Can Guinea Pigs Eat Candy Canes? (Here’s What You Need to Know)

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Candy canes are festive stick-shaped candy mostly flavored with mint. It’s a delicious treat that’s mostly enjoyed during Christmas. Are you wondering if you can feed it to your little friends? Can guinea pigs have candy canes?

No, guinea pigs can’t have candy canes. Candy canes are made using pure processed sugar. And sugar, even if it’s a “natural” sugar like honey, has a bad effect on a guinea pig’s health like giving them diarrhea, bloat, or gut stasis.

2 guinea pigs wondering if they can eat candy canes

I know you want to share all of life’s sweetness with your furry potato. (I mean, don’t we all?)

But, their digestive system is very different from ours. Let’s get into why candy canes aren’t good for guinea pigs.

What Happens if My Guinea Pig Eats a Candy Cane by Accident?


It can cause stomach cramps, diarrhea, or bloat. You might notice a change in their poop color and shape due to digestive issues.

All these issues should be temporary if they are just small bits of candy cane. The danger with sugar is eating large amounts at once or eating it regularly.

If it’s just a little bit, then your furry potato should be just fine.


Can Guinea Pigs Eat Any Type of Peppermint Candy?

a flow chart about whether guinea pigs should eat candy canes

No, guinea pigs can’t eat any type of peppermint candy. Guinea pigs can’t and shouldn’t eat candy. Candy whether peppermint or otherwise contains high amounts of processed sugar.

Eating processed sugar can make pigs sick. It can cause problems with their digestion and even make their organs stop working.

The guinea pig gut is made for a plant-based diet. This should mostly be hay, pellets, herbs, fresh veggies, and fruits. I actually wrote an article about it called: What Guinea Pigs Can Eat (Everything You Need to Know). You might want to check it out.

Even though guinea can eat the mint herb (in small amounts), they can’t eat any mint flavorings in candy.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Mint?

Guinea pigs can eat mint. They can also eat peppermint and spearmint. Mint is a great source of vitamin A which is good for eye health and night vision.

Guinea pigs can eat both leaves and stems of mint. But, mint should be fed to pigs once or twice a month. This is because of its high calcium content. Excessive calcium can cause bladder or kidney stones in guinea pigs.

An easy-to-read food chart for safe piggie foods – Buy, download, and print.

What Human Snacks Can Guinea Pigs Have?

Only the healthy ones. And that means, no candies.

The healthiest human snacks you can give guinea pigs are fresh fruits and veggies like pieces of romaine lettuce, apples (including the peels), radicchio, strawberries (actually most kinds of berries), and cucumber slices.

Check out this video for some foods that you SHOULDN’T feed your piggie:

Are Candies Toxic for Guinea Pigs?

Candies aren’t necessarily toxic for guinea pigs. But, they’re far from harmless when it comes to feeding guinea pigs.

That’s right, if your little four-legged pal has been snacking on the sugary stuff all the time, you need to watch out. Too many candies might lead to all kinds of health issues like obesity and dental diseases since guinea pigs can’t properly digest sugar.

What Foods Are Safe for Guinea Pigs to Eat?

Unless you’re looking to do some damage to your guinea pigs, I’d recommend sticking with the healthier options for your guinea pigs. Stick veggies and hay- that’s what guinea pigs are meant to eat.

You can keep guinea pigs healthy and happy by feeding them foods that are high in fiber, low in sugar, and plant-based. Hay, guinea-pig friendly

Foods that are rich in minerals are also great for guinea pigs. Here are the main foods that make up a guinea pig’s diet:

  • Hay: A healthy diet consisting of about 80% hay is what your piggies need to be healthy. Serve the hay fresh daily and store it in a cool, dry place away from potential sources of mold. Fibers necessary for a guinea pig’s health, but it’s also an important source of mental stimulation.A good hay-filled diet ensures that your guinea pig can enjoy life as a queen or king.
  • Pellets:  Make sure the pellets your use are full of fiber and have all the essential vitamins and minerals they need like as calcium and vitamin C. If your furry friend is anything like mine, they’ll enjoy something a little crunchy and different every once in a while.
  • Vitamin C: Vitamin C is important for guinea pigs. It helps them stay healthy and prevents scurvy. Vitamin C can come from supplements, pellets, fruits, and vegetables.
  • Vegetables: Fresh veggies are one of the most delicious treats for guinea pigs. They enjoy munching on lettuce, cabbage, sweet potato leaves among others. Vegetables contain vitamins and minerals. Beware of veggies with high levels of calcium. It can cause bladder and kidney stones.
  • Fruits: Fruits make a good treat for guinea pigs. But, don’t over do it, okay? It’s better to only feed your guinea pig a small portion of fruit once or twice a week. Fruits are high in sugar and can cause bloating, diarrhea, and other digestive issues if you overdo it. Usually, berries are the best option because they contain low amounts of sugar and antioxidants.
  • Herbs and flowers: Herbs and flowers are great supplements for guinea pigs. They’re rich in minerals and vitamins.
  • Other types of grass: Other than hay, there’s other grasses that are good for piggies. This includes wheatgrass. It has lot of nutrients and fiber which makes them an excellent treat for piggies.

Final Thoughts About Guinea Pigs and Candy Canes

I hope you get the idea that guinea pigs and candy canes just don’t go together. Unless of course, you want your guinea pig to get sick. And I’m sure you don’t want that, right?

Candy canes are full of processed sugar and it’s not good for any pet – especially guinea pigs. Remember that guinea pigs can’t process sugars like we do. So when you give them a treat, make sure it is something they can eat without getting sick.

Stick to hay, pellets, vegetables, fruits, and other types of grass. These are the safest and healthiest options for your furry friends. Keep them healthy so they can stay happy and enjoy their life.

Guinea pig feeding. (n.d.). The Humane Society of the United States.

Poisonous food and plants for Guinea pigs. (2022, September 28). Woodgreen Pets Charity.

Admin. (2020, August 31). Can Guinea pigs eat candy canes? Guinea Pig Foods.

Petco. (2022, September 22). Feeding Guinea pigs: What can Guinea pigs eat? | Petco.

Gligorijevic, G. (2022, September 11). Can Guinea pigs eat candy? (Bars, canes, corn, grapes) 2022. Fluffy Amigos.

Can Guinea pigs eat mint? | How much & how often to feed mint. (2021, June 8). Guinea Piggles.

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