and other important nutrients that help pregnant guinea pigs stay healthy. It’s also safe for the baby guinea pigs to eat.

Just like with any other food, you should feed pregnant guineas moderated amounts of Swiss chard. Excess can cause problems like diarrhea and other health issues.

So, go ahead and add Swiss chard to your guinea pig’s diet during pregnancy – it’s definitely good for her.

Do Guinea Pigs Like Swiss Chard?

Most guinea pigs like Swiss chard. But since cavies are so picky about what they eat sometimes, it’s hard to say whether or not YOUR guinea pig will like it.

The best way to find out is to try feeding it to them. If they turn their noses up at it, you can always mix it in with some of their other favorite vegetables. But if they gobble it up, then you know Swiss chard is a winner in your guinea pig’s book.

How To Prepare Swiss Chard For Your Guinea Pigs Safely

It’s not difficult to prepare Swiss chard for your guinea pigs. Here’s a few tips:

  • Pick a fresh and healthy chard leaf for your cavies. The leaf must be free of pesticides or any form of chemicals
  • Wash the swiss chard thoroughly to remove any form of dirt or insect on the veggie. 
  • Cut the chard into small pieces that can be easily chewed by your cavies. 
  • You can mix the swiss chard with other types of veggies for variety and a balanced diet.
  • Remove leftover veggies after a few hours.

How To Store Swiss Chard For Your Guinea Pig

To store your swiss chard properly, you can put it in a plastic bag that allows it to breathe. This will help keep the chard fresh for up to a week. You can also store it in any type of vented storage, like a bag with tiny holes.

How To Introduce Swiss Chard To Your Guinea Pig

When you introduce Swiss chard to your guinea pig, start by giving them a small amount. If they enjoy it and don’t have any problems, then you can gradually increase the amount you give them.

As with any new food, always watch your guinea pigs closely when they’re eating Swiss chard for the first time (or any other new veggie). If they start to show any signs of discomfort, like diarrhea or stomach pain, then stop giving it to them and take them to the vet.

What Leafy Greens Can Guinea Pigs Eat?

There are many vegetables that are safe for guinea pigs. Swiss chard is one, but spinach, collard greens, radicchio, mustard greens, and chicory are also good choices.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Collard Greens?

Guinea pigs can eat collard greens safely. They’re a great source of nutrients that can be beneficial to your cavies. Collard greens are rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, and vitamin K. It also has good calcium and fiber content. Health benefits of collard greens include:

  • It prevents cancer
  • It has good antioxidant content boost your fur babies immunity to diseases.
  • It also helps improve the vision of your cavies

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Radicchio?

Radicchio is a great food for guinea pigs to eat. It contains many important nutrients, like fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Guinea pigs can get a lot of good stuff from eating radicchio. This food is safe for cavies to eat. Here’s some other perks of radicchio:

  • Its fiber content makes digestion easier for your cavies
  • It can be a good source of hydration for your piggies
  • It’s rich in antioxidants that help prevent diseases. 

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Spinach?

Guinea pigs can definitely eat spinach – in moderation. Spinach is a good food for guinea pigs. It has a lot of fiber, vitamin C, and antioxidants.

  • It has a low sugar content which reduces the possibility of your piggies having diabetes
  • It can also prevent scurvy because spinach is rich in Vitamin C.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Mustard Greens?

Yes, guinea pigs can eat mustard greens. They are a good source of Vitamin C, and have less calcium than some other leafy veggies (I’m looking at you collard greens). And it has other nutrients that are good for your cavies like:

  • As a low-fat and low-calorie vegetable, it helps your cavies to stay healthy and not gain too much weight.
  • Chard is a good veggie for your cavies because it helps keep their cardiovascular system healthy. This means that their blood is free from cholesterol or fat.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Chicory?

Guinea pigs can eat chicory leaves. The leaves have a lot of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. This is good for the guinea pig’s health.

  •  It is high in fiber, thus, aiding digestion
  • It has good vitamin A content that strengthens vision.

Guinea pigs can eat lots of different types of leafy greens. Actually, a good variety of veggies is recommended. You just have to make sure that you’re not overfeeding them, and that you’re storing the veggies properly.

The Final Verdict

Swiss chard is a great vegetable for guinea pigs to eat. It has a lot of nutritional value to it. As long as you’re not overfeeding them, and you store the veggies properly, your cavies can enjoy this leafy green for a long time.

Leafy greens are an important part of a guinea pig’s diet – can they eat Swiss chard?

Guinea pigs can eat any type of chard. You don’t have to feed them just Swiss green chards. They can also eat yellow chard, red chard, and rainbow chard, too.

Be sure to wash the chard before you give it to your guinea pigs and cut it into small pieces that can be easily chewed.

So, next time you are buying vegetables for your piggies’ salad, consider adding a bit of Swiss chard.


Chard. (2004, March 23). Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved March 6, 2022, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chard

Hypovitaminosis C (Scurvy). (n.d.). Diseases of Research Animals ā€“ DORA ā€” University of Missouri ā€“ Comparative Medicine Program and IDEXX-BioAnalytics. https://dora.missouri.edu/guinea-pig/hypovitaminosis-c-scurvy/

An investigation into the relationship between owner knowledge, diet, and dental disease in Guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus). (n.d.). PubMed Central (PMC). https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5126775/

Nutrient requirements of the Guinea pig – Nutrient requirements of laboratory animals – NCBI bookshelf. (n.d.). National Center for Biotechnology Information. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK231932/

Saurav. (2020, February 16). Can Guinea pigs eat collard Greens? (Hazard, serving size & more). Guinea Pig 101. https://guineapig101.com/can-guinea-pigs-eat-collard-greens/

Swiss chard (raw): FoodData central. (n.d.). FoodData Central. https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-app.html#/food-details/169991/nutrients

Swiss chard. (n.d.). BBC Good Food. https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/glossary/swiss-chard-glossary

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