15 Wonderful Ways To Entertain Your Guinea Pig (Right Now)

15 Wonderful Ways To Entertain Your Guinea Pig (Right Now)

If you have guinea pigs, then you realize how important it is to entertain them. In an environment where they feel bored or lonely, guinea pigs are susceptible to symptoms like depression. So, mental and physical stimulation is a must. Luckily, it’s not that hard to keep guinea pigs entertained. On average, the most successful…

4 Cheap, Safe Guinea Pig Bedding Options (Piggie Approved!)

4 Cheap, Safe Guinea Pig Bedding Options (Piggie Approved!)

Other than food, bedding is one of the most expensive guinea pig maintenance products. With so many different options available, you may be wondering, which are the safest for your guinea pig? And the most inexpensive? If you are, then you’ve come to the right place! The cheapest and safest guinea pig bedding options include:…

Armor All Shop Vac Review: Does it pick up poop and hay? (Find Out Here)

Armor All Shop Vac Review: Does it pick up poop and hay? (Find Out Here)

Aren’t you sick and tired of picking up guinea pig poop and hay?  Stressed because it seems to take forever and a day?  Flabbergasted because you still find poop pellets smushed into your socks and picking hay out of the carpet-even after you’ve spent an hour cleaning? The Armor All Utility Vac is good solution…