The Honest Truth About Broccoli and Guinea Pigs (Can They Eat It?)

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As a guinea pig owner, you’re probably always on the lookout for new and interesting foods to add to your pet’s diet. After all, variety is the spice of life – and it’s important to make sure that your guinea pig is getting all the nutrients they need.

One vegetable that you may be wondering about is broccoli. Can guinea pigs eat broccoli?

The short answer is yes, guinea pigs can eat broccoli. Broccoli is a good source of Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Vitamin E and fiber – all nutrients that your guinea pig needs in their diet.

This means that broccoli is a good food choice for your guinea pig, but you should only give them small amounts at a time. Overfeeding on broccoli can cause gut stasis and bloat, which can be fatal.

Before you go loading up your piggie’s plate with broccoli, there’s a few things you should keep in mind.

Let’s dive in!

What Is Broccoli Anyway?

Broccoli is a vegetable that comes from the cabbage family. It has a large, green flower head and small leaves that are eaten as vegetables. Broccoli has a dark green head and light green stalk.

It has a tree-like structure branching out from a stalk. Broccoli can be eaten raw or cooked. Both the flower head and stalk are edible. Itā€™s rich in vitamin C and vitamin K.


Is Broccoli Good For Guinea Pigs?

Yes, broccoli is a good food for guinea pigs. It contains a lot of water, which helps keep them hydrated. Broccoli also has fiber, which is important for their digestion. It’s low in sugar and calories, making it a healthy option.

Broccoli is a good vegetable for your guinea pig. It has a lot of Vitamin C which helps to prevent scurvy. It also boosts the immune system of your pet.

Let’s look at each of these benefits in a little more detail, shall we?

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About 90% of broccoli is made of water. The high water content makes them very hydrating vegetables.

A lot of cavies get the bulk of their water from the veggies they eat. So, it’s always a good idea to include vegetables with a high water content in their diet. This’ll help keep them hydrated and prevent dehydration.

Lots of Fiber

Broccoli has a decent amount of fiber. 1 cup of broccoli (91 grams) has about 2.3 grams of fiber. Fiber is needed in a guinea pigā€™s diet. Their gut movement relies on food with lots of fiber to work well.

Low Sugar and Calories

About 100g of broccoli contains only 1.7g of sugar and 6 g of carbohydrates. It contains a total of 31 calories. The low calorie and sugar amounts make broccoli a very healthy vegetable for guinea pigs.

Guinea pigs cannot digest sugar very well so they need foods that are low in sugar. High-calorie foods also endanger their health and can cause obesity.

Helps Prevent Scurvy

Broccoli is a good source of Vitamin C. Vitamin C is important for preventing scurvy. Feed your little furry small amounts of broccoli to give them a vitamin C boost.

Guinea pigs can’t create their own vitamin C, like other animals can. That means they need to eat food that has vitamin C in it, just like humans do.

Boosts the Immune System

Broccoli contains a chemical that activates a set of antioxidant genes and enzymes. These genes and enzymes belong to specific immune cells that fight injuries.

Broccoli restores body immunity that declines as your piggie ages.

Drawbacks of Feeding Broccoli to Guinea Pigs

a silly meme of the downsides of feeding guinea pigs broccoli

While broccoli is a good source of nutrients, overfeeding on it can cause some serious issues.

So before you go loading up your piggie’s plate with broccoli, make sure you are aware of the potential dangers of feeding too much of it. Let’s dive in and take a closer look at what these dangers are.

Bladder and Kidney Stones

Broccoli increases the risk of getting bladder and kidney stones. Broccoli has oxalates which can cause bladder stones.

Kidney and bladder stones are very painful and often require surgery. It’s something that you really don’t want your fur baby going through. The symptoms of bladder and kidney stones are:

  • painful urination
  • blood in urine
  • Weight loss
  • loss of appetite
  • Lethargy
  • Swollen genital skin

Take your furry to the vet if you notice any of the above symptoms.


Certain foods can cause gas build up in guinea pigā€™s stomach. This is known as bloat and it can be very dangerous. Bloat can lead to gut stasis in guinea pigs. Gut stasis is when guinea pigā€™s digestive system stops working properly. It can be fatal.

Some of the symptoms of bloat are:

  • A swollen, hard stomach
  • Vomiting
  • Lethargy
  • Poor Appetite
  • Unable to Defecate or Urinate

If you notice your furry having any of these symptoms, then you need to get to the vet immediately.


Pesticides can be very harmful to guinea pigs. They’re often sprayed on vegetables to keep pests away. Pesticides can cause many health problems in guinea pigs such as:

  • Cancer
  • Birth defects
  • Liver damage
  • Nervous system damage

It’s best to buy organic broccoli to feed your furry. This’ll help reduce the chances of them ingesting harmful pesticides.

