Can Guinea Pigs Eat Cuties? (The Truth Revealed)

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Cuties are a sweet, delicious fruit. Humans enjoy them daily. But can guinea pigs eat cuties? Well, I did a bit of research and this is what I found out.

Yes, guinea pigs can eat cuties as a treat. They are filled with Vitamin C and other essential nutrients that guinea pigs need. But, only serve them once or twice a week, because the high sugar, acid, and water content can cause health problems like obesity, mouth sores, and diarrhea.

a picture of a guinea pig wondering if he can eat cuties

It’s natural for guinea pigs to eat fruits and vegetables, so don’t completely avoid cuties. Just watch the quantity you serve them and remember not to feed them more than 1-2 times a week.

An easy-to-read food chart for safe piggie foods – Buy, download, and print.

What Are Cuties? Are They Called Anything Else?

Cuties are a type of orange fruit. They’re sweet, seedless oranges. They’re small and and are easy to peel.

Added bonus is that they’re chock full of Vitamin C and other nutrients (more on that later) that your guinea pigs need for a healthy, balanced diet.


Cuties can be called by other names too, including Satsuma oranges or Mandarins. You can even find them sold under the name “clementines.”

We can find cuties in the produce section of many grocery stores and local farmer’s markets. Some people also call them “Honey Tangerines,” and “Orlando Tangelos.”

Are Cuties Good for Guinea Pigs?

a message saying that guinea pigs can eat cuties in moderation

If you want a guinea pig that is free from diseases, like scurvy, you need to make sure they are getting enough Vitamin C. Guinea pigs need Vitamin C to be healthy. There’s still other reasons why you should give them cuties

Let’s start with…

1. Scurvy Protection

Cuties will help protect your cavies from getting scurvy, because it’s filled with Vitamin C.

When cavies get scurvy, they:

  • are sluggish and inactive
  • bruise easily and bleed from their gums
  • stop eating
  • lose a bunch of weight because they stop eating

If your furry potatoes don’t get enough vitamin C in their diet, they might get scurvy. Scurvy can be fatal, so it’s important to make sure they eat food that has a lot of vitamin C.

2. Healthy Teeth and Bones

Cuties aren’t known for their calcium content. But, there’s about 30mg of calcium in 100grams of cuties. That’s not very much calcium, but it’s still enough to keep guinea pigs healthy.

Are you new to guinea pigs and wondering if cuties can help give your piggies healthy teeth and bones? Wonder no more!

Some calcium is necessary to keep your piggies’ teeth and bones strong. Strong teeth are important for chewing food well. This is necessary for proper digestion and to keep teeth from growing too large and breaking through their jaw.

Plus, strong bones are important for protecting cavies from arthritis and other bone problems, like fractures.

Cuties can be a good treat choice for piggies with weak teeth because they’re not very tough to chew. and cavies can easily chomp off pieces of cuties.

3. Helps Give Immune Systems A Boost

Cuties can help boost your guinea pig’s immune system, especially in the winter when they’re more susceptible to colds and other respiratory infections.

The Vitamin C in cuties is an antioxidant that can help prevent disease and can keep your guinea pigs healthy.

Generally, if a piggie eats a slice of cuties every week, they will get essential nutrients that will help their immune system without any harmful side effects.              

What Are The Risks Of Guinea Pigs Eating Cuties?

a decision tree to help people figure out if they should feed their guinea pigs cuties

Guinea pigs can eat most fruits and vegetables, but there is always a risk of them getting sick. The same is true for cutie oranges. The good news is that it’s easy to make sure your little friends stay healthy by giving them the right amount and weighing them once a week.

1. Weight Gain

If you’re a new guinea pig owner and you’re wondering if cutie oranges can make your fur baby gain weight, the answer is yes.

Cuties are a high sugar food.

And the reality is that weight gain in guinea pigs comes with many health problems like arthritis and other bone issues, diabetes, lack of energy, heart problems and more a higher risk for bumblefoot (a condition which causes the bottom of a guinea pig’s foot to get swollen and rot).

If you want to avoid having a huge guinea pig that lives very little due to its enormous size from all the sugar it eats, then it’s important to be mindful of how many cuties you give your fur babies.

2. Dental and Mouth Problems

Piggies that eat a lot of sugar are more likely to have dental problems over time. This is because the sugar helps bacteria grow on their teeth. And this bacteria can lead to cavities, tooth loss, and other infections.

But, this can be avoided if you’re careful about how much you feed your fur baby cuties.

Plus, cuties have citric acid in them. It’s not a lot compared to other citrus fruits. But, overfeeding them can cause painful mouth sores if you’re not careful.

3. Digestive Issues

If you give your guinea pigs too much food, they might get sick – like serious tummy issues. They might have stomach pain, diarrhea, and nausea. That’s not good!

There are three things to keep in mind when feeding your guinea pig cuties to avoid this issue .

