Can Guinea Pigs Eat Cherries? (Find Out Now)

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Guinea pigs’ diet mostly consists of hay, pellets, vegetables, and fruit. Cherries are a perfect snack for hot summer days. Are you wondering if it’s okay to share some delicious cherries with your little furry friend?

Yes, guinea pigs can eat cherries. Cherries have antioxidants which help the body function better. They also have vitamin C to prevent scurvy. Cherries help regulate cholesterol and glucose levels, which is good for the heart. But, don’t overfeed cherries to your guinea pigs because they’re pretty acidic, which can cause dental and other health problems.

a picture of a guinea pig who likes cherries

Cherries are actually a popular treat for guinea pigs. Letā€™s look at all the benefits and risks, and how often you can feed your cavy cherries.

I’m even going to suggest alternative fruits and treats for your little furry.

Shall we?

What Are Cherries, Anyway? Are They Called Anything Else?

Cherries are little round stone fruits (drupe) with a range of colors, but mainly red. There are two varieties of cherries: Sweet cherry (wild cherry) and sour cherry.

Cherries are fruits from plants of the genus Prunus. The name cherry also refers to a tree belonging to any family of prunus.


Do Guinea Pigs Like Cherries?

a graph that shows how many guinea pigs like cherries versus those that don't

Yes, guinea pigs like cherries. Cherries are sweet and delicious to eat so cavies absolutely love them. Guinea pig owners should be cautious of the amount they feed their cavies, though.

Thatā€™s what I found out when researching how piggies reacted to being given cherries.

I surveyed 63 guinea pig owners to find out if their pets loved cherries:

  • 53 respondents (84%) said their guinea pigs loved cherries. These parents fed them in small amounts. They removed the pits and gave them small pieces of fruit. Piggies really loved cherries.
  • 10 respondents (16%) said their pets didnā€™t like cherries. Some sniffed them and stayed away. While for some, they tasted it once and didnā€™t like it at all. In one case, a bonded pair had one piggie who loved cherries and another who didnā€™t care for them.

Many guinea pigs enjoy eating cherries. Guinea pig owners feed their pets cherries as a way to bond with them. The most common type of cherry that is given to guinea pigs is the sweet cherry.

Some guinea pigs ate sour cherries but they didnā€™t enjoy them as much as sweet cherries.

Here are some highlights from my survey:

  • A lot of guinea pig owners didn’t like cherries because they are afraid that the stones will choke their pets.
  • Some parents thought cherries were poisonous (honest mistake) to guinea pigs so they stayed away.
  • There were also concerns about the high amount of sugar in cherries. Many piggie parents didnā€™t feed their pets cherries for this reason.
  • One parent said he lost his piggie to cherries. The little furry developed dental issues due to cherries.
  • It’s a good idea to remove the pits from cherries before you give them to your pet.

Many pet parents didnā€™t have enough information on cherries for guinea pigs. Some said they received contradictory information online. So they didnā€™t know who to trust.

So because of this, letā€™s have a look at the benefits of cherries, shall we?

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Are Cherries Good For Guinea Pigs?

a picture of a guinea pig who likes cherries

Yes, cherries are good for guinea pigs. They boost their immune system and also prevent scurvy. They also reduce inflammation.

Cherries have a plethora of benefits that will do wonders for your piggie. Letā€™s have a look at them below:

Immune System Booster

Cherries are a great way to keep your piggie’s immune system healthy. They have lots of nutrients that can help keep diseases away, even ones like cancer.

Cherries can help keep your little baby healthy. Try feeding some to your cavy today. Just make sure not to give them too many.

Scurvy Protection

Guinea pigs are prone to getting scurvy. This is a deadly disease that can actually cause death. Cherries contain vitamin C. So you can supplement your piggies’ diet by feeding them cherries.

Itā€™s actually healthier for your little furry potato to get her vitamin C from fruits and vegetables.

Reduces Inflammation

Cherries have high ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) meaning theyā€™re powerful antioxidants. Foods that have high ORAC value are able to help fight toxins in your little furries body. Cherries also help to reduce inflammation in your guinea pig.

Aside from fighting inflammation, foods with high ORAC value help improve body activity.

Wouldnā€™t it be great to see your fuzz spuds be more active and healthy?

As guinea pigs age, same with humans, the ability to fight toxins decreases. Fruits like cherries help this.

Cardiovascular Benefits

Piggies need all the heart-healthy help they can get.

