Is Your Guinea Pig Safe From Cockroaches? (Find Out Now)

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Roaches are disgusting insects that can carry diseases—none of us like pests at home, not even our pets. Some domesticated animals, like lizards and frogs, eat roaches and help to control this problem. But some owners have found roaches inside guinea pig’s cages.

On average, guinea pigs themselves are not enticing to cockroaches, but living conditions within your home and guinea pigs’ cage can be. Cockroaches like warmth, darkness, and high humidity levels. To prevent infestations, you’ll need to maintain the inside of your house and your guinea pig cage well.

do guinea pigs attract cockroaches

It’s important for guinea pig owners to take precautions against roach infestation. Let’s explore what cockroaches like about guinea pigs so much and how you can prevent a roach infestation from happening!

Understanding Roaches

do guinea pigs attract roaches

First of all, there are more than 4 thousand species of roaches. Scientific research has found four common species that can inhabit our home: German, Australian, American, and Oriental cockroaches.

The American cockroaches are the most common roach found in homes. The next most common is the German cockroach, which usually frequents restaurants and hotels.

Dietary Needs

One of the most important cockroach facts to remember is that roaches will eat anything. And I do mean – anything. 

Roaches are known scavengers who will eat just about everything – and I mean ANYTHING. They’ll eat food scraps to clothes to books, cockroach droppings, and…guinea pig droppings.

Plus, these omnivores’ pests can even go over four weeks of not eating at all.

Additionally, cockroaches breed so fast that some places have declared them an environmental threat.

For instance, Florida banned dubia roaches, a species commonly bred to feed pets, because they thrive in warm climates. Dubia roaches are illegal because they’re an invasive species. These roaches breed quickly and are hard to get rid of.

While food is not a basic need in these insects, water is. Roaches can’t go more than 7 or 8 days without water. It’s the reason why you usually find these insects in humid places, where they have easy access to water.

Shelter Needs

The main reason why these roaches move into our homes is protection. Some cockroaches can’t stand cold environments, so they look for warm and cozy places to survive and reproduce.

Another characteristic roaches prefer in a shelter is low light. Dark places tend to be cozier for them.  And roaches love damp places, too. 

Put those three things together, and you have a perfect breeding ground for these pests.

Guinea Pigs And Roaches

There are many reasons why you might find cockroaches in your pig cage.

It’s not your pet that attracts these pests. Cockroaches find in your pig’s cage a nice place to live in.

Think about it.

Most guinea pig cages will include water, hay or grass, bedding, a food source and a water source.

Unfortunately, what’s good for your piggie is good for the roaches. Take a look below:

  • Piggie bedding makes the perfect environment for a roach to find shelter. It keeps them warm and protected from light.
  • The water supply you set up for your pet is perfect for the roach to drink from – especially if you have a very leaky water bottle or a bowl that your pet flips over.
  • And your piggie’s droppings can make part of their diet. 

A dream come true for this disgusting insect is your guinea pig’s cage.

Unless you take proper prevention measures, which I’ll cover after you learn… 

How Roaches Make It To Your Home

Even though these creatures are scavenger insects, not all of them are attracted to dirty places. Most cockroaches prefer clean spots to live in.

You might wonder how roaches get to your home. Well, they do it pretty much as they move around the world. People carry them without realizing it.

Some of the most commons ways roaches get transported from one place to another are:

  1. In grocery bags
  2. Cardboard boxes
  3. In backpacks
  4. In book binding
  5. In used furniture (that already has infestations)

The main problem with these insects is that they reproduce quickly. If a female finds shelter in your home, it will release pheromones to attack male mating partners.

As you already know, some species don’t even need fertilization to breed. And the average roach can produce over 250 offspring in a calendar year.

How To Keep Roaches Away From Your Guinea Pig

do guinea pigs attract cockroaches

When it comes to these insects, there are a few things you could do to keep them away:

  1. If roaches are sneaking into the coroplast of your C&C cage, seal the spaces with duct tape.
  2. Make sure your food pellets are put in a container with a sealable lid, such as a airtight plastic food containers. In fact, keep the human food in your kitchen in air tight containers whenever possible.
  3. Don’t use cardboard boxes as hideaways. Or if you choose to use them, don’t leave them in the cage of your furry friends for long periods of time.
  4. Don’t leave dirty dishes in your kitchen.
  5. Check for wet spots in your bathroom, basement, and kitchen. If you have leaks, get them services from a plumbing.
  6. Vacuum regularly to swoop up food crumbs and food spills.
  7. Promptly remove any food leftovers from your guinea pig’s cage.
  8. Thoroughly clean and refresh the bedding in your pig’s cage at least twice a week. 
  9. Clean your kitchen cabinets frequently.
  10. Make sure you tend to leaky water bottles and bowls immediately.  Don’t let the dampness build up.

Here are a few more intense ways to combat these pests:

  • Boric Acid. Boric acid (a powder) is an effective cockroach killer. Just pour it into cracks and crevices where you suspect a roach infestation. But, it’s also dangerous (and potentially fatal) for pets and people. This chemical should not be used anywhere near your guinea pigs, or any other pets – or small children.
  • Roach Traps.  These are an option.  But, these should  be used with other prevention methods. Used alone, they’re not much of a cockroach deterrent. 
  • A licensed pest control professional. It is not the cheapest option out there, but it is the most effective one. While your home is being treated, you’ll have to relocate your piggies and their things (which can be stressful for all involved parties), but it’ll be worth it.  

Guinea Pigs And Other Pests

There are some other insects you can find in your guinea pig’s cage. Here are some of the most common:

Mites and Lice

Rather than attacking the cage per se, these insects will attack your pig. Mites are microscopic parasites that will use your pig as a host. They can cause severe itching, skin irritation and could kill your pet if untreated.  

Lice have the same symptoms, but aren’t as likely to kill your piggie.  However, as a good pet parent, you don’t want your piggie having either.

Parasites are transmitted from one host to another. Here we have made a list of some of the most common ways of infection:

  1. Your piggie got in contact with an infected pig.
  2. Your pig got in touch with contaminated toys or bedding.

As soon as you identify any unusual symptoms from the list above, take your piggy to the vet.  If you misdiagnose your guinea pig, you’ll put the life of your piggie at risk. 


Gnats and fruit flies will be attracted to things inside your pig’s cage. Mostly flies will be after:

  1. Urine’s moistened areas
  2. Old veggies
  3. Fruit remains

Even though they’re annoying, you don’t have to worry about gnats harming your guinea pig. These insects don’t transmit diseases to your pet.


In the summer months (or hot weather in general), fly strike is dangerous to guinea pigs.  

Fly strike is when blowflies lay eggs on a guinea pig. If the eggs hatch, the larvae will eat your guinea pig’s skin. To stop this from happening, change your guinea pig’s bedding frequently and make sure your piggie stays clean.

If your guinea pig has flystrike, go to the vet as soon as possible. Guinea pigs have been known to die within a day or two of having flystrike.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are roaches harmful to guinea pigs?

Roaches aren’t typically harmful to guinea pigs. . Even though they pose a hazard to human health, your pig is not in jeopardy because of these insects.

Is roach spray harmful to guinea pigs?

Insecticides and pesticides are harmful to your guinea pig. So, be careful when you try to control roaches in your guinea pig’s cage and your home. Some mitigation methods require more planning than others.

Things To Remember About Piggies and Pests

You don’t need to panic if you ever find a roach in your guinea pig’s cage. It is more common than you think.

Thankfully, roaches do not represent a health issue to your pet.  But, they can be a health hazard to you, so if you do notice a roach in your home, take steps to get rid of them quickly. Sooner than later, there’ll be more of these insects in your home. 

Just make sure your furry friends don’t have contact with chemicals that could harm them.

Cockroaches aren’t the only insects you will find in your piggy’s cage. Other species such as mites and gnats are often seen around the enclosure.

Mites and lice represent an issue if you don’t take care of them promptly. In contrast, gnats are usually a sign that the cage needs to get cleaned up.

Thankfully, if you put a few preventative measures in place, you’ll be able to have the peace of mind of safe, happy piggies and a clean “roach-free” home.

Does boric acid kill roaches? (n.d.). Aptive Environmental | Official Website.

How long can a roach live without its head? – For kids. (n.d.). Bug Facts & Insect Information – PestWorld for Kids.

(n.d.). SAGE Journals: Your gateway to world-class research journals.

What attracts cockroaches to your home? (2021, June 17). Angi | Join for FREE to see 12 Million Verified Reviews.

What do cockroaches eat? (2021, January 21). Cockroach Facts.

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