1. Serving Size – Small pieces can serve as a tasty, healthy treat for your guinea pig. But make sure to keep serving size in mind before throwing an entire bag at the cage. Too much can lead to stomach issues.

2. Sugar Intake – The second thing you can do to avoid this is limiting sugar intake. Make sure to only give your piggy healthy treats like cuties once or twice a week. That can help keep their blood sugar in check and make sure they stay happy and healthy throughout the week with no tummy problems

3. Freshness – If your cavy food is not fresh, has a bad smell, or is covered in mold – it is not safe to eat. Moldy cuties will definitely cause stomach issues for your piggies.

Nutritional Facts for Cuties

So, you’ve heard about the main benefits of feeding your cavies clementine oranges. But, what exactly is in them?

Let’s take a closer look at some of the fantastic nutrients that you can find in cuties:

  • 86.6g of water (water is always a win for several reasons)
  • 0.15g of fat (low fat means more healthy for your cavies)
  • 1.7g of fiber (it’d be nice to have a bit more fiber, but…we’ll take what we can get)
  • 9.18g of sugar (too much of this is bad for piggies, so watch those portions you give you cavies)
  • 12g of carbs (boost that energy)
  • 30mg of calcium (can help keep those bones strong)
  • 21mg of phosphorus (a little is good; too much causes problems with calcium amounts)
  • 48.8mg of Vitamin C (love, love, love this; take that scurvy!)
  • 0.2mg of Vitamin E (gotta love anything that promotes heart health)
  • 1.0mg of sodium (a small amount is good to keep your cavies’ blood pressure in check)

As you can see, if you give your little friend cuties, they can enjoy a lot of nutrients. They’re a healthy treat that can be given to your cavies occasionally or as a delicious side dish with their meals.

How Do Cuties Compare To Other Citrus Fruits?

When it comes down to it, cuties are very similar to other citrus fruits. In fact, clementine oranges have a number of nutrients found in oranges and even more from tangerines.

WaterDietary FiberSugarVitamin CCalcium
Tangerines85.2 gram 1.8 gram 10.6 gram 26.7 mg37 mg
Oranges86.7 gram 2 gram8.57 gram59.1 mg43 mg
Lemon88.98 gram2.8 gram2.5 gram53 mg26 mg
Grapefruits90.9 gram0.2 gram 7.72 gram 39.4 mg16 mg
Cuties87 gram1.3 gram 9 gram36.1 mg30 mg
Limes90.5 gram1.9 gram1.1 gram 20 mg22 mg

As you can see from the table, cuties have average amounts of calcium and Vitamin C compared to other citrus fruits.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Cuties Everyday?

Guinea pigs shouldn’t eat cuties everyday. That’s a very bad idea. The high levels of sugar and water in the fruit can cause serious damage, such as obesity, diarrhea, and other digestive issues. The acidity in cuties is less than in other citrus fruits. But you don’t want to risk getting mouth sores or ulcers.

(If your piggies are not eating healthily, it’s a big problem. Piggies have to eat all the time to keep their digestive system working. If they can’t eat, then it is time to see a vet.)

How Many Cuties Can Guinea Pigs Eat?(Feeding Guidelines)

Adults guinea pigs only need a small slice of cuties once or twice a week. As long as you don’t overfeed your guinea pigs, the cuties won’t cause them any digestive problems. Remember that they should mostly eat leafy greens, with fruit being a side dish – an occasional tasty treat.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat the Peel and Skin of Cuties?

Yes, guinea pigs can eat the peel of cuties. It is just as healthy as the actual fruit. However, you need to make sure that you wash the fruit really well.

You should always clean off your produce before you give it to your cavies, especially if the peel is still on. Cavies can’t eat pesticides (without getting seriously sick), so you don’t want to give them any trace amounts that might be on the peel.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Cutie Seeds?

can guinea pigs eat cuties

Cuties are a hybrid fruit, bred to have no seeds. If you find a clementine that has a lone seed or two, just toss them out. They can be a choking hazard for your little friends.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Cutie Flesh?

Cutie flesh is a good food for guinea pigs to eat. It’s high in vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that are good for guinea pigs. Remember to give your guinea pigs cuties as a rare treat. Some fruits have too much sugar for guinea pigs to eat every day.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Leaves from a Cutie Tree?

Guinea pigs can eat leaves from a cutie tree as long as the leaves are grown organically and have no pesticide residue on them. A general rule of thumb is to avoid leaves from fruit trees with pitted fruits and evergreen trees and shrubs.

Make sure to get rid of any dirt or chemicals that might have gotten mixed up in the leaves when they were growing. And just like you would with any other plant, start by feeding your cavies a small amount. Watch for signs of an allergic reaction before you give them more.


Is Orange Juice Good For Guinea Pigs?

Nope, orange juice isn’t good for guinea pigs. The high levels of sugar can cause obesity, diarrhea and other digestive issues. The juice from cuties is filled with sugar and not much else. It’s basically a flavored drink that’s not good for your guinea pig. Water is a much healthier alternative.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Frozen Cuties?