Cherries contain nutrients that help regulate cholesterol and glucose levels in piggies.

High cholesterol can clog arteries and cause heart problems. (And guinea pigs don’t need any more heart issues, am I right?)

Cherries help reduce the risk of heart disease.

High Water Content

Pets don’t always drink water as often as you would like them to. When they’re sick, it’s even harder to get them to drink water.

You can give them food that has a high water content to help them hydrate.

Cherries have a lot of water so feeding your guinea pig will keep them hydrated. You can feed your cherries to also supplement their fluids.


Are Cherries Bad For Guinea Pigs?

Cherries are bad for guinea pigs if they’re overfed. They can cause mouth sores due to the high sugar content. Plus, they might have issues with gaining too much weight or even choke if you forget to remove the pits.

Let’s look at

Mouth Sores

Cherries have a lot of acids in them. This can burn guinea pigs’ mouths and cause sores. That’s why cherries should only be fed to pigs in moderation.

The sores can cause them discomfort while eating. In the worst cases, they might stop eating altogether.


Feeding your guinea pigs too many cherries can lead to obesity. This is because they have a high sugar content. Please moderate the number of cherries you feed your guinea pigs.

Obesity can be deadly for guinea pigs. It causes a lot of other health problems that can lead to death. Obesity also makes it hard for your little furry friend to move around.

Choking Issues

Cherries are a type of prune. They have hard seeds inside them. When you feed your piggies cherries, please remember to remove the pits. Cut the cherries into small pieces so that they donā€™t run the risk of choking your piggy.


Guinea pigs canā€™t handle the traces of pesticides that remain in crops. Unlike humans and other animals, their bodies are too small. This means that the effects are deadlier despite the small amounts.

Cherries can contain pesticides that are harmful to guinea pigs. Before feeding them, please remember to wash them thoroughly.

Digestive System Problems

If you give your guinea pig too many cherries, they might get diarrhea. If this happens, watch them carefully to see if they are okay. Diarrhea is a sign that the cherries are too much for them.

If your pet has diarrhea, please either reduce the amount or stop feeding them cherries. If you have overfed them, you can reduce the amount. Otherwise, continued diarrhea is a sign that cherries don’t agree with your pet.

Nutritional Facts for Cherries 


100 grams of sweet cherries contain:

  • 63g of carbohydrates: responsible for generating energy for the body’s activity and function.
  • 12.8 grams of sugar: Helps generate energy for the body.
  • 2.1 g of dietary fiber: Helps in digestion and absorption of nutrients.
  • 0.2 grams of fats: Keeps the body insulated and provides strength.
  • 1.1 grams of proteins – They build and repair the body of your piggie.

The vitamins in cherries are:

  • Vitamins K ā€“ 0.03mg: plays a role in blood clotting, regulating calcium levels, and bone metabolism.
  • Vitamins C ā€“ 7mg:  necessary for growth and development. Also prevents scurvy.
  • Vitamin B6 ā€“ 0.067mg – helps maintain brain health.
  • Niacin ā€“ 0.382mg: lowers cholesterol.
  • Riboflavin 0.05mg: helps the cavy’s body break down protein, carbohydrates, and fats into energy.
  • Thiamine ā€“ 0.041m: prevents complications with the brain, nervous system, heart, and muscles.

Cherries also contain many good minerals for your guinea pigs.

  • Calcium ā€“ 13 mg: it helps to build and maintain strong bones for your piggie.
  • Iron ā€“ o.4 mg: necessary for growth and development. Itā€™s vital in the production of red blood cells.
  • Magnesium ā€“ 11mg: has anti-inflammatory benefits, helps in heart health, and combats depression.
  • Phosphorus ā€“ 21 mg: it helps in the formation of teeth and bones.
  • Zinc ā€“ 0.1 mg: supports the immune system and aids in wound healing.

As you have seen, cherries are chock full of nutrients. But how do they compare to other fruits? Letā€™s have a look.

  • Cherries have a higher amount of fiber compared to other citrus fruits. Higher fiber is better for digestion. Prevents bloat, gas, and diarrhea.
  • Cherries also have considerably higher amounts of calcium compared to others. This means you should feed them in moderation.
  • Cherries are also high in sugar. Remember guinea pigs canā€™t digest too much sugar well. It causes digestive problems and obesity.

The main takeaway from this is to feed your little fur baby cherries in moderation. The nutrient content is good and will boost your little petā€™s health.