If you can’t buy organic, then make sure that you wash the broccoli thoroughly to get rid of as much of the pesticides as possible.

High in Potassium

A little bit of potassium is good for guinea pigs. But too much potassium is bad for piggies especially if they have kidney problems.

Their kidneys have a hard time to process and filter out excess potassium. This builds up in their bodies and makes them very sick. In some cases, it can even be fatal and cause death.

Low in Vitamin C

In 100g of broccoli, there is about 89.2 mg of vitamin C. This amount is low for guinea pigs’ daily intake. So even if you give them broccoli, make sure to still give your piggie more vitamin C.

Is Broccoli Safe For Guinea Pigs to Eat?

Yes, broccoli is a safe food for guinea pigs to eat. It has nutrients that guinea pigs need, like vitamin C, vitamin K, fiber and potassium.

Broccoli is also low in things that are not good for guinea pigs, like fat, sugar and calories. Even though broccoli is good for guinea pigs, they should only eat a little bit of it at a time because too much broccoli can cause bladder and kidney stones.

The guinea pig diet mainly includes:

  • Hay and pellets
  • Vegetables
  • Fruits

You should give your guinea pig a daily dose of vitamin C. This can be done by either giving them fruit or supplements in the form of pellets.

Veggies are important for piggies because they’re full of important nutrients and minerals that they can’t get from hay or grass.

Broccoli falls into the group of veggies that guinea pigs can safely consume. Broccoli tends to have the most nutrients when raw. This works out well because piggies can eat raw broccoli.

Nutritional Facts Of Broccoli

A 100g cup of raw broccoli contains:

  • Calories: 31 – source of energy in the body. The energy is vital for organs to perform basic functions like the heart pumping blood.
  • Fat: 0.3 g – provides energy, and helps perform basic cell functions. Also keeps the piggieā€™s body warm.
  • Sodium: 30 mg – helps contract and relax muscles and maintain the proper balance of minerals and water.
  • Carbohydrates: 6 g – provides energy to fuel the brain, heart muscles, kidneys, and central nervous system.
  • Fiber: 2.4 g – is vital in the gut movement of your little furry. Aids in digestion and absorption of nutrients into the body.
  • Sugars: 1.7 g – boosts immune, provides high energy levels, and improves gut health.
  • Protein: 2.5 g – increases strength, boosts metabolism, and lowers blood pressure.
  • Vitamin C: 89.2 mg – helps boost immunity and prevents scurvy.
  • Calcium: 47 mg – helps in building and maintaining bones.
  • Phosphorous: 66 mg – helps in the formation of bones and teeth.

Are Guinea Pigs Allergic To Broccoli?

No, guinea pigs arenā€™t allergic to broccoli. Although some might not eat it or like it. Try feeding it to your piggie and see their reaction. Some piggies love it, some piggies hate it.

Do Guinea Pigs Like Broccoli?

a graph of information about whether guinea pigs like broccoli

Yes, guinea pigs like broccoli. Many piggy parents who have fed them have seen their pets enjoy it very much. They love to eat the florets and chew the stalk.

To find out whether guinea pigs like broccoli, I spoke to piggie parents. I manually surveyed 150 guinea pig owners who had fed their pets broccoli:

  • 113 respondents (75%) said their guinea pigs loved broccoli. They enjoyed eating them. The piggie’s parents served it as a treat. They gave their pets broccoli only every few days.
  • 37 respondents (25%) said their guinea pigs hate broccoli. One pet parent said his guinea pig would sniff it and run away. In some cases, the guinea pigs treated it like a toy. While others completely avoided it.

Here are some highlights from my survey:

  • Many guinea pig owners didnā€™t like broccoli. Some thought it was poisonous while others feared bloat.
  • Several guinea pig owners had lost their pets to bloat due to excess broccoli. So they stayed away from it.
  • Some guinea pigs didnā€™t seem to like broccoli after tasting it. While others refused to even try it.
  • Piggie parents were very careful in regulating how much broccoli they fed to their pets. Many were aware of the fact that it can cause bloat and gas.
  • Broccoli was mainly served raw to guinea pigs. Some parents steamed it.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Broccoli Stalks?

Yes, guinea pigs can eat broccoli stalks. The stalks are good for them because they are chewy. Guinea pigs need food that is chewy to keep their teeth ground down.

Remember to wash the broccoli before you give it to your guinea pig. It will remove any dirt and pesticides. Remove the parts of the broccoli that don’t look fresh or healthy.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Broccoli Stems?

Basically, guinea pigs can eat all parts of broccoli..

Yes, guinea pigs can eat broccoli stems. Guinea pigs can eat the entire broccoli plant safely. The broccoli stem is perfectly edible for guinea pigs.

