10 Crazy Reasons Why Female Guinea Pigs Fight (You Need This Now)

10 Crazy Reasons Why Female Guinea Pigs Fight (You Need This Now)

Usually people talk about how frequently boars fight.  But, I recently learned that although it’s uncommon for guinea pig girls to get into fights or to become aggressive, they sometimes do.  This got me wondering, and maybe you’re wondering this, too: Why do girl guinea pigs fight?  So, I did some research, and this is…

The Truth About Guinea Pig Fear: Are They Naturally Scared?

The Truth About Guinea Pig Fear: Are They Naturally Scared?

If you’ve brought home a terrified guinea pig, you’re probably wondering, “Is it normal for guinea pigs to be scared?”  It’s perfectly normal for guinea pigs to be scared occasionally-especially when they’re in a new environment or unfamiliar people.  Since guinea pigs are prey animals, they’re naturally cautious and skittish. In the wild, these instincts…

Do Guinea Pigs Like Being Held? (+ 6 Amazing, Helpful Tips)

Do Guinea Pigs Like Being Held? (+ 6 Amazing, Helpful Tips)

There’s something so hypnotically cute about guinea pigs that makes you want to hold them for ages.  But, it got me thinking…do guinea pigs like being held?  So, I buckled down, did some studying, and I learned some interesting things. Most guinea pigs like to be held when they trust the person who’s doing the…

10 Simple Signs Your Guinea Pig Is Happy (#7 is my favorite)

10 Simple Signs Your Guinea Pig Is Happy (#7 is my favorite)

Guinea pigs bring smiles and joy to pet parents everywhere.  And of course,  pet parents want their guinea pigs to be happy.  But, guinea pigs can’t talk.  So, how do you really know how they feel? Last week, I was watching a bunch of hilarious guinea pig compilations videos.  In between chuckles, I started wondering…