Frozen cuties aren’t recommended for guinea pigs to eat. Freezing fruits (and feeding them to guinea pigs) can sometimes cause problems in a cavy’s digestive system. It is best to give them room temperature treats instead, to be safe.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Canned Cuties?

Canned cuties (or canned mandarins) aren’t good for guinea pigs and shouldn’t be fed to them. Most canned fruits include a high amount of sugar, salt, and other preservatives that guinea pigs should avoid eating. Even natural sugar in fruit may lead to health problems in guinea pigs – if you overfeed them. Artificial sugars aren’t great either. In reality, they pose an even bigger risk to your guinea pig

Can Baby Guinea Pigs Eat Cutie Oranges?

Cuties are a healthy snack for baby guinea pigs, and they can eat cuties safely. For youngsters, such as piglets, one or two slices a week is acceptable – especially given their delicate digestive systems.

Plus, Vitamin C helps to keep their immune system strong, while calcium contributes to the growth of their bones. However, remember not to give them too many.

Also, make sure the orange is clean and fresh before you give it to them. You can even leave a bit of the the peel on – it’s just as healthy for your little, baby piggies.

Can Pregnant Guinea Pigs Eat Cuties?

Pregnant guinea pigs can eat cuties, but they can’t have too many or too often. If you were to overfeed them cuties when they’re expecting, it can lead to diarrhea and other health issues. Just like with babies, give your female (who’s pregnant) one or two slices every week.

Do Guinea Pigs Like Cuties? 

a fact about cuties: can guinea pigs eat cuties

Many guinea pigs LOVE cuties. They can be a great treat for guinea pigs to eat, but can also be dangerous if they eat too many- or not varied enough with their diet (or both). For this reason, it’s best to let them enjoy one or two slices of this tasty fruit once in a while.

Some guinea pigs are a bit picky with what they’re fed. (Understandable, because they’re creatures of habit.) So, don’t get discouraged if your guinea pig doesn’t seem to like cuties right away.

Offer your guinea pigs cuties to give them a chance to get used to the idea, and they can potentially develop a love for this healthy fruit.

And remember- always observe their behavior after they’ve eaten cuties or any other food item to make sure they don’t have a negative reaction.

How To Prepare And Introduce Cuties Orange For Your Guinea Pig

I can’t stress this enough: start off by giving your guinea pig a very small piece of fresh cuties. That’s probably one of the most important things about giving them cuties.

You can introduce your guinea pig to the idea of cuties slowly, starting with a small piece (and monitoring their behavior). Cuties can be an acquired taste for some, but most piggies end up loving this fruit.

Also, if they don’t like it immediately, that’s okay – it can take some guinea pigs more than one try to understand the idea of cuties.

Here’s some more tips on how to prepare and introduce cuties to your guinea pigs:

  1. Make sure you only feed your little friends fresh fruit that is ripe. Rotten fruit will make them sick and unripe fruit will taste gross, and they won’t eat it. So, only feed them fresh, ripe fruit.
  2. You should wash your fruit before you give it to your guinea pig. You don’t want any dirt or pesticides on the fruit. Guinea pigs are exotic animals, so you need to be especially careful about what you feed them. If you’re worried about pesticides, you can even peel the fruit.
  3. Cut the cuties into small slices or quarters. Remove any seeds if necessary. Cuties, which are typically seedless, have no seeds present – but if there are any, remove them before feeding it to your guinea pig.
  4. Feed your cavy fruit in moderation. Too much fruit can give them diarrhea or gas. Make sure you give them small servings so they don’t eat too many treats at once.
  5. Start out with small amounts. Less than an inch of fruit each day to start, and then gradually increase the serving size if your guinea pig is doing well with it.

Final Thoughts About Guinea Pigs and Cuties

Overall, cuties are a healthy snack for guinea pigs. The health benefits are clear. They can eat cuties without any problems, but make sure to monitor their intake of the fruit. Cuties are an excellent choice for a guinea pig treat – in moderation.

You can feed your cavy a small slice of cutie orange every week or every two weeks. Some people prefer to give a tiny bit of food at a time, while others give it all at once. You can decide what’s best for your cavy.

But, make sure that you keep leafy greens, pellets, and hay as the main component of their diet. Cuties can be a nice way to spice up your cavy’s routine and even have lots of different tastes for them to sample, but make sure they can’t simply exist on fruit.


Clementines (Raw): FoodData central. (n.d.). FoodData Central.

DVM, S. L. (2015). The Guinea pig handbook. Barron’s Educational Series.

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Limes (Raw): FoodData central. (n.d.). FoodData Central.

Master list of typical pH and acid content of fruits and vegetables for home Canning and preserving. (n.d.). Pick your own Farms in the U.S, Canada, Britain and other countries – Find a farm near you!.

Nutrient requirements of the Guinea pig – Nutrient requirements of laboratory animals – NCBI bookshelf. (n.d.). National Center for Biotechnology Information.

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