This is a good food for your piggie to chew. The stems are hard, so they help grind your fuzz spud’s teeth.

You can give them the raw cuts when cooking as a treat. As usual, make sure to wash it thoroughly before giving it to your little pet.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Broccoli Buds?

Yes, guinea pigs can eat broccoli buds. The buds have the same nutrients as flowering broccoli. But only give them a little bit at a time, once or twice a week. Remember too much broccoli can make them sick.

An easy-to-read food chart for safe piggie foods – Buy, download, and print.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Broccoli Flowers?

Yes, guinea pigs can eat broccoli flowers. They are full of nutrients like vitamin C, and they also have fiber and are low in sugar and calories. This makes them a great vegetable for your little furry friend.

Tip: Remember that raw veggies are the best for your piggie. Cooked broccoli will lose some of its nutritional value. Plus, piggies don’t digest cooked food very well.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Broccoli Leaves?

Yes, guinea pigs can eat broccoli leaves. The leaves have as much nutrition as the rest of the plant. When it comes to piggies, no broccoli part gets left behind.

Remember to clean the leaves of your broccoli before feeding them to your pet. You want to make sure that all the dirt and pesticides have been removed. Only feed them broccoli two or three times a week to avoid bloat.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Broccoli Florets?

Yes, guinea pigs can eat broccoli florets. Every part of the broccoli plant is edible for guinea pigs. You should wash the florets thoroughly and give them to your piggie raw.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Cooked Broccoli?

a tip about guinea pigs and broccoli

No, don’t give guinea pigs cooked broccoli to eat.

Cooked broccoli has fewer nutrients than raw broccoli. This is because cooked broccoli has been processed. Remember, guinea pigs’ food should always be raw. Cavies cannot digest processed food well.

Cooked food is also softer which is not ideal for guinea pigs’ dental health.

Guinea pigs have teeth that never stop growing. Chewable food helps ground them and wears them down.


Can Guinea Pigs Eat Broccoli Seeds?

No, guinea pigs canā€™t eat broccoli seeds. Guinea pigs should not be fed seeds of any kind. Seeds are a safety hazard for guinea pigs.

Seeds can hurt your guinea pigs’ teeth and cause pain. They can also choke on the small pieces of broccoli seeds if it gets stuck in their throat.

Plus, seeds have high-fat content and can lead to obesity if they eat too many of them.

As a plant, broccoli is edible to guinea pigs. But their seeds shouldn’t be fed to guinea pigs.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Raw Broccoli?

Yes, guinea pigs can eat raw broccoli. This is the best way to feed your guinea pigs broccoli. When itā€™s raw, it has the most nutrients and itā€™s also chewy.

Guinea pigs should only be fed raw food. They canā€™t digest processed food well which might lead to digestive issues. Give your little furry raw broccoli only two or three times a week.

Remember to wash the broccoli or any other vegetable well before feeding it to your little fur baby.

Can Baby Guinea Pigs Eat Broccoli?

Yes, baby guinea pigs can eat broccoli. Broccoli has high levels of vitamin C which is great for baby guinea pigs. It helps boost their immunity which is fragile since theyā€™re still young.

Other vegetables suitable for baby guinea pigs are green pepper, zucchini, carrots, tomato, and sweet potato. Feed it to them once or twice a week.

An easy-to-read food chart for safe piggie foods – Buy, download, and print.

Can Pregnant Guinea Pigs Eat Broccoli?

Yes, pregnant guinea pigs can eat broccoli. Broccoli is full of vitamin C which is ideal for boosting immunity during pregnancy. But , remember to only feed it to them twice or three times a week.

The high levels of calcium and oxalates arenā€™t ideal for pregnant guinea pigs. Wash the broccoli thoroughly before feeding it to your pregnant sow.

Can Guinea Pigs With Bladder Stones Eat Broccoli?

No, guinea pigs with bladder stones should not eat broccoli. Broccoli has high levels of oxalates and calcium. These cause bladder stones in guinea pigs. Eating broccoli can worsen the condition of piggies with bladder stones.

Can Guinea Pigs With Bloat Issues Eat Broccoli?

You have to be VERY careful about what you feed piggies – especially ones that are sensitive to bloat or bladder stones.

No, guinea pigs with bloat issues should not eat broccoli. Broccoli has low fiber content and can worsen your piggie’s bloat. The guinea pigs’ gut needs fiber to move.

If your fuzzy potato has problems with bloat, you should give it food that is high in fiber, like hay or pellets. Go easy on the veggies.

Broccoli might trigger their bloat so itā€™s better to not feed it to your piggie. If you must, lower the amounts and feed them to them only once a week.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Broccoli Every Day?

a tip about guinea pigs eating broccoli

No, guinea pigs shouldn’t eat broccoli every day. They should only eat broccoli two or three times a week at most. Eating too much broccoli can cause bloat, diarrhea, gas, and bladder stones in guinea pigs.

