Can Guinea Pigs Eat Popcorn? (The Truth Exposed)

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Most humans enjoy having a movie night with popcorn, but can guinea pigs join in on the action?

Short answer: no. Guinea pigs shouldn’t eat popcorn. Popcorn is an unhealthy snack for guinea pigs because it’s low in nutrition (like Vitamin C) and high in calories. Plus, it can be a choking hazard.

Technically, popcorn isn’t toxic to guinea pigs, which is why you’ll sometimes see some pet owners feeding it to their guinea pigs.

But that doesn’t mean it’s a good idea to make it a regular part of your guinea pigs’ menu.

can guinea pigs eat popcorn - a guinea pig wondering if he can popcorn

Popcorn is actually high in fiber which helps keep their digestive system healthy.

Plus, it’s an excellent way to add some variety into their daily diet.

That said, there’s some things you need to consider before introducing your pet to popcorn.

Let’s dive in and explore all the ins-and-outs of feeding your guinea pigs popcorn and look at some healthier alternatives.

What Are The Risks of Feeding Guinea Pigs Popcorn?

can guinea pigs eat popcorn - a guy freaking out about people giving their guinea pigs popcorn

If you’re considering introducing popcorn as a treat for your guinea pig, it’s important to understand all the risks involved. While popcorn is technically not toxic to guinea pigs, there are some potential health hazards associated with feeding them this snack.


High in Calories

You’ve gotta remember that guinea pigs, like other small animals, have tiny stomachs and can’t eat a lot of food. That’s why it’s important to monitor their diet and make sure they are getting all the nutrients and calories they need.

Popcorn is high in calories which can lead to rapid weight gain if eaten regularly. This could cause health problems such as obesity, digestive issues, and heart disease.

An easy-to-read food chart for safe piggie foods – Buy, download, and print.

Low in Nutrients

Popcorn is also low in essential nutrients like Vitamin C which guinea pigs need to stay healthy. Without enough Vitamin C, they can become prone to serious illnesses like scurvy or kidney diseases.

Choking Hazard

Another potential risk of feeding popcorn to guinea pigs is the risk of choking. Popcorn kernels can be dangerous if they get stuck in your guinea pig’s throat.

Now, I’ve heard that you can give the Heimlich maneuver to guinea pigs. But, I’ve never personally done it. And I’m sure that you’d rather spare yourself AND your furry friends that particular trauma, right?

Artificial Ingredients

There’s a price to pay for all that salty, buttery goodness. Obesity isn’t the only concern when it comes to popcorn.

Many of the ready-made and store-bought brands are full of unhealthy additives and preservatives that can be damaging to your guinea pig’s health.

Blockages and Gut Stasis

Your guinea pig’s digestive system is a delicate machine that can be thrown off balance with just one wrong move.


Like gut stasis.

It’s a condition where the digestive system of your guinea pig slows down and food can’t move through their intestines. This is no joke.

This type of condition means that your little friend needs urgent medical attention (like yesterday) and can even be fatal if left untreated.

Popcorn kernels are hard and can get stuck in your guinea pig’s stomach or intestine, resulting in blockages which can lead to gut stasis.

Is There A Way to Feed Popcorn to Guinea Pigs Safely?

can guinea pigs eat popcorn - a picture of popcorn with a tip for guinea pig owners for feeding popcorn to guinea pigs

The safest way to feed popcorn to guinea pigs is to give them air-popped popcorn, without any added salt or butter.

Before giving it to your guinea pig, make sure that all the kernels have cooled down and remove any unpopped kernels as they can be a choking hazard.

Make sure that the pieces are small enough for them to chew easily. Additionally, only give your guinea pig a few pieces at a time as too much can cause indigestion or diarrhea.

It’s also important to remember only give them popcorn as an occasional treat. That usually means no more than a few kernels at a time.  

Do Guinea Pigs Like Popcorn?

can guinea pigs eat popcorn
You shouldn’t make guinea pigs of your guinea pigs and just try giving them random foods. Make informed decisions and keep the risks low to your little friends.

Because I just like getting “social evidence” to back up my conclusions, I did a little research and found out that guinea pigs actually don’t seem to be particularly interested in popcorn.

