Can Guinea Pigs Eat Butter? (You Won’t Believe the Answer)

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Guinea pigs are not only the cutest little fluff balls, but they’re also some of the best pets to have. They’re full of personality and are just so darn adorable.

But, like any other pet, they have specific dietary needs that we, their humble human servants, must cater to.

a picture of a guinea pig wondering if guinea pigs can eat butter

So, let’s talk about butter – can guinea pigs eat it or not? The answer might surprise you.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Butter? The Downright Truth

a picture of butter with a tip about how guinea pigs shouldn't eat butter

Let’s just cut to the chase here: No, guinea pigs can’t eat butter.
I know, I know. It’s a bummer.

But, you’ve gotta suck it up, because it’s what’s best for your fur babies. Why? Because butter is high in fat and provides zero nutritional benefits for our little guinea pig friends.


Feeding your guinea pigs butter can lead to obesity, digestive issues, and a whole bunch of health problems that we want to avoid.

So, even though we love butter (I mean, who doesn’t?), our furry burritos are better off without it.

Guinea Pig Diet: What’s Safe and What’s Not

Since we’ve established that butter is a no-go for guinea pigs, it’s important to know what they can eat. This helpful table below will give you a quick idea of what’s safe and what’s not for your furry friend:

Safe Foods for Guinea PigsNot Safe for Guinea Pigs
Grass hay (e.g. Timothy hay)Butter (you already knew this one!)
Leafy greens (e.g. romaine lettuce, kale, spinach)Avocado
Bell peppersOnion
TomatoesIceberg lettuce
Apples (without seeds)Rhubarb
StrawberriesDairy products
This is just the tip of the iceberg. If you want more information on what guinea pigs can (and can’t) eat, check out this article I wrote called What Guinea Pigs Can Eat (Everything You Need to Know)

A Guinea Pig’s Nutritional Needs

A guinea pig’s diet needs to be a happy combination of hay, fresh vegetables, fruits, and pellets. Here’s a breakdown of what they need:

  1. Hay: This should make up about 80% of your guinea pig’s diet. Hay provides essential fiber that helps keep their digestive system healthy and their teeth from overgrowing. Timothy hay is the most recommended type of hay for guinea pigs, but other grass hays like orchard grass and meadow hay are good options too.
  2. Vegetables: Fresh veggies should make up around 15% of their diet. Leafy greens like romaine lettuce, kale, and spinach are great choices. You can also give them small amounts of bell peppers, cucumber, and tomatoes.
  3. Fruits: Fruits should only be given in small quantities as an occasional treat (about 5% of their diet). Apples (without seeds), blueberries, and strawberries are some of their favorites.
  4. Pellets: Guinea pig pellets are a good source of essential vitamins and minerals. Look for high-quality pellets that are specifically formulated for guinea pigs and avoid those with added seeds or nuts.

What Happens if a Guinea Pig Eats Butter?

someone freaking out because someone gave their guinea pigs butter to eat

Now, let’s say you accidentally (or purposely, you naughty human) give your guinea pig a small amount of butter.

What happens then? Well, a tiny amount of butter likely won’t cause any immediate harm, but it can lead to potential health issues over time.

Your little friend might end up with stomach issues like diarrhea, bloating, or even constipation.

Feeding your guinea pig butter regularly can lead to obesity, which in turn can cause more severe health problems, such as heart issues and joint pain.

So, it’s best to keep butter off the menu for your guinea pig and stick to their regular diet.

An easy-to-read food chart for safe piggie foods – Buy, download, and print.

Key Takeaway

Our adorable guinea pigs, unfortunately, cannot indulge in the deliciousness of butter. It’s high in fat and provides no nutritional benefits for them. Instead, focus on providing a healthy diet of hay, fresh vegetables, fruits, and pellets to keep your guinea pig happy and healthy.

Remember, a well-fed and cared-for guinea pig is a happy guinea pig! And a happy guinea pig means a happy human, am I right? So, let’s do our best to provide the best for our little furry friends.

Nutrient requirements of the Guinea pig – Nutrient requirements of laboratory animals – NCBI bookshelf. (n.d.). National Center for Biotechnology Information.

Unsalted Butter: FoodData central. (n.d.). FoodData Central.

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