Why Do Guinea Pigs Dig? (You Need to Know)

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You’ve just gotten home, and you see your piggies digging through their hay again. It’s been happening a lot lately, and you’re wondering if it’s normal. You ask yourself why your guinea pigs are digging so much.

Digging is often form of play for guinea pigs. It’s a way for them to explore their environment and burn off excess energy. Plus, guinea pigs often dig to hide from perceived threats. If they feel scared or intimidated, they may try to bury themselves in their bedding in order to feel safe. Finally, guinea pigs sometimes dig in order to find a warm spot to curl up in.

a guinea pig saying that digging is all right

Lots of guinea pigs dig. Not just yours.

Let’s take a look at some of the reasons your guinea pigs might be digging and how you can help them feel more comfortable.

Shall we?

Is It Normal For Guinea Pigs to Dig in Hay? 

a tip about why guinea pigs dig in hay

If you’ve ever seen your guinea pigs playing in their hay, you might have been surprised. However, there’s no need to worry – playing in hay is perfectly normal behavior for guinea pigs.

In fact, there’s several good reasons why guinea pigs like to dig into their hay.

  • It’s a great way for them to get exercise. Plus, it’s a great place to play and explore.
  • They also enjoy nibbling on hay, and it helps them to keep their teeth healthy and free and ground down. Piggie teeth never stop growing, so they need to chew on something hard like hay to keep them at a manageable length.
  • Hay has plenty of fiber that they need for good digestion.

Do Guinea Pigs Dig Holes In The Ground?

No, guinea pigs don’t dig holes in the ground. They probably want to (since they’re sneaky little critters), but they can’t.

Guinea pig paws aren’t strong enough to dig holes in the ground (even soft ground). Your piggies’ paws are simply too weak to dig holes in the ground like other rodents.

Even though they can’t dig their own ground holes, guinea pigs are great at hiding in holes. They can snuggle into holes made by other animals and hide there. Guinea pigs don’t need to dig holes in the ground to survive, which is why they can’t do it.

If you’re scared your dear cavies might dig holes and escape, don’t worry. They won’t dig the ground, but you should know that guinea pigs are excellent at passing through tiny gaps.

They can pass through little spaces in the fence of your garden (as I said, they’re sneaky!). 

Now you might think your piggies are chubby, and then you ignore a little gap in their hutch. Well, you’ll be surprised at how they can flatten themselves into smaller sizes and escape.

How To Avoid Guinea Pig Hay Poke

Guinea pigs get hay poke when the hay they’re eating is rough. The sharp ends of the hay poke their eyes, and it can cause irritation, inflammation, and even infection.

Sometimes piggies get hay poke, because they have a habit of leaping into their hay and then they get poked in the eye.

Apparently some piggies seem to have more of a tendency to get hay poke.

To avoid hay poke, make sure to get hay that’s very soft. 2nd and 3rd cut hay is usually your best bet.

Also, you can try spreading smaller piles of hay around their cage. That way, they’re less likely to poke their eyes while they’re eating.

How Can I Encourage My Guinea Pigs to Play With Other Things Besides Hay

Well, hay is essential for guinea pigs. So, you don’t want to discourage them from eating hay.

But, if you want to make sure that your piggies don’t get bored with just hay, you can try adding other things for them to play with.

For example, you could add:

A cardboard box for them to hide in or chew on

Some soft balls or stuffed animals for them to play with

  • Chew toys
  • Balls
  • Hidey houses
  • Tunnels
  • Branches 

During floor time, you could also try playing some simple games with them.

For example, you could:

  • Hide treats around their play area for them to find
  • Roll a ball back and forth with them
  • Play “peek-a-boo” with them (they love this game!)

Encouraging your guinea pigs to play with other things besides hay will help keep them from getting bored. And, it’ll give them some much-needed exercise.

Why Do Guinea Pigs Burrow In Their Bedding? 

Guinea pigs can burrow in their bedding when they’re agitated, bored, or uneasy. And they can burrow in their bedding when they want to warm up, play, or sleep.

Sometimes, guinea pigs will also burrow in their bedding when they’re trying to escape from something (or someone) that scares them.

But do guinea pigs only burrow in their beddings? Of course not. They burrow in many things (they can burrow in your hair too).

Why Does My Guinea Pig Burrow In My Hair? 

a funny meme about guinea pigs digging and burrowing in someone hair

Your guinea pig can burrow in your hair because it feels comfortable and safe there. Guinea pigs are shy, and they love to hide and burrow every time. Plus, by burrowing in your hair, your cavy becomes familiar with your scent. 

Human hair contains fiber which is also a part of guinea pigs’ diet. That also plays a role in attracting them to burrow in your hair. Guinea pigs can try to chew on your hair, but it’snot a good idea to let them do that.

Letting your guinea pigs burrow in your hair can be bad for you. And why is that?

It’s because they can stress the roots of your hair and cause breakages.

Or even…bald spots.

Things To Remember About Guinea Pigs and Burrowing 

Well, I guess you now have an idea of why your guinea pig is burrowing. You can always try any of my tips if you find it uncomfortable.

You’ll want to remember that your dear piggies love attention, hiding, and some fun. So if you’re going to stop them from burrowing, you should make them happy and kill their boredom.

Let’s Wrap Up

And there you have it, that’s all you need to know about guinea pigs and burrowing. It’s not expensive to stop your piggies from burrowing especially if you decide to use hay. 

Okay, so let me leave you with this final tip. Add some treats for your piggies into their hay, so their burrowing hobby will be much more fun.

Do you have a guinea pig that loves to dig? Do they burrow in their hay or play with other things? Let me know in the comments below.

Behaviour – Guinea pigs – Our pets. (n.d.). The Largest Animal Welfare Charity in the UK | RSPCA. https://www.rspca.org.uk/adviceandwelfare/pets/rodents/guineapigs/behaviour

Do Guinea pigs burrow? What you need to know. (2022, March 9). ThePetFAQ. https://thepetfaq.com/do-guinea-pigs-burrow/

Guinea pig care | Tips on looking after Guinea pigs | Blue cross. (n.d.). Blue Cross. https://www.bluecross.org.uk/advice/guinea-pig/guinea-pig-care

Housing and husbandry: Guinea pig. (n.d.). NC3Rs. https://www.nc3rs.org.uk/3rs-resources/housing-and-husbandry-guinea-pig

A natural life for a Guinea pig. (2019, July 29). FOUR PAWS International – Animal Welfare Organisation. https://www.four-paws.org/our-stories/publications-guides/a-natural-life-for-a-guinea-pig

Why do Guinea pigs burrow under blankets? (2022, March 17). Better Tourism Africa. https://bettertourismafrica.org/guinea/why-do-guinea-pigs-burrow-under-blankets/

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