I surveyed 62 guinea pig owners that claimed to have fed their guinea pigs popcorn – different types. But, only 4 (or about 7% of the owners) said that their guinea pigs liked popcorn.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Popcorn Seeds Or Kernels?

Let me be perfectly clear – guinea pigs shouldn’t eat popcorn seeds or kernels.

Popcorn kernels or seeds can be a tricky thing for our little fluffballs to digest. Guinea pigs have sensitive digestive systems that need to be taken care of with food that is specifically designed for them.

Their nutritional needs are unique and the wrong types of food can cause health issues – very quickly.

It is best to avoid giving your guinea pig any type of popcorn seed kernel as they can cause blockages or other digestive problems.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Plain Popcorn?

The answer is yes – guinea pigs can eat plain popcorn. But, I suggest that you opt for a healthier, less risky snack.

Keep it light and air-popped with no added salt or butter so that it won’t upset your piggie’s tummy.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Unsalted Popcorn?

Popcorn isn’t an ideal food for guinea pigs. But a small amount of unsalted popcorn can be a suitable treat – once a month.

But, make sure it’s air popped and there’s no butter on it either. Any extra additive will make your furry burritos sick.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Salted Popcorn?

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying: “A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips.” While this applies to us humans, it also applies to our little guinea pigs.

Popcorn may seem like a harmless snack, but the sodium content in salted popcorn is too much for guinea pigs to handle.

It can have all sorts of negative affects on your little friend’s health like dehydration and obesity. So, it’s best to avoid salty popcorn altogether.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Cheese Popcorn?

Let me tell you that the answer is NO! Guinea pigs can’t eat cheese popcorn.

The only thing you’re going to do is make your guinea pigs sick if you give them cheese popcorn. It’s too high in fat and salt, making it an unhealthy snack for them.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Caramel Popcorn?

The short answer is no. Guinea pigs can’t eat caramel popcorn. The added sugar from the caramel is too much for their sensitive tummies.

A guinea pig’s diet should be very light on sugar…actually avoid it completely.

Should Guinea Pigs Eat Popcorn?

No, guinea pigs shouldn’t eat popcorn. The choking hazards and health problems that can occur from eating popcorn far outweigh the small amount of enjoyment your guinea pig can get from a few kernels.

It’s best to stick with healthy treats and fruits that are specifically tailored for guinea pigs, like carrots or apples. Your little fluffball will thank you in the long run.

When my friend’s guinea pig ate some of her daughter’s caramel popcorn, she was pretty worried. But luckily for them, it only caused a bit of an upset stomach – no long-term damage.

I’m telling you, it’s not worth it.

An easy-to-read food chart for safe piggie foods – Buy, download, and print.

What Happens If My Guinea Pig Eats Too Much Popcorn?

Anything is possible if your guinea pig eats too much popcorn. They could get an upset stomach, indigestion, or in some cases, it could cause a blockage in their intestines.

If you think your guinea pig has eaten too much popcorn, make sure to take them to the vet so they can help diagnose and treat any potential issues.

Remember guinea pigs are herbivores and their digestive system is very sensitive – so it’s better to err on the side of caution and avoid giving them popcorn altogether.


What Foods Can Guinea Pigs Safely Eat?

Let me start by saying that a guinea pig’s diet should consist mainly of hay, fresh vegetables and specially formulated pellet food.

But, veggies and fruits can make tasty snacks, too, like –

  • strawberries (especially strawberry tops)
  • corn husks
  • bananas
  • celery
  • squash
  • zucchini
  • turnips
  • tangerines
  • collard greens

Things To Remember About Guinea Pigs And Popcorn

Popcorn is a type of snack that isn’t recommended for guinea pigs. There’s too many other tasty (and safer) options out there to give your little friends.


If you want to give your guinea pig a taste of, make sure you follow a few simple safety tips.

  • Only feed popcorn in moderation (once a month – if that)
  • Make sure you avoid buttery, sugary or salted popcorn as these are not suitable snacks
  • Popcorn kernels are cooked thoroughly before giving them to your guinea pig. Choking hazards are real, my friend.

Air Popped Popcorn: FoodData central. (n.d.). FoodData Central.

Nutrient requirements of the Guinea pig – Nutrient requirements of laboratory animals – NCBI bookshelf. (n.d.). National Center for Biotechnology Information.

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