Broccoli is high in oxalates and calcium which can cause kidney and bladder stones. Guinea pigs can handle low amounts of broccoli. Large amounts? Not so much.

How Much Broccoli Can You Give Your Guinea Pig?

Each guinea pig can eat one cup of broccoli (100g) two or three times a week. Since broccoli is rich in vitamin C:

  • It will help to boost the immunity of your pet;
  • Strengthen their bones and;
  • Improve their overall health.

Remember that broccoli is high in oxalates and calcium. If eaten excessively, they will cause bladder and kidney stones in your piggie.

It also has low fiber content for guinea pigs. Therefore it can cause bloat, diarrhea, and gas if consumed excessively.

How Do You Prepare Broccoli For Guinea Pigs?

Here’s a few tips on how to prepare broccoli for your guinea pigs.

  • Wash thoroughly to remove any dirt or contamination on the surface
  • Remove any scurry bits or bad parts that may be rotten
  • Feed it to your guinea pigs raw

Donā€™t cook or steam broccoli that you feed your guinea pigs. Guinea pigs cannot digest processed food and need it raw.

How To Grow Broccoli At Home For Your Guinea Pigs

Here’s a video about how to grow plants indoors.
  • Find a sunny spot with a partial shade that receives 5-7 hours of sunlight
  • Add soil that is fertile, moist, and also drains well
  • Add a thin layer of manure about 2-4 inches
  • Plant broccoli 18-24 inches apart in rows spaced 26 inches apart
  • Water the seedlings plenty during the first week to help them establish
  • After one week water every to five days
  • Water more frequently as the main broccoli head develops

What Are Some Alternatives To Feeding Broccoli to Your Guinea Pig?


There’s lots of different things that you can feed to your piggies, including:


Guinea pigs can eat all parts of cauliflower. Cauliflower is a good source of vitamin C for guinea pigs. However, just like broccoli, it can cause gas so donā€™t feed it to your piggie too often.


Parsnip is very safe for guinea pigs to eat. Itā€™s a good source of vitamin C and K. However, donā€™t feed it too often because of its high levels of calcium.

Brussel Sprouts 

When offered in moderation, theyā€™re very safe for guinea pigs. Theyā€™re beneficial to piggies since theyā€™re full of vitamins and minerals.


Squash is a safe vegetable to give your guinea pig. It doesn’t have harmful effects like other fruits and vegetables. You can give your little pet squash twice per week. It contains many essential vitamins and minerals great for your piggieā€™s health.


Guinea pigs can eat cabbage. They love it! It’s a great source of vitamins and minerals for them, as well as roughage that helps with their digestion. Cabbage also contains a lot of water, which is great for keeping the guinea pigs hydrated.

What Vegetables Can Guinea Pigs Eat Everyday? 

Vegetables are a good way to give your guinea pig extra vitamins and minerals. Adding vegetables to their diet every day (in addition to hay and pellets) is a great way to make sure they’re getting everything they need.

Here’s some vegetables your guinea pig can eat every day:

  • Bell pepper
  • Corn silks and husks

Things To Remember About Broccoli and Guinea Pigs 

Shall we wrap up now? Here are some main takeaways from the article:

  • Broccoli is safe for guinea pigs and is a great source of vitamins, fiber, and minerals.
  • Guinea pigs can eat all parts of broccoli from flowers, leaves, stems, stalk, and floret.
  • Broccoli should be given to guinea pigs raw. Donā€™t cook or season it.
  • Excessive consumption of broccoli causes bladder or kidney stones in guinea pigs. It also causes bloat, gas, and diarrhea.
  • Guinea pigs should only have two to three times a week.
  • Wash broccoli thoroughly before feeding your guinea pig.

Monique Hanford. (n.d.). CAN GUINEA PIGS EAT BROCCOLI? Just Ask Guinea Pigs.

Fraser, A. (2014). ā€˜Pocket Nutrition Guide to Fruit & Vegetables.

Axelson, R. (2008). ā€˜Guinea Pigsā€”Feedingā€™, VCA Hospitals

University of California – Los Angeles. (2008, March 10). Broccoli May Help Boost Aging Immune System. ScienceDaily. Retrieved September 13, 2022, from

Vanderlip, S. (2013). ā€˜The Guinea Pig Handbookā€™, Barronā€™s Educational Series (2013)

Judah, V. & Nuttall, K. (2017).  ā€˜Exotic Animal Care and Management, Cengage Learning

Witkowska, A. (et al), (2017). ā€˜The Effects of Diet on Anatomy, Physiology and Health in the Guinea Pigā€™, Journal of Animal Health and Behavioral Science

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