Can Guinea Pigs Eat Cheerios? (The Total Truth)

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Cheerios? (The Total Truth)

Delicious taste, nutrition overload, super crunchy, who doesn’t love some Cheerios breakfast. But can you feed them to guinea pigs?  Technically, guinea pigs can eat plain Cheerios, but it’s not the best thing for them. Processed foods aren’t good for guinea pigs. There are healthier, more nutritious options out there that you can give your…

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Dry Cereal? (The Surprising Answer)

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Dry Cereal? (The Surprising Answer)

Popular dry cereals include rice Krispies, oatmeal, cornflakes, cheerios. And it’s natural to wonder if guinea pigs can eat dry cereal. Guinea pigs shouldn’t eat dry cereals because their digestive system has a difficult time digesting grains and other processed foods. The high sugar content of some cereals can also cause diabetes and weight gain…