Can Guinea Pigs Eat Almonds? (The Surprising Truth Revealed)

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It turns out the answer to whether or not guinea pigs can eat almonds is a bit more complicated than you’d think.

Guinea pigs can safely eat almonds in moderation. But, it’s not recommended. Even though almonds are chock full of protein and other essential vitamins, they’re high in fat, calories, and phosphorus. Eating too many almonds can cause guinea pigs to gain weight and put them at risk for health issues like obesity, diabetes, or kidney disease.

Sounds wild, right?!

a picture of a guinea pig wondering if he can eat almonds

Get ready for the truth about this tasty treat and how it affects our furry friends. Put on your seat belt and let’s dive deep into the relationship between almonds and guinea pigs.

But, first let’s start off with…

What Are Almonds?

From their same family as peaches n’ plums, almonds are natural oil-filled seeds that bring a bold flavor to what ever you got goin on in your kitchen.

Almonds pack some real punch. These tasty little nuts come with loads of natural oil and their native habitat is no other than the Middle East and South Asia.


Almonds have been found all around the world. This means that chefs can use them in any type of recipe, from sweet to savory dishes.

Plus, almonds are like a superhero snack. They’ve got the power of healthy fats, proteins and vitamins hidden beneath their crunchy shells. And if you eat them right – wham-o! Healthy cholesterol levels and heart health for days.

Now that we’ve got the skinny on almonds and their superpowers, let’s check out if they deliver those goods to our little guinea pig friends…

Are Almonds Good For Guinea Pigs?

For a lot of foods with guinea pigs…”less is more” -except for hay; they need all the hay they can get.

So, are almonds good for guinea pigs? Yes, almonds are good for guinea pigs, nutritionally speaking. Almonds have healthy fats and proteins, but you still have to feed them in moderation.

NutrientAmount per 100gBenefit for Guinea Pigs
Protein21.15gHelps with muscle growth and repair
Fiber12.5gPromotes healthy digestion
Vitamin E26mgActs as an antioxidant, which can help protect cells from damage
Calcium248mgHelps with bone development, but the amount here is much to high to eat them daily
Healthy Fats49gSupport for healthy coat and skin

See almonds are high in phosphorus and calcium. Too much can lead to bad health effects like kidney and bladder stones in your guinea pigs.

Want the best for your guinea pig? Think of them like a curious kiddo enjoying their favorite ice cream. Too much can cause tummy troubles.

So it’s wise to feed your furry pal some almonds every now and again – just enough that they still get all the yummy benefits without any potential problems.

Now that we’ve covered that, let’s move on to the next important question: What are some risks when feeding guinea pigs almonds?


What Are The Risks When Feeding Guinea Pigs Almonds?

Personally, I never fed my guinea pigs nuts, but I do understand why some people give them to their little friends.

If your guinea pig overeats on nuts, they could suffer some serious consequences. Here are three of the most common problems that can arise from overeating on nuts:

  • Choking: Since almonds are the size of a guinea pig’s throat, it can be easy for them to choke on it. Make sure to watch your pet when they eat almonds and remove any pieces that are too big for them to swallow safely. (Seriously, don’t leave them alone with almonds even if they look like they can handle it.)
  • Diarrhea: Nuts are high in fats, so eating too many in one sitting can cause diarrhea. If it looks different or changes color after wolfing down those tasty morsels, then stop feeding them almonds
  • Discomfort in your guinea pig: Eating too many nuts can cause your guinea pig to feel bloated and uncomfortable. This can make them
  • Weight gain in guinea pigs: Don’t let your guinea pig get too comfy with the nut bowl – if they pack on some extra pounds, it could mean serious health issues down the line like bumblefoot and heart problems.

Technically, almonds may not be poisonous for guinea pigs, but they can definitely put them in a world of hurt. That’s why so many pet owners (including me #justsayin’) choose to stick with non-almond snacks and treats — it’s just more prudent.

How Many Almonds Can Guinea Pigs Eat?

Did you know that – when it comes to your guinea pig’s diet – even a little bit of almond can go a long way? They’re certainly chock-full of protein, fiber and healthy fats. But they’re also big ol’ calorie bombs.

Most guinea pigs can eat one or two almonds a month without any issues. Just make sure to remove the shells and chop them up into small, bite-sized pieces so that your guinea pig doesn’t choke.

An easy-to-read food chart for safe piggie foods – Buy, download, and print.

And don’t forget – it’s important to supplement their diet with other healthy snacks like fresh fruits and veggies for a balanced meal. This way, your furry friend can get all the nutrients they need.

With that being said, it’s time to move on to the next question: how can I feed almonds to my guinea pig safely?

How Can I Feed Almonds to My Guinea Pig Safely?

If you decide to feed your guinea pig almonds, always make sure to follow these simple rules to feed them to your guinea pigs safely:

  1. Monitor your pet when they eat almonds – choking can happen very quickly so it’s important to stay vigilant.
  2. Cut the shells off and chop them into small, bite-sized pieces – this will help prevent any potential choking incidents. Or better yet, grind them up and sprinkle them over your guinea pig’s food.
  3. Limit the servings – one or two almonds a month should be enough for your pet without any adverse effects
  4. Stick with unprocessed , unsalted almonds – salted varieties can be risky for your guinea pig’s health
  5. Supplement their diet with other healthy snacks – fresh fruits and veggies (mostly veggies) are great sources of nutrients that are also easy to digest.

What Happens If Guinea Pigs Overeat Almonds?

If your guinea pig overeats almonds, then they might experience some uncomfortable side effects. These can include diarrhea and bloating.

If you notice any major changes in their behavior, then you should get them to the vet ASAP.

Are Salted Or Unsalted Almonds Better For Guinea Pigs?

Adding salt to a guinea pig’s diet is a big, fat no-no. So if you’re going to feed your guinea pigs almonds, make sure to get the unsalted kind. Salt is bad for their kidneys and can easily lead to dehydration if ingested in large amounts.

Overall, it’s best to avoid feeding your guinea pig salted almonds and stick with unsalted almonds instead. This will ensure that they get the nutrition they need without risking any potential health problems. With this in mind, let’s take a look at what other nuts, if any, guinea pigs can eat.

What Other Nuts Can Guinea Pigs Eat? If Any?

Alright, we know guinea pigs can eat almonds…even though it’s not really recommended. But the real question is – what other nuts can a guinea pig chow down on?

Here’s the deal, none….I mean, not really.

Sorry, that includes pistachios, cashews, walnuts, etc, etc.

Even though nuts aren’t necessarily toxic to guinea pigs, they don’t do much for them in the way of nutritional value.

Almonds are definitely packed with protein and other good nutrients for our little furballs. But, other types of nuts don’t have as much nutrition…or they have WAY too much extra calories and fat.

So any old nut out there isn’t gonna cut it if you want to provide your pet with a balanced diet.

If you are going to go down that “I’m gonna give my guinea pig some nuts” route, then stick to almonds.

But overall, it’s best to stick to fruits and veggies as a mainstay in your guinea pig’s diet instead of getting into the nut-feeding business.


Can Guinea Pigs Eat Bitter Almonds?

Guinea pigs shouldn’t eat bitter almonds. This particular nuts skin and kernels have a poisonous substance that can kill guinea pigs. To keep your pet safe, it’s best to avoid giving them any bitter almonds at all.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Almond Butter?

Haven’t we all wondered if guinea pigs can eat almond butter? While it may seem like a tasty treat for them, the answer is an emphatic ‘No’. Guinea pig’s can’t eat almond butter.

Almond butter contains too much fat and sugar to be part of their diet. Instead, give your fuzzballs plenty of hay, vegetables and fresh water – that’s how you keep them.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Almond Shells?

Here’s a friendly warning – don’t let your guinea pigs eat almond shells! Trying to chomp them down could cause serious harm to you guinea pigs’ teeth and even if they break it apart there are indigestible toxins inside that’ll make them sick. Not everything crunchy was meant for guinea pigs’ munching.

So, if your guinea pig gets ahold of an almond shell, it’s best to take it away from them immediately. If they manage to swallow a piece, keep an eye on them for any signs of discomfort or distress. If you’re concerned, then it’s always best to reach out to your vet for advice.

Let’s Wrap Up

It’s cool to spoil your pets, but moderation is key – especially when it comes to feeding them almonds.

Excess sugar and fat can be bad news for guinea pigs so just give raw, natural almonds as a special treat now and then. Or better yet, stick with snacks that are specifically designed for guinea pigs like fresh veggies, hay and fortified pellets.

You should also avoid giving them almond shells or bitter almonds altogether as they can be toxic to your pet.


Nutrient requirements of the Guinea pig – Nutrient requirements of laboratory animals – NCBI bookshelf. (n.d.). National Center for Biotechnology Information.

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