Can Guinea Pigs Eat Cherries Every Day?

Hay, grass, and bell peppers are the only things that piggies should eat daily. Everything else should be fed in rotation.

No, guinea pigs can’t eat cherries every day. Cherries are high in sugar and calcium which can cause health problems if they eat them all the time. Moderation is ALWAYS best.

The guinea pig gut is not equipped to digest excess sugar, so the excess can lead to diarrhea.

Sugar will also cause obesity which is life-threatening for guinea pigs. Calcium if taken in excess can cause bladder stones in guinea pigs.

How Many Cherries Can Guinea Pigs Eat? (Feeding Guidelines)


At most, a guinea pig should have one cherry per day. A baby guinea pig should have half a cherry per day. Donā€™t feed your guinea pigs cherries more than three times a week. Itā€™s recommended to make it once a week.

To prepare cherries for guinea pigs:

  • Pick fresh cherries that you would later feed your guinea pigs. Fresh is more nutritious.
  • Wash them thoroughly to remove the pesticides.
  • Remove the stems, its, and leaves. Theyā€™re all harmful to guinea pigs. Feed them the FRUIT ONLY.
  • Serve them one cherry. You can cut it into small pieces so that it’s easier for your piggies to eat.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat the Skin of Cherries?

Yes, guinea pigs can eat the skin of cherries. The skin contains nutrition just like the fleshy part. It also has more fiber which is important for the guinea pigsā€™ gut movement.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Cherry Pie?

No, guinea pigs can’t eat cherry pie. Guinea pigs should not be fed cooked or seasoned food and fruit of any kind. They should only be given raw food.

Guinea pigs are herbivores that eat raw plants. Their digestive system can’t process cooked food like ours needs. They can’t eat processed food, even if it is cooked.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Frozen Cherries?

Always stick to raw, fresh produce for your piggies.

No, guinea pigs canā€™t eat frozen cherries. Don’t feed your guinea pigs frozen food.

Their bodies cannot handle extreme temperatures. Frozen food can cause digestive issues.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Canned Cherries?

No, guinea pigs can’t eat canned cherries. Canned cherries contain preservatives and additives that aren’t good for guinea pigs. They also have a lot of sugar, which is bad for them.

The guinea pig should only have fresh fruit and vegetables. Nothing processed or preserved in any way.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Cherry Seeds?

No, guinea pigs canā€™t eat cherry seeds. Seeds are a choking hazard for guinea pigs. Theyā€™re hard-shelled and canā€™t be broken down by their teeth.

Seeds also have high levels of fat which is not healthy for guinea pigs. Feed your fur baby cherries with the pit removed.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Maraschino Cherries?

No, guinea pigs should not eat Maraschino cherries. Maraschino cherries are processed cherries that are generally not healthy for guinea pigs.

Maraschino cherries arenā€™t good for guinea pigs because:

  • They take longer to digest (14-52 hours) and thus can cause blockage.
  • Theyā€™re high in sugar which can cause digestive problems and obesity.
  • The processing of cherries destroys antioxidants, proteins, and vitamins. These nutrients are vital for guinea pigs.
  • They have high-calorie content as compared to natural cherries. High-calorie content is very unhealthy for guinea pigs.

Can Guinea Pigs Drink Cherry Juice?

Water is THE best beverage for guinea pigs in most cases – and not cherry juice.

No, guinea pigs canā€™t drink cherry juice. Cherry juice is processed and is very high in sugar. Guinea pigs canā€™t digest processed food and drinks.

The high sugar in most commercial foods harms their digestive system.

It also puts them at risk of obesity. Remember, guinea pigs can’t process huge amount of sugar very well.

Pigs should eat fresh fruits and vegetables, not sweets. Give them one piece of fresh cherry as a treat.

Watch this video to learn more about how to feed your guinea pig cherries: Can Guinea Pigs eat Cherries?

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Cherry Tomatoes?

Yes, guinea pigs can eat cherry tomatoes. Cherry tomatoes are full of vital nutrients for piggies’ health.

But, they should only be fed sparingly – maybe once or twice a week. Cherry tomatoes are high in Oxalic Acid. These acids can cause mouth sores in guinea pigs.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Cherry Tree Branches?

No, guinea pigs can’t eat cherry tree branches. The branches contain harmful toxins that can kill guinea pigs. The only edible part of a cherry is the fruit, not the branches or pits.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Cherry Tree Leaves? 

No, guinea pigs can’t eat cherry tree leaves. The leaves have a thin tip that can harm the throats of piggies. The leaves are also serrated, which can irritate your guinea pig’s mouth. They also contain cyanide, which if swallowed can be deadly to guinea pigs.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Cherry Tree Bark?


No, guinea pigs canā€™t eat cherry tree bark. It has harmful chemicals that can be devastating to their health. The cherry tree bark contains prussic acid and cyanide which is fatal for piggies.

The only edible part of cherries is the fruit. Always remember to remove the seeds before feeding them to your little friends.

Can Baby Guinea Pigs Eat Cherries?

Yes, baby guinea pigs can eat cherries. Cherries contain many vitamins and minerals which help in growth and development. Baby guinea pigs should only be given half a cherry per day.

They should not eat cherries more than three times a week. Make sure the cherries are freshly picked and washed thoroughly.


Can Pregnant Guinea Pigs Eat Cherries?

Yes, pregnant guinea pigs can eat cherries. Cherries have many nutrients that help boost immunity which is good for pregnancy. They also improve the activity levels of pregnant soars.

Remember to wash the fresh cherries well. Only give your pregnant sow one cherry per day at most.

How To Introduce Cherries To Your Guinea Pigs

  • Get freshly picked cherries.
  • Remove leaves and stalk.
  • Wash them thoroughly to remove any traces of pesticides.
  • Deseed the cherry.
  • Hand feed it to your piggie or give them together with other fruits.
  • Watch their reaction. If they love it, they will eat it, if not they will ignore it.
  • After eating, watch out for any issues in digestion like diarrhea.
  • If they have diarrhea, stop feeding them cherries.
  • Remember to only give them one cherry per day per guinea pig no more than three times a week.
An easy-to-read food chart for safe piggie foods – Buy, download, and print.

Cherry Alternatives (Stone Fruits)

Stone fruits are full of nutrients that are good for the health and development of your furry. Here are some alternatives to cherries to supplement your piggie’s diet:

  • Dates: theyā€™re high in fiber and antioxidants which are essential for the good health of your piggie. But, the sugar content is kinda high, so only feed them in small amounts
  • Nectarine: Theyā€™re packed with minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. All of which will boost the development and immunity of your guinea pig.
  • Apricots: Theyā€™re rich in vitamin A which is great for improving and maintaining eye health.
  • Peach: Theyā€™re anti-inflammatory, improve eye health and boost the immune system.
  • Plum: they help with digestion, and regulating blood pressure. Theyā€™re also great for bone health.
  • Lychees: Theyā€™re one of the best sources of vitamin C which prevents scurvy.

What Fruit Do Guinea Pigs Like The Most? 

Guinea pigs love kiwifruit the most. Kiwifruit is refreshing and nutritious with lots of vitamins C.

Guinea pigs also love apples, bananas, pineapple, and cantaloupe, among others.


Final Thoughts

  • Cherries are a great source of vitamin C, vitamin C, and other important minerals.
  • Guinea pigs can eat cherries. They make for great treats when fed occasionally.
  • Guinea pigs should only have one cherry per day. Feed your guinea pig cherries only two times a week.
  • Overfeeding guinea pigs with cherries will cause diarrhea, obesity, and diabetes.
  • Remove the leaves, twigs, and seeds before serving your piggie.
  • Remember to wash the cherries well to remove any dirt and pesticides.
  • Cherries should only be served fresh and raw.
  • Fruits should only supplement guinea pigs’ diet.

Kubala, J. (n.d.). 7 impressive health benefits of cherries. Healthline.

8 hidden health benefits of cherries for weight loss, heart health & good sleep. (2020, September 3). NDTV Food.

Adrianne Bendich, et al. (1984, September ). Interaction of Dietary Vitamin C and Vitamin E on Guinea Pig Immune Responses to Mitogens, The Journal of Nutrition, Volume 114, Issue 9, Pages 1588ā€“1593,

B. L. O’Dell, et al. (1957, September ). Diet Composition and Mineral Balance in Guinea Pigs, The Journal of Nutrition, Volume 63, Issue 1,, Pages 65ā€“77,

Zilva S. S. (1936). Vitamin C requirements of the guinea-pig. The Biochemical journal, 30(8), 1419ā€“1429.

Mitchell, S. C., DVM, & DABVP. (2019, March 8). Is your Guinea pigā€™s diet providing the right nutrients? The Best Pet Health & Care Advice from Real Vets | PetMD.

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