Why Guinea Pigs Shouldn’t Eat Candy (7 Simple Reasons)

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Hey there! So, you might be thinking, “Candy for my guinea pig? Why not? They’re just little balls of fluff and love, they can handle a little treat every now and then.”

Slow your roll, my friend. As a former guinea pig owner myself, I can tell you from experience that candy is a big no-no for these little guys. And I learned this lesson the hard way.

a picture of a white and brown guinea pig wondering if guinea pigs can eat candy

See, I used to think it was super cute to give my guinea pig a little piece of candy every once in a while. I mean, who doesn’t love a good sugar rush? Stupid, I know. But, I was young and didn’t know any better.

In this post, we’re going to go over 5 simple reasons you should never give your guinea pig candy. I really mean it. Steer clear. And here’s the first reason why:

1. The Sugar in Candy is Bad for Their Teeth

a gentle reminder that candy isn't good for guinea pigs

You see, it turns out that us humans aren’t the only ones who have to worry about cavities or gum disease when it comes to too much sugar in our diets – guinea pigs have to deal with all that too.

The sugar in candy creates a breeding ground for bacteria that can strip the enamel from their teeth like someone took a cheese grater to ā€˜em. Not cool.


This nasty business can get so outta control that it can lead to tooth decay and pain, even infections if things get bad enough.

And don’t get me started on gum disease in guinea pigs. If your little friends eat too much sugar, it can cause plaque to form on their teeth. This can make their gums red and sore.

Then we’re talking expensive trips to the vet, guilt-trips for you (especially if you haven’t been careful with their diet), and worst of all, a lot of suffering for your furry little buddy.

Basically, it’s like a domino effect of bad-ness. So, yeah, pass on the candy if you know what’s good for your little one.

2. Candy Isn’t Good for Their Digestion

High-sugar diets can really set guinea pigs up for some serious digestive issues, like gas and bloating. That’s because guinea pigs can’t digest the MEGA high amount of processed sugar in candy.

Guinea pigs are animals (well, herbivores) that have to eat mostly raw plants (and hay…LOTS of hay) to keep their digestive system running the way it should.

Sugars can cause an increase in bad bacteria in a piggie’s digestive system. This causes problems like:

  • Bloat – Candy can cause guinea pigs to bloat. Bloating is when there is low fiber content in their food. If they eat too much candy, it’ll cause bloat. Bloat can kill guinea pigs.
  • Diarrhea – This is because there are foods that they cannot digest well. Diarrhea can be deadly to piggies since it causes dehydration and a loss of appetite.
  • Stomach cramps – Any foods high in sugar and fats cause stomach cramps. A guinea pigā€™s digestive system is extremely sensitive.
  • GI stasis – It is also known as gut stasis when the gut stops moving. Guinea pigs have large intestines. Foods with a lot of fiber help the gut move. Candy doesn’t have enough fiber. When their gut stops moving, they can die from shock or starvation.

This means that you’re putting your fur balls at risk if you give them huge amounts of sugar (like candy) or any food that has been processed, cooked, or preserved in any way. The best diet for them is hay, fresh greens, and fruits.

Now, this doesn’t mean your furry lil’ friend has to go through life without snacks entirely ā€“ there’s tons of veggies and fruits out there that make amazing, sugar-free (or at least minimal sugar) snacks.

And go easy on the fruit. Some fruits are crazy high in sugar, too. And Most guinea pigs geek out over veggies more than fruit anyway.

3. Candy Is High In Calories

a picture of a guinea pig with a bowl of candy saying that he shouldn't eat candy or he'll end up overweight

Candy is a literal freight train packed with calories and sugar. ALL of these calories can add up to your guinea pig becoming obese (also known as very, very fat). Which, if you haven’t heard, is a huge health risk for them.

Extra weight puts a lot of stress on your guinea pig’s bones and lungs. Bad.

Plus, it makes their hearts work harder because they have to move around more weight.

Also bad.

Being overweight ups the odds of your guinea pigs getting diabetes. That’s a lot of responsibility for a little chunk of sugar.

An easy-to-read food chart for safe piggie foods – Buy, download, and print.

I wrote a whole article on how to tell if your guinea pigs are putting on too much weight. It’s called: Is Your Guinea Pig Fat? (What You Need to Know). You should check it out.

4. It Can Make Your Guinea Pigs Develop Unhealthy Habits

Feeding your guinea pigs candy can be a recipe for disaster cause it can make them develop bad habits like ‘selective feeding’ – where they don’t want to eat the good stuff like hay and veggies.

Think about it. Aren’t you, me…all humans included…more likely to reach for a cookie than a carrot? Same goes for guinea pigs – especially if you keep shoving candy and sweets into their food bowls.

Then before you know it, BOOM! You’ve got one healthy, happy rodent turning into an extra-chunky chonky with all those calories.

Just do your fuzz spuds a favor and keep the treats outta reach!

5. Candy Is A Choking Hazard For Guinea Pigs

Most store-bought candy is made to be chewed on – and not by guinea pigs.

You can imagine how easily these little chunks of sugar can get stuck in your piggiesā€™ throats or worse, cause your guinea pig to choke. Small pieces of candy, candy with nuts, and gooey candy (among others) can be especially dangerous.

Or if you ‘re really unlucky and your guinea pigs eat the candy wrapper, that can get stuck in their guts and cause a deadly blockage.

So, before you start feeding your guinea pig candy, think carefully. Is it worth the risks? Chances are, it’s not.

6. Some Candy Is Toxic to Guinea Pigs

a picture of a guinea pig looking a bowl of chocolate candy

Hey, did you know that some candies can be super toxic to guinea pigs?

Yeah, like chocolate for example… man, talk about a buzz kill. Chocolate has a chemical called theobromine that can be poisonous if a guinea pig eat it.

And no, I’m not joking. Too much of it can result in tremors, or even death.

So if you care about your furry little friend and don’t want to see ’em in the emergency room any time soon, then it’s probably best to keep the chocolate away from them.

7. Candy Doesn’t Have Enough Healthy Nutrients

See, candy may taste good, but it ain’t got enough of the right stuff to keep your lil fella runnin’.

Sure, they might chow down like they haven’t seen food in weeks, but after some time that sugary snack just won’t be enough to fulfill their dietary needs.

And like I said before…hay is the what your little friends should mainly be eating.

Save the sweet stuff as an occasional treat and make sure your guinea pig gets all the hay, veggies and pellets needed for a balanced diet.

What Happens If a Guinea Pig Eats Candy?

If your guinea pig only eats a small amount of candy, chances are that your pet will be fine.

But, if your furry friend eats a lot of candy or if your guinea pig eats something toxic like dark chocolate, your guinea pig is likely to get diarrhea and stomach pain. This could lead to dangerous dehydration or even worse – death.

If you notice any of these symptoms, get your fuzz spud to the vet right away.

What Sweet Treats Can Guinea Pigs Eat?

There’s no processed sweet treats guinea pigs can safely eat. But, there’s fruits like as pineapple, cherries, apples, and berries that guinea pigs can enjoy.

Berries are the best for guinea pigs. Theyā€™re full of antioxidants and have fiber. Theyā€™re also low in sugar which is excellent for cavies.

Remember to avoid any processed sweets when it comes to feeding piggies.

An easy-to-read food chart for safe piggie foods – Buy, download, and print.

Things to Remember about Guinea Pigs & Candy 

  • Guinea pigs should not eat candy because it has too much sugar. Sugar is bad for their digestive system.
  • Candy is high in calories and too much can make guinea pigs fat or get heart problems. Plus, there’s not enough nutrients like Vitamin C in candy to keep a guinea pig healthy.
  • Some candies, like chocolate, are poisonous to guinea pigs and can cause serious health problems or even death.
  • Candy is also a choking hazard for guinea pigs due to their size.
  • If you want to give your piggie some special snacks, try giving them fresh fruits, vegetables, and herbs. You can also give them wheatgrass. It is tasty and full of fiber, which is great for their gut health.

What Guinea pigs eat | The do’s and don’ts of cavy diet | Home & roost. (2020, June 16). Home & Roost. https://homeandroost.co.uk/blog/what-guinea-pigs-eat/

Guinea pig feeding. (n.d.). The Humane Society of the United States. https://www.humanesociety.org/resources/guinea-pig-feeding

Poisonous food and plants for Guinea pigs. (2022, September 28). Woodgreen Pets Charity. https://woodgreen.org.uk/advice/poisonous-food-and-plants-for-guinea-pigs/

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