Is It Safe For Guinea Pigs To Eat Radishes? (The Honest Truth)

Is It Safe For Guinea Pigs To Eat Radishes? (The Honest Truth)

So you’ve come home with a bag of radishes for your dinner. Suddenly, you wonder if your guinea pigs can eat radishes, too. So, can guinea pigs eat radishes? Guinea pigs can eat radishes. It’s a low-calorie, low fat vegetable. Plus it’s packed with vitamin C and antioxidants that’s good for their overall health. Like…

7 Simple Ways To Treat a Guinea Pig Upper Respiratory Infection

7 Simple Ways To Treat a Guinea Pig Upper Respiratory Infection

Upper Respiratory Infections (URIs) are one of the most common illnesses in guinea pigs. Although they can be fatal, if caught early, URIs can be treated. To treat an upper respiratory infection in guinea pigs immediately take your guinea pig to the vet. The vet will administer antibiotics and probiotics to your pet after